Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Insight - Is it possible to create it?


Insight -  Is it possible to create it?

I used to think if ten thousand pupils were trained with very fluent thinking skills, it could be  helpful for the economy.

Fluency training is easy.  It needs only time.

For example,  can you put a three dimensional object into a two dimensional paper?

It is drawing.

If you draw five hundred pictures a day,  soon you will obtain a technique  turning  any object into photo quality drawings easily.

Same is music playing, or essay writing.

If you practice it every day, every week,  twenty years later,  you can possibly make a living with it. 

But it might not be helpful to create insight.

Insights need fluency. But fluency cannot create insight.

It's like food. Eating can help you survive, but if you wish to achieve more,  you need to put blood into it.

The  Chinese story of the Monkey King is stimulating.

He was oppressed and suppressed under a huge rock for five hundred years and became a  genius.

Not every oppressed and suppressed people could be  genius,  there were numerous sad stories to prove it.  

There might be no formula for insight.   There might be no formula for genius.

You can work hard,  You can use up all your blood and all your life, and please do not expect miracles to happen, though you will achieve something valuable.

You can have a complete dedicational  life.    But it is strange that people with insight do not expect earthly reward.

They achieve, but needing not to receive....


One last word worth  mentioning is that: 

There is no insight in AI mechines.

Do no expect to produce insight from machines.

If insights are so easily obtainable, humans will have no hope and be ruined.

There are fluency people everywhere.  

Do not surrender to them.



Unpowered drone - Can you make it?


Unpowered drone - Can you make it?

The drone must be unpowered.   If it is using no power,  then it can fly a long time.   For how long does it need?  A year or two is perfect.

And it will not be totally unpowered.  Only that its movement is not powered.   You can add a little solar power for its communication.   Solar power might not be ideal.   Perhaps you can create some power source from the cold temperature or  electric charges in the air.

It could be in the shape of a flying spinning top,  but got wings like a butterfly.  

The four wings of the  butterfly would be designed as a  help for the spinning top to modify its balance, and help the spinning butterfly flying a longer time while remain connected.

Being connected means it can be controlled like an ordinary drone.

And you can create patches of butterflies.   They are self connected to each other within the same patch.  To manipulate a patch is much more easier than a single.

What's the use of it?

If you fly huge numbers of   spinning top butterflies on air,   and they could stay up  for one year or more, then what will happen?

It means the satellite networks will be totally useless.........

It will be the next round of space  competition.

And it has already been started.



Innovation Tech - What is the relation between innovation and technology?


Innovation Tech - What is the relation between innovation and technology?

The biggest difficulty for innovation is technology.

If there is no technology then there will be no innovation.

You can have your dream.

But you need to have some technology to execute your dream.

The following is a dream.

First you prepare a very strong air-mat on the ground.

Than you drive your little car on it, just to test how strong an air-mat can resist the pressure of the car.

Later,  you will find it no good  using  a mat to test the air pressure.

Because the tubes of the wheels can show the pressure needed.

All these are simple technologies.

And then you think,  may be a turbo fan could produce enough air presure to lift up the car above the ground.

This is your dream to make a flying car. 

And all these technologies are for sale in the market.

You just need some money to buy it.

Enough money, you can buy satellites.  Or you can buy a rocket to make satellites.

And you can buy enough technology to make a reusable rocket,  then you can throw a hundred or a thousand satellites to the space.

And someone will kindly tell you that there is no technology to make a rocket like that.  You have to make it yourself.

Now it is a crucial moment.

You need to invest enough money to push people to work for it.

And now you might have another dream.

You thought about butterflies.

How can the butterflies fly across the ocean from the South to the North without stopping?

If you can create a butterfly network,  maybe the result is better than ten thousand satellites.

Do you have the technology to create a network?

How can you buy it?

And now you have another dream.

A balloon could do the job.

Your balloon is a small balloon. It is in the size of 0.1mm  in diameters.

 And you need to have more experiments to test about the size of the balloons.   Maybe the size of a butterfly is better.  And wings could be antennas.

All you need is the technology to calculate the air current.

You can send a thousand buckets full of these small balloons into the air without much effort.

They will stay in the air forever.

Now comes another time of technology.

Can you buy technology to work for it?

Someone will tell you,  the cheapest thing is technology.

And you agree.

Because you thought you might be able to charge the  balloons with electricity.

Then you can manipulate clouds.

And then you might be able to push lightnings to a special direction. All these are the efforts of technologies. 


But dreams are forever dreams,  if you are not equipped with technology.

Money can't buy everything.

Only huge efforts can.

Now you have a balloon network at work.

And now you have a lighting system at work.

What else do you need doing?


All you need is a management system: to manage the relations between dreams and technologies.

What is the management system? 

Its a vision.

All you need is a vision of dreams:   The road to success.



Reading - How important is it?


Reading - How important is it?

People are reading less and less these days.   People  prefer video entertainment more than reading.   And sometimes they prefer listening more than reading. 

   The literature form of "short story"  has been changed already in China.  Most of them were spoken in the internet.  Few were in printed version.

What is the result if most of the people given up reading?

Foolishness will be created.

You need to use your brain to transfer the words into ideas in reading.  If you choose to listen to someone speaking rather than reading,  its more easier,  because you are not using the brain.

Concepts and ideas will be loosely floating and there will not be firm convictions.

All people know the long term result if the brains are not used.

It will lead to the ruin of the whole country.

Parents or teachers can't take up the job in helping children using the brain.

Because it is a super turning trend of the modern society. 

Every country is changing. 

Humans will not know where to go because they don't read.



Music - Why music is important?


Music - Why music is noble? 

Music can help you think,  music can help you swing.

Swinging is the external rhythm,  swinging music can help you move.

More is the internal rhythm. They can help to manage your inner tempo.

If you are a writer, of course you need some internal rhythm to help you. 

It's more than a thinking process.

Good music can help  soothing your mood, and bring you to a higher place to see.

I can never forget my experience in hearing  Tchaikovsky Swan Lake. 

It is more than music.  It is a kind of philosophy.   You'll know what to do in your life.  

One  Saturday afternoon,  I felt shocked and deeply moved when the video came to an end.

It seemed all my suffering had a reason.

I was changed.

And of course, not everyone could have that feeling.  You need to have some experience to get the feeling.   If you have never been suffering,  you will not have it,  you won't get the meaning the music composer Tchaikovsky is telling you.

I would say that's more than music.  It is inner communication.  It is strength.  You will be much stronger when you have that feeling. 

My music experience is more than Tschaikovsky.  Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Vivaldi, Schubert......and many  Chinese revolutionary opera and songs,  are my good companions.

They are totally different from swinging music.

Some modern music is more than swinging.

Deafening noise and strong beat can push young people to the material trap when their inner movement is stopped.

They will find studying difficult.   Thinking is a hard work for them.   Reading  is a nightmare.

Good music can bring a whole nation upward,  bad music can ruin them.

People will not like lower taste if they like music.

Eating and earthly pleasure is not attraction for them.

Because they have a higher aim in life.



How frightening is the uniqueness of your life?


How frightening is the uniqueness of your life?


At first, it seems to be frightening,  and then you find that it's more than frightening. It is striking.

It is strikingly beautiful,  or it is strikingly frightening.

I'm not playing with words. If you saw the reality, you will think it is not enough.   The uniqueness of your life is more than that.

What is the uniqueness of your life?

It is a long string of unending formulas, plus numbers and alphabets.  It is more than your DNA, RNA, and genes.  It is an unending formula. And this formula is you.

There is no other same formula in this world. 

What does it mean?

Even though you're from a twin, yet your twin is different from you.

From the non-beginning of time,  till the non-ending of time,  it means what?

It means forever.

And you're the only one in this  splendid forever.

And then you find someone you love,  And then you'll find someone you concern. And there could be more than one. If you are concerned about your country,  there will be tens of billions more formulas, more unending formulas adding into your uniqueness.

It is a frighteningly and strikingly long, long string of unending formulas added together.

And this formula is the only one.  There will not be another same formula happen again.

Your uniqueness is multiplied.

Yet it will not happen again.

If you have been surviving in this world, if you have been surviving in this time era, there will not be a second chance for you. What you have is this only one chance. 

 Isn't it striking? Isn't it frightening?

Yes, you can have only one chance.  But if you can remember what I have said about the deeds of  life, you will be happy.

What is deeds?

Deeds are all the things you have been doing. And they will stay forever in this world and next, and next....

Who are you?

You are not the unending formulas.

And let me repeat once more.

You're not that long string of unending formulas,  numbers and alphabets.

 You are not the DNA your doctor told you what you are.

Don't let the string of scary formulas frighten you.

You are the deeds you have done.

You are the best you have been doing.

For example, if you ask me who I am, who you are?

I'll tell you, I am my deeds.

I'll tell you, I am what I am writing here.

And this is me.

And what about you?

You are what you have been reading here.  And it is you also.

This is a special message.

If you have been reading long.  It is OK. Because it is here. It will never be destroyed.

Yes, we are the deeds we have been doing.

And this is the only chance we can do anything.

Therefore, you have to make sure that these deeds are beautiful.  It's just worth to do.

It is meaningful.  And meaningful is beautiful.

Your life is meaningful in this way. 

You are beautiful.

Although it is the only chance. But it will survive. It will last.  It will last in time.

Later, I'll tell you what is time. It is the same strikingly beautiful.

However, it has been too long I'm writing here.

Maybe it is enough for today.

Please remember:

This is a beautiful Saturday.

And tomorrow is Sunday.

There will be more deeds tomorrow.

See you.

We are all in this unending formulas once and never again.

Bye from now.



Evil DNA - Will there be evil DNA in human?

Evil DNA - Will there be evil DNA in human?

The DNA is a neutral code.  There won't be a positive side or negative side in DNA.

But the question points to another question. 

The other question is:   Why are there evil persons on earth?   Are they born evil?

Ancient philosophers in China have different answers.

According to Confucius,  human nature is kind and positive.  It seems to be acceptable,  but it is not true.  DNA is not positive or negative,  its only neutral.

Zhuang Zi thought humans do have a choice.  

No one is born evil or human.  It is your choice created the evil or human.

You can choose to be evil  or you can choose to be human.

It is the same in international relations.

You can choose to be an evil country,   or a human country.

This is the most important question to answer.

All other problems will be strengthened, if the question answered properly.



Tears - Why is it important?


Tears - Why is it important?

Tears can help you go up one floor to the higher scenery.

If you can weep,  then you might see.

Some people can only laugh, their vision is perhaps limited.

Tear is a path to a higher view.

You need to be shocked.

You need to have some feeling in you guts.

The guts are jumping slowly up and down.  You can held it back no more and then you fear no more, you will not shy to hide your tears.  You want to share the feeling.

It is a precious moment. 

Sunshine is going into your mind.

People are busy studying how to eat, how to enjoy a better life and how to earn big money.  There is no time for a deep feeling.

The time is used up already.

And this is a dangerous moment.


Please see how Macarova and Dowell dance in The white swan pas de deux in Swan Lake......

