Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


American Balance: Can the American people remain rich forever?

 Can the American people remain rich forever? 

 Culture is important for national wealth.  Other factors like resources or individual talents would help.   But it needs a complete set of culture to support a long term wealth for a nation.

United States will not remain rich forever.

Because they are lacking some element in their culture. What are they lacking?  

The Americans have inherited a  philosophical mind from the ancient Greek culture. They have the skill in reasoning power. However their culture is not well balanced.

 Early Americans might have suffered from the bitter memory of puritanism that they choose to go the other end from austerity. They are seeking personal happiness more than anything else.  

 It is a mixture of individualism plus self- indulgence with the supporting mindset of a reasoning power that produces  freedom for creativity.

 From Thomas Edison to the early auto industry tycoon  Henry Ford, and from the iPhone developer Steve Jobs to the  time of AI scientist  now,  United States geniuses are always leading the way.

 The question is how long could they lead the world and can the United States be rich forever? 

 Opposite is the Chinese collectivism. They are thinking more for the fate of mankind than individual well-being.  They would  care more about the feeling of others. It is not so free like individuals who cares for nothing except his own aim.

  Will the care for others reduce your creativity?  Its an important question.

Self-less or self-forgotten pattern of mind is a different approach towards a goal. 

And now is a  competition time between the self-indulged individualism and the selfless mind of concern.

Will China or America be the next winner in pursuiting wealth for not a single country but the globe? 

The next bigger issue of modern warfare had suddenly appeared.

 It is a new kind of secret warfare to replace the old style  colonialism.   It has been developing almost 100 years.  Yet, few of the political talents all around the world have an awareness towards this secret war.

The Chinese are seeking friends  all around the world.  But  American  tycoons  are not looking for friends. They are looking for "allies",  this is a name for subordinates, or  servants, or slaves. 

 They had developed a whole set of secret warfare tactics, techniques, and well trained personnels to capture the minds as well as positions of the target governments.   The targeted government will turn overnight to be the useful tool of the United States in the name of "democracy."

 It is this secret warfare keeping the Americans rich. 

 Source of wealth is not in scientific innovations,  but the absolute loyalty of the supporting "allies".

 You'll find another scenery if you go higher to see the future of the American culture.

 It is in two main streams.

 The first main stream is the reasoning power of the American culture:   they are using the left brain more. 

They tend to be analytical and external.  They are reluctan to feel the whole picture from within.

It is inherited from the Greek culture. 

Other mainstream is the stream of emotion.   

Emotion is more than the feeling of love.   It has been a hot fight between Jesus and the Jewish culture.  One said love is important while the  other insisted that love is not important.  

 When love is regarded as not important,  the evil side of human nature will be  dominant.

 Love is more than a feeling.  Love can help to see the ultimate goal of life.

 Sometimes you need to know what you like, what you want,  but you need a higher emotion to guide you to the other shore.

You need to have a purpose of your culture. 

The American culture is running with one stream stronger than the other.

 The emotional stream is weaker than their reasoning stream. They cannot balance themselves well enough.

 With the successes in secret wars, the Americans have built up an empire  which could be lasting longer than expected.

 The funny side is happening all round the world.

 Most of the world leaders have been working hard to promote science,  which is only a branch of the reasoning power.  yet not fewer of the leaders have been working hard for  religion,  which is related more to emotion.

 And it is extremely dangerous for them to overlook the existence of a secret warfare. 

 They knew it, but they don't know how to do it. 

 The motto is only in two lines.

 Ask, and you will receive. 

 Love, and you will be loved.


