Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese









Will Wei Xiaobao and  eunuch culture be dominant?

At first, it was thought that Hong Kong promoting Jin Yong was just providing some entertainment, stimulating the economy a bit. Whether it can truly stimulate the economy is beside the point, but looking at this momentum, coming in like a storm, newspapers and TV stations are fully engaged. It seems like a certain policy has already taken shape. Nowadays, Confucius is no longer relevant. So, could Wei Xiaobao be more popular?

The above newspaper clippings are thought-provoking. A group of the most influential cultural leaders standing together, what does it signify?

It means a certain policy has already taken shape.

Wei Xiaobao may be able to represent a portion of Hong Kong people. Skilled at maneuvering, pleasing others, smooth-talking, and also lecherous. Is this Chinese culture? In fact, it is eunuch culture.

Wei Xiaobao is the crux of Jin Yong's novels. I believe in the near future, it will be included in textbooks of all schools.

Wei Xiaobao and  eunuch culture will be dominant.

What is Hong Kong up to? It's becoming clearer and clearer.
