Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why the supernatural needs to be


Why the supernatural needs to be acknowledged?

Suppose you can fly. 

Suppose you can fly in unlimited speed. 

Suppose you can fly deep into the universe.  

Suppose you want to find the edge of the universe. 

Suppose you came to such a place so far that you thought it must be the edge of the universe and you look outside.

And then you realize that the universe has got no edge. 

 There is no end for your journey.  

You can fly into the outside of the universe, but there is no outside.  Because you're still in the universe.

It is an unimaginable feeling.

The universe has filled up all the spaces.  And there is no outside for the space.

Now you can sit down on the universe and think.

This is a space of no boundary.

There is no door in this imagine wall of the universe.

There is no limit, no wall, no nothing.  There is no outside.

It is all inside.

There is no upper floor above your head.

And there is no lower floor under your feet......

Maybe you will try to locate the center of the universe.

And there is no center in the universe.

You can travel as far as you can. But there is no end.

If there is no end, there must be no beginning. And there will not be any centre point in this universe.

You can only say we are "in" the universe.

And you can never locate your exact location in the universe.

Where are we?

We are in the planet earth.

Where are our planet earth?

We are in the  Galaxy of so and so.

Where's the Galaxy of so and so?

It is in the area of so and so....

And there is no end of this places, if humans are able to measure a few of them.

Therefore, the question "where are we" cannot be answered.

And you may wonder why I need to know where are we. 

If a correct location is given to you, are you satisfied?

No.   Because you know there will not be any correct location in this universe until you can locate the  boundary of this universe.

If I do not need to know my location and I am living very well,  then, what am I living for?

Now we are coming back to the same old questions:-

Where are we?

What are we?

Where are we going?

And,  more importantly,

What is our fate?

All questions are better related if you know that

1.  There is no outside of this universe.

2.   There is no ending of this universe.

3.   There is no beginning of this universe.

  (And life is the same:  )

4.   There is no beginning and ending of life.

5.    Life is forever.

What am I going to do? If life is never ending?

The answer is simple.

You can choose.

Although there is a fate for you.

But still you can choose anything under your fate.

And  we cannot forget about the supernatural.

Do I still have a free will under the supernatural?

And the answer must be  positively yes.

Yes, we are free.

On condition that we can think.
