Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Cycles - How much time has left for us?


Cycles - How much time has left for us?

It shouldn't have been a problem for humans.   It is too long to imagine.

 People are keep talking about the final destruction of human beings, it seems there is no hope.

 It was said that the planet has only 4.5 billion years to go.

 Some argue that the time will be much shorter,  as the suitable survival time could have been only 800 million.   After that will be too hot or too dry to survive.

 What is the concept of 800 million?

 Better change it into "cycles" to think.

 Suppose each "cycle" lasts for 10000 years:  it is more or less the  civilization time of humans.  Suppose civilizations were born 10000 years ago till now.

 If we put 10000 as one "cycle",  then we could have 79999 more "cycles" to go. Making up a total of 80000 cycles.

Can we imagine the "2nd cycle" of development? We might have lots of wars,  and lots of improvements. May be the "3rd cycle" will be a  cycle of no war.

 Internal evolution is not easy to predict.  We might be in the status of a wonderful time by the "4th cycle", when internal communication is no more problem in human beings.  There might not be evil on this planet.

What about the remaining 79996 cycles?

 Who can write a future story with each chapter telling 10000 years of human story in a total of 80000 Chapters?

 Anything could happen and anything is possible within the time span of merely 10000 years as one cycle.


When humans  are actually  composing, there will be a wonderful time ahead.

And we might have 79999 cycles more to go---on earth only.P

 Can you imagine the unimaginable?

 Its exciting.


The writer was home already,  with 5 days stayed in a hospital bed.

