Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why the United States is not prepared to stop the war?


It is because they want to beat China.  They want to beat China badly.

China is their first target, not Russia.

And they are in a completely safe situation to do this.  They knew that China is not going to interfere. (How did they know it?)

Ukraine is demanding unrealistic terms for a peace.

Its a message that the  United States do not want peace.

If they do not want peace, what do they want?

They are not warned to stop the war. 

 They can provide arms freely to Ukraine.  No one is to stop them.

And that helps their military economy.

The more they give,  the more they earn.

It is the last chance for the United States to stand strong.   And it is the last chance to beat China.

It must be stopped.

Ammunitions from United States must be stopped.

If the United States is not stopped,  the consequence will be difficult for all.  

Europe will become the real colony of the United States.  And China will be difficult.

If Europe is not to do business with Russia and China, then they will be down.

There will be a huge market for European people, if the war is stopped.  They must stand firm.

The outcome of the present situation is not acceptable.

If Russia is completely isolated, China will lose not only a friend, but an arm.   And the Middle-East will be in turmoil again.

It is totally unacceptable.

Peace is an award for fighters.
