Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


American wealth: Why the American wealth is not from science?

 Why the American wealth is not from science?

 American wealth is from its politics. 

 Actually it is from its secret side of  politics.

 Secret side means secret control. 

 Secret control helps the politics running smoothly without interference from anyone except the real boss of the wealth.

 No one is strong enough to fight against the secret boss,  even you are richest like Elon Musk.

 The world has entered another era aside from the  British colonialism.  

 We might be too late to realize this.  Actually it happened 100 years ago. 

 The United States can secretly controlled 35 university heads to support Hu Shih by giving him  honorary degrees to win the battles in Chinese culture in the last  century.   Any one with a clear mind will know that was a secret control.  According to Hu's memory, sometimes he earned two honorary degrees in one day.


 What era is the era after the British colonialism? 

 It is the era of American secret politics.

 The secret politics has two ways to control the world and its wealth.

 One is to siege foreign  government powers as well as foreign minds in the name of "Democracy".

Two is the internal control of the American government with a complete set of elections which are running under huge sources of money no ordinary people can afford.

 And control is more than government positions.   The control is for minds and value.

 America is a country without love.   A  comment by mother Theresa. 

"Love is not important",  this is the lesson of  Abraham in the  Old Testament,  adapted and accepted by all religion leaders in the West.

 Then what is important? 

 You don't need to ask and they won't tell you:  Money is everything in the era of  American secret politics, sometimes it is in the name of a  "God" who had asked  Abraham to kill his son to prove obedience.

 Money is important and love is not important.

  United States is a rich nation.    Its wealth is from many sources.   But the secret politics is a strong arm to grab everything, including wealth and secret powers.

 To compare United States with Germany or France,    these older European countries with a sound knowledge of Western culture but less or no secret arms can never be as rich as the United States. 

 Europeans are falling behind,  this is important factor.

 Secret controllers can  create wealth.   They can give away doctorates,  or even  Nobel Prizes,  but it is fatal for themselves.  It might be the  final destruction factor for an era of secret politics:  They have no concern, no love,  and a weak emotion for literature and music.

 There will be no Beethoven,  no Shakespeare, no Hugo,  no Tolstoy in the United States.

 Lack of balance is  fatal for a giant.


**List of Honorary Doctorates Received by Hu Shih:

(a temporary reseach, need to be confirmed)**

- **1935**: University of Hong Kong - Doctor of Laws

- **1936**: Harvard University, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          University of Southern California, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1939**: Columbia University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Chicago, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1940**: Wesleyan University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Duke University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Clark University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Bowdoin College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Yale University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Union College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Bryn Mawr College, USA - Honorary Doctorate 

          University of Pennsylvania, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1941**: University of California, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          McGill University, Canada - Doctor of Letters  

          Forest Lake College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Dickinson College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Midwestern University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Toronto, Canada - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Vermont, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1942**: Dartmouth College, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          Denison University, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          State University of New York, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          Ohio State University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Rutgers University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Oberlin College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Wisconsin, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Tulane University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Northeastern University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Princeton University, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1943**: Brooklyn College, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1945**: University of Oxford, UK - Doctor of Laws

- **1949**: Kurokote University, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1950**: Claremont Graduate University, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1959**: University of Hawaii, USA - Doctor of Humanities

       1935年    香港大学                        法学博士
       1936年    美国哈佛大学                    文学博士
                 美国南加洲大学                  文学博士
       1939年    美国哥伦比亚大学                法学博士
                 美国芝加哥大学                  法学博士
       1940年    美国韦斯尔阳大学                法学博士
                 美国杜史大学                    法学博士
                 美国克拉大学                    法学博士
                 美国卜隆大学                    法学博士
                 美国耶鲁大学                    法学博士
                 美国联合学院                    法学博士
                 美国柏令马学院                 栄譽博士(?)
                 美国宾州大学                    法学博士
       1941年    美国加州大学                    法学博士
                 加拿大麦吉尔大学                文学博士
                 美国森林湖学院                  法学博士
                 美国狄克森学院                  法学博士
                 美国密达瑞学院                  法学博士
                 加拿大多朗多大学                法学博士
                 美国佛蒙特州大学                法学博士
        1942年   美国达脱茅斯学院                文学博士
                 美国第纳逊大学                  文学博士
                 美国纽约州立大学                文学博士
                 美国俄亥俄州立大学              法学博士
                 美国罗却斯德大学                法学博士
                 美国奥白林学院                  法学博士
                 美国威斯康辛大学                法学博士
                 美国妥尔陀大学                  法学博士
                 美国东北大学                    法学博士
                 美国普林斯顿大学                法学博士
       1943年    美国伯克纳尔大学                文学博士
       1945年    英国牛津大学                    法学博士
       1949年    美国柯鲁开特大学                文学博士
       1950年    美国克莱蒙研究院                文学博士
       1959年    美国夏威夷大学                  人文博士
