Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why the next cycle of human culture will be preceded by turmoil?


Why the next cycle of human culture will be preceded by turmoil?

Almost none of our human culture can wake up from their old paradigm of thoughts.   China is the only exception of the cultures. But China is still in the crossroad.  The road of China is not fixed.   It is possible for them to go back the old route in several decades time. 

None of the world cultures can truely get away from their old paradigms.  They are dominated by their ancient thoughts until now.

Japan and Israel are the most obvious. They have never changed.  The United States are still in the road of pleasure seeking. India is more or less the same.

What had happened in Japan was not a revolution.  They were only defeated in the Second World War.

There will be a bigger turmoil or  change in the near future if all nations were using the same old pattern of minds.

The next cycle of human culture will have a new form of mind-set after that.

Up till now,  China is the only changing culture.  Yet it is not certain. Anything can happen after Xi.

Xi might have found a successor, but the secret underground network will overturn the young successor easily.  China will be in the hands of the United States  within the next 50 years.

It seems China is quitting away from the Confucius influence.  But it is quitting in the external level of administrative efforts only.

China is far from a strong castle for the world.

If China is built from the inside and have a stronger new mind,  she could be a lighthouse for the world suffering people.  Yet she is not.

If China is in the hands of the United States, the world will found no peace. One single power cannot rule the world.  The world will not be in place.  A bigger explosion will be near.

The next cycle of human culture will be preceded by turmoil.



What is Desire and Balance ?


The most dangerous thing is not sexual desire.

There was an expatriate in Hong Kong a few years ago.  He was a brilliant  financial manager. He earns lots of money.

But he can never satisfy his own sexual desire.

He can never cool down himself.  Maybe that is a kind of sickness,  he  just want to have more sex.

He brought one postitue into his own luxury apartment,  and he could not satisfy himself.   Maybe he drank too much,  maybe he was on drug.   He killed the postitue finally.  He left the body in his apartment and went downstairs to find another one. 

He was excited and aroused for a long time,  but he could not eject. He couldn't  release himself.

It is common for some extremely smart people.

And sexual desire is not the most dangerous.

They would ruin themselves in a very short time.  They will kill themselves sooner or later.  They are not dangerous to the world.

Some other more smart people can avoid this.

They can change their desire into another direction.

They will  aim at money and power instead.

Money and power are more satisfying.

In some extreme cases,  they would remain anonymous.

They are extremely talented to remain anonymous.

They can control the country and the world  without being known.

They do not realize that they are governed by a simple desire.  They work hard on this desire throughout their lives.

Why smart people like this cannot know such a simple fact?

It is because they had lost their balance in the brain.

They have a distinguished left brain,  they knew all the details.   They knew how things go.  They are extremely shrewd.   They can manage their power in a  subtle and complicated way  to run the country with their left brain.

But they cannot foresee the future without the help of the right brain.

They can never go up one level to see things.

Left brain calculation made them selfish.

They can only see their individual self.

And that constitutes our world affare.

It is dangerous.

It is completely useless to talk with such people.

How can kind-hearted people around the world to maintain world peace with such dominating powers in force?

So the world must be alerted.

You are talking with some extremely talented and not balanced people.

And you will not know who they are.

Only when the world felt the extremely strong  pushing force,  they know the secret one was behind.



A regret of Song Shen Zong


Song Shen Zong's 宋神宗Regret

Some terms are so familiar that people often overlook their special meanings. For example, the term "regret" signifies a kind of sorrow so profound that not even death can easy it.

Song Shen Zong's regrets, same with some other  emperors, are entirely the same: they all had certain ideals, plans, but due to the brevity of life and lack of successors, their aspirations were ultimately lost.

Compared to Song Shen Zong, Sun Quan孫權 of the Three Kingdoms era三國時代had much smaller regrets. Sun Quan, dissatisfied with his sons, as they knew only  vying for power.  He had no choice but personally took up arms and eliminated all his power-seeking sons, leaving only a young son. However, by that time, Sun Quan was  old and nearing the end of his life. He was forced to entrust the fate of the country to his youngest son, actually he was  handing power over to a group of ignorant women in the deep palace. Allowing such a group of ignorant individuals to wield power against cunning figures like Cao Cao曹操 and Sima Yi司馬懿, Sun Quan was powerless. This is the essence of "regret."

"Regret" is an inevitable product of Confucian politics. The issue with Confucianism is not "lineage" 血統 but "rule by men." 人治  Any one can only hold power for his brief time, and when he pass away, the entire structure will collapse.  Properly managed authority had always been impossible. Grand plans constructed by countless wise individuals will collapse at any moment after his life time.人亡政息

Song Shen Zong 宋神宗(Zhao Xu趙頊)'s efforts, compared to Sun Quan孫權, were much larger in scale. With the assistance of Wang Anshi王安石, Shen Zong implemented new policies and reformed the country. However, Wang Anshi's academic background still reflected Confucian thinking, which prevented them from foreseeing the inevitable events that would unfold in a few years. It's like a train heading towards a cliff; anyone wishing to act must do so before the train falls off the edge.

Shen Zong couldn't make things right before the fall. He had spent his life to reform politics. However, after his death, his ten-year-old son, Zhe Zong 哲宗(Zhao Xu趙煦), succeeded him. With a child emperor on the throne, essentially another ignorant woman assumed power—Empress Dowager Gao高太后, Shen Zong's mother.

In this regard, the old party  had a much longer-term vision.  They had already secured Empress Dowager Gao's高太后 favor through the back door. Therefore, upon Shen Zong's death, Empress Dowager Gao immediately summoned Sima Guang司馬光 back to court and abolished all of Wang Anshi's 王安石new policies.

The Confucian way of thinking has a certain hypnotic effect, causing people to forget that the nation's fate is hurtling along the tracks towards the cliff's edge.

This is the essence of "regret." Liang Qichao梁啟超 said that every time he read the Song Dynasty's history宋史, he couldn't help but feel deep sorrow. He used a more accurate term, "grief," 大慟which goes far beyond mere "regret."


 Addendum 2024:

After Shen Zong's death, the old party of the Song Dynasty immediately returned to power. All of Wang Anshi's new policies were canceled. This is the greatest flaw of traditional Chinese politics: "Any one can hold power, but collapses of his works and even the whole structure he had built are expected "人存政舉,人亡政息

It seems that nothing is permanent. Laws can be changed, constitutions can be amended. Once power changes hands, what was written down becomes empty.

What is eternal?

Can anything only get better and not worse?

Certainly, there is something.

There is a great force beyond human imagination, and that is vitality生命力.

Vitality leads to the destruction of corrupt states and the flourishing of new forces.

However, this great vitality still leaves people with regrets because a cycle may require a long time. Do you think it's easy for a corrupt state to fall? It can only be awaited with countless tears. It takes 500 years for another spring to come, which is too long.

If the universe's vitality is our final safeguard, then what other guarantees do we have?

How can we protect ourselves from decay?

Can we do it sooner?

Can we avoid the disaster that comes once every 500 years?

It is possible.

There is one more thing beyond laws, political systems, and even bank deposits.

Laws can be changed, politics and economics can change, and bank deposits are just virtual electronic numbers. Once a person dies, it all goes back to zero.

Chinese people say it returns to heaven.

It means you have to give up. Letting go and leaving everything to the universal force of vitality to handle.

In fact, there is no need to give up.

If you realize that the great vitality of the universe is actually "the heart," then everything becomes clear.

As long as the heart is present, good politics won't perish.

So do not let go.

Do not waste your energy on  virtual numbers and external businesses.

Keep up with the human heart is to embrace the future!

Of course, numbers must be grasped tightly. But the prerequisite is to  grasp the heart first.

Where there is a heart, there is a person. Where there is a person, there is business.

If the heart is not there, everything returns to zero.

All practical matters in the world are easy to handle. Where there are people, things are easy to accomplish!

Only the heart is the one that commands everything.

Do not let routine businesses command you.  Do not be a slave to your work.

With the heart, there are people to employ. Employ your people with their tools, for example, AI or BI.

Using the heart to use tools is the greatest principle.

Wang Anshi was mainly focused on works.  He was working tirelessly, and the only result was that Sima Guang司馬光 and his book, the so called "Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Governing", was returning to the power.

 Those without a heart can only weep in the void and wait for anothet five hundred years of cycles.

And sometimes I do have a second thought.   Could the heart be that useful?  Yes, because heart is not individual.  Heart could be linked up into networks. Networks can grow.  A strong mind-network can last thousands of years.  And it is not easy to  deteriorate so long if it is honest, noble and  selfless .

Humans are governed by mind networks.  It is proved by history.   Mind networks are much stronger than any written documents.

Important is to build a mind for the future.


(問到底 No.7001   2008 0414 Monday)











*神宗死, 宋朝的舊黨立即回朝。所有王安石的新政,全部取消。這就是中國傳統政治的最大弊端:  「人存政舉,人亡政息。」

































有時我會重新再思:   心有那麼大的用處嗎?   當然是肯定的。因為心不是個體。   心可以連成網絡, 網絡可以成長。   強大的心靈網絡可以持續數千年。  如果這心的網絡誠實而且高尚,絕不自私利己,長時間都不會變質。

 人類是受思維網絡管轄的。  歷史已經證明了心的力量。 思維網絡比任何書面文件都要強大得多。





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(本文第一次貼出日期: 2008.4. 13 香港時間: 5:50 pm)

修訂:  2024.5.24






 9029  三國合作是必要的嗎?170222

















a song: Sad Sad Maria



          Sad  Sad Maria   

 score and lyrics by Leechard


Whatever I saw in the dark evening

It must be something coming

inside my heart

Whenever I try to see

Darkness covers all

I couldn't see any light

You are the only power in my mind

Without you I couldn't go anywhere

Oh, my dear Maria

There must be some more light

Light  so bright

Run over countries, countries,  somewhere somewhere

It would be too long to wait


Whatever I saw in the dark evening

It must be something coming

inside my heart

Whenever I try to see

Darkness covers all

I couldn't see any light

You are the only power in my mind

Without you I couldn't go anywhere

Oh, my dear Maria

There must be some more light

Light  so bright

Run over books and books,  somewhere somewhere

It would be too long to wait


What is the inner meaning of the Yugoslavia bombing by the US?



What is the inner meaning?

The first  Communist country USSR was dissolved in 1991.

The next Communist country Yugoslavia was defeated in 1999.

The Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed at the same time. 

It is the result of the East and West conflict since the  Opium war in 1840 when the East was badly robbed and injured  by the West.

The conflict has been started.

USSR, Yogoslavia,  and in the  psychological hopes of some people:  China,  will be eliminated to protect the sole interest of the US.

That's why they send a special plane to bomb the Embassy of China at the height of their bombing excitement.

This inner conflict has not been stopped since.

Seen and unseen powers were pushing towards this end without stopping.

The external result of the bombing was academic.

Some people thought that an unmanned war was possible. 

They could win the war without sending land soldiers.

But the inner meaning of the academic result was never disclosed:

That a soft and unseen war was also possible.  

They could win the war without sending soldiers to have a "regime change".


Yugoslavia was bombed for 78 days. Any one with a feeling will be shocked by such barbaric action.

There is a strange reason for bombing if you search AI.

 AI engine would tell you that NATO are helping Kosovo to split from Yugoslavia as there was ethnic cleansing going on.

And you will wonder why they are not helping the Gaza people when the ethnic cleansing was real.




Why should I be here?


This is a question of importance.

This is a question that can lead the Chinese from the usage of science into the science itself.

What is science?

Some would say science is money.

And they could never reach science.

Maybe they can earn some temporary money.  But the money will be gone sooner or later if they know only the using of science provided by textbooks.

Yet  science is simple.

You only need to know how to ask questions.

But many people refuse to ask questions like this.

" Why should I be here? "........ This is a dangerous question for them.  Lots of people consider this is a question for maniacs.

But this is the question of the beginning of science and it is too naive for experts and specialists and highly  qualified people.

They are all outsiders of science if they refuse to ask this question, maybe they have their own answers already.

They would never be the follower of Galileo or  Newton, not to mention Kua Fu 夸父.

" Why" is a simple word.

But it is never easy.

It is the direction of culture, and,  more importantly, the meaning.



What makes China?


Why China is growing so fast?

Even the Europeans themselves cannot deny that China is growing quicker than many other Western countries.

It seems China has mastered using Western science and technology.

Yes they have mastered the usage of Western technology, though they have not mastered the Western science itself.

I hope the difference is not to be neglected.

They can use Western technology, yet they have not totally melted into the science.

They have not been following the paths of  Galileo, Newton and Einstein. 

However,  the ability in mastering Western technology is enough to make them rich.

They will be great if they can also master the science itself in the future.

And the question remains:

Why other countries cannot be so fast as the Chinese?

That is because they are mostly right-brainers.

They can leap over the complicated left-brain logic steps and quickly know how to do it via their right-brains.

And the right brain is better handled through the Chinese language.

That's why they can make better electronic vehicles, and even hydrogen powered buses.

And the next question is: how can the Chinese be failed?

Yes, they are good in making cars,  but they are weak in handling their own mind.

They are weak in handling internal affairs.

The war is fighting from within.

It is an unseen political war.

Western politicians are shouting loudly that they need regime change in Russia and Iran.

Will they kindly spare China?

Or,  the internal powers are already in the hands of the West?



a song: You are


You Are 

I thought I love you,  

you are my hero.

I felt from your light,

you are pure and bright.

Rising sun,

climbing up the hill.

Give a smile,

Shaking all the world.


You are mine.

What else could I have?

On my face,

it is all your choice.

Lyrics by Leechard,  2024



How lovely is the French people?


How did the French celebrate the birthday of the poet Victor Hugo?

(No.6931       2008 0204)

On February 26, 1881, the French celebrated poet Victor Hugo's birthday as a national event. Representatives from various levels of local government visited Hugo's home to offer congratulations. The President of the Senate had already conveyed the regards of the French government personally the day before. In Paris, a triumphal arch was erected on Avenue d'Eylau, and people were invited to pass by Hugo's window in a procession. Despite the cold February weather, Hugo stood at the open window all day, receiving cheers from 600,000 citizens who lined up to pay tribute. Countless flowers piled up along the roads, resembling a small mountain.

On this day, all levels of schools in France, including lycees, colleges, schools, and all penalties, were ordered to be pardoned. If you were in detention for incomplete homework and facing punishment, you would be forgiven.

This kind of enthusiasm was beyond imagination. Celebrating the birthday of a "poet" and granting amnesty to all students nationwide? Such a thing would never happen in China, the United States, or even the United Kingdom. Is it because the French are particularly romantic? Are they idealists?

Victor Hugo represented the spirit of openness in France. His masterpieces like "Les Misérables" and "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame"  <Notre-Dame de Paris> still symbolize the beauty of the human soul today. 

At the age of eighty, Hugo was still embroiled in scandalous love affairs. Despite his devotion to women and good deeds associated with them, he faced continuous controversies. He had once disclosed his own misery:

"A long and honourable life; eighty years; devotion; good actions in association with women, for women, by women…………"

If we recall Lincoln's famous quote in 1863, "of the people, for the people, by the people," we would be even more perplexed.

In the midst of the openness in French spirit lies this contradiction. Hugo's works are luminous and beautiful, reserving desires and darkness for himself and not selling them to others. However, the world today seems to be the opposite—desires and darkness taking the lead, with works reflecting negativity. The positive souls can only weep under the table.

(*Reference: Victor Hugo, by Andre Maurois, translated from the French Olympio: La Vie de Victor Hugo by Gerard Hopkins, Alden Press, London, 1956*)


How the Chinese people mourned Qu Yuan today....


(問到底 No.6931 2008 0204 Monday)


一八八一年二月二十六日,法國人把雨果的生日當作一件國家大事。這一天,無數各級地方政府派人來到雨果家裡祝賀。參議院主席早一天已經親自代表法國政府前來致意。巴黎市民在德埃洛大道(Avenue d'Eylau )建造了一座凱旋牌坊,而民眾都應邀在雨

這一天,全法國各級學校,包括了lycees, colleges, schools, 所有的懲罰,都明令赦免。如


或者是的。雨果是法蘭西開放精神的代表。他的傑作《悲慘世界》、《巴黎聖母院》等,直到今日,仍是人類美好靈魂的像徵。而同一時間,雨果雖然已經八十高壽,仍不斷被桃色事件糾纏不息。他有情婦多人,而他曾經這樣描述自己的苦惱:"A long and honourable life; eighty years; devotion; good actions in association with women, for women, by women…………" 如果我們仍記得林肯在1863年那句名言:"of the people, for the people, by the people",


(參考:Victor Hugo, by Andre Maurois, translated
from the French
Olympio: La Vie de Victor Hugo by Gerard Hopkins, Alden Press, London, 1956)





What is so different about our time that war is more imminent than before?


What is so different about our time that war is more  imminent than before?

 Everything is not determined on the table.

Everything is determined under the table.

It is obvious in the United States.

If things are determined on the table,  then people will be honest.  People will keep their promise.

If the things are determined by a secret power,  then people will be forced to lie.

A promise is not a promise anymore.

It is not because any one of these people is evil,  they were only puppets.  They cannot determine things by their own reasoning.  They can only act on what they are told.

The secret power is so powerful  that they believe they can do anything they like.

And this is the major threat of war in our time.

A peaceful negotiation between the three powers are not possible anymore.

It is not possible anymore.  People are only lying to themselves if they believe it is possible.

The secret powers in the United States were in charge since or before the Kennedy days.

Maybe Kennedy is the first victim of the secret power.

Future historians will call our time the dark times.

No one is free under the secret manipulation.

A war is imminent.

Only a few wise country could avoid being destroyed by this imminent war if they are well prepaired.

Anyone who believes in a peaceful resolution between the United States, Russia and China will be the first to die.