Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


In what manner is the collective subconscious of the British people?

 In what manner is the collective subconscious of the British people?

Strictly speaking, today's Britain has become a satellite state of America. What is even more peculiar is that this kind of satellite state, without the constraints of international treaties, still defers to its suzerain. What secret agreements exist between them, I believe only a few in the high echelons of power know, something the common folk could not possibly be aware of.

The collective subconscious of the British people is quite evident. Every November, they create an excuse for themselves, then wear poppies on their lapels. Ostensibly, it is to commemorate the fallen of the First World War. But in reality, it is a remembrance of the Opium Wars. Back then, Britain was at the height of its power, in its finest days.

By reminiscing about the past, one can also momentarily conceal the shame of being willingly subservient.

For whose benefit is this grandeur displayed? Every November, sometimes even as early as October, they most enjoy visiting China. In front of the Chinese, they proudly wear poppies.

The Chinese can only sympathize, understanding that some individuals need to live off the glory of the past.

(The Britons have never improved, not to say change.)

英國人的集體潛意識怎樣? 20160401

嚴格講, 今日的英國, 已經成為美國的附庸國。而更加奇怪是, 這一類的附庸國, 沒有國際條約的約朿, 但對於所附庸的宗主國, 卻是言計聽從。他們之間有甚麼秘密協議, 相信只有政權高層少數人知道,國民是不可能知道的。

英國人的集體潛意識是很明顯的。每年十一月, 他們都會為自己製造一個藉口, 然後把鴉片花帶在襟上。表面上是要記念第一次大戰的亡靈。但實際上, 卻是緬懷鴉片戰爭。那時, 英國是國勢滔天, 是最美好的日子。

緬懷過去, 亦可以使甘心附庸的恥辱,遮掩一下。

威風給誰看呢? 每年十一月, 有時甚至提早到十月, 他們最喜歡訪問中國。就在中國人的面前, 驕傲地戴上罌粟花。

中國人只能體諒, 有的人, 是需要靠光榮的過去過日子的。

(英國人從未改進, 更不要說改變了。)
