Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Using the right brain to cook and the Western Mindset


 Using the Right Brain to Cook

 Left brain is for collecting data.

 You need to cook them up with your right brain. 

 Its a simple approach to explain a complicated thing.

 There is a much complicated process about the right and left thinking.

 Yet we need to have a simple mind to reach complicated realities.  

 Right brain is not only for cooking.   

Right brain can search and feel situations more than left brain.

A talanted right brainer can reach conclusions faster than the left brainers.

 A talented right brainer  can foresee things to happen.

  It is an important feature in war time or complicated  games in the economy field.

 Yet the right brain is a simple cooker for the common people. 

 Common people study hard to collect data.   But they will not know the meaning of the data.  They need to use the right brain to cook it up.

 This is the basic usage of the right brain. 

 Yet  right brain dominance can be fatal sometmes.

 Right brain people always refuse left brain data to  enter their right brain.

 They can see, hear and read. But they will not let the external data to come into their treasured right brain. 

 Because they do not trust external data.  And that is suicidal.

 An over-used right brain can overcook.

 Overcook can lead to explosion.

 Cultural revolution in China is an explosion of right brains,  but it is a far more  complicated process needs to  elaborate more.


The Western Mindset

 A simple right brain cooking is for individuals. 

 But humans are not using their brains only.   A mind is behind the brain.  And upon the minds,   There are mind- sets.  When  a bigger mind-set is in force,  individuals can only follow.  They can use their own brains no more.

 And this is the tragedy of the Western culture.  

 I will put it into a very simple way here:

 The Western Mindset is dictated by an ancient book created by some wise people of left brain dominance.

1. You are not allowed to reach the fruits of wisdom.

2. You are a sinner because you do not obey.

3.  If you obey you will be given land of milk and honey.

4.  You can kill other people as they are not chosen.

 *The above is the basic mindset of the Western culture.

 *A mindset is above the mind. 

 *All minds are not free under this mindset.

 *The worst of this mindset is the following:

5.  The universe has a beginning and an end.

6. There will be no future for humans and the universe.

* The above is a wrong logic.  To complement the wrong logic needs to include  fancies of heaven and hell.

*Jesus had tried to correct this logic:

7.  Jesus had introduced love. 

8.  Jesus said love is more important than rites (obedience).

9.  Jesus said humans need to search for wisdom. He will send a "holy spirit" to help humans to search wisdom.

*  The teachings of Jesus are two direct confrontations with the Old Testament:

* One:  You need to love*

    (do not obey to kill)

*Two:  You need to search for wisdom*

     (it means it is not sin to eat the fruits on the wisdom tree) 

     ( It means the churches are all wrong. )
