Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


How did Jesus fight against the Old Testament?

 The Old Testament and New Testament are two different kinds of philosophies.

 After Jesus's death,  people found the Old and New Testaments were put together,  seems that nothing had happened.

 When Jesus said he is the son of god,  the general belief is that he is the son of the Old Testament god:  the god who had punished Adam and Eve because they had eaten the fruits of the Wisdom tree,  and the god who had granted Abraham the land of milk and honey, because Abraham obeyed him. 

This is the origin of wars afterwards.  Tragedies have never stopped.

 But the god of Jesus might not be the same with the god of Abraham.

It is because the two philosophies are completely different. Their thoughts must be from different sources.

There are two major themes in the mind of Jesus.

One is love,  the other is truth, or wisdom.


 The Old Testament had Ten Commandments.  But Jesus had one Commandment of Love.

 Yet the general Western people had only Ten Commandments in the mind,  seldom do people remember the Commandment of Love.

 Before Jesus died,  He told his disciples that he will send a "helper" for them to seek truth.  He meant a spirit is important to seek truth. 

 And it turned out to be the "holy spirit" afterwards,  and the later church people had put  "the holy father", "the holy son" and "the holy spirit" as one trinity to worship, neglecting the original meaning of the spirit is a helper for humans to seek truth.


 Worship is a form of sacrifice.

 Jesus doesn't like sacrifices.  He said he prefer love to sacrifices.

 In the Book of John,  chapter 8, section 44,  Jesus said:

"You are of  your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth. Because there is no truth in him.   When he speaks a lie, He speaks from his own resources. For he is a liar and the father of it."

It was after the Jews had just said: "Abraham is our father."

Abraham was a murderer if he obeyed his god to kill his own son.  He  killed a ram instead because at the last moment his god had a ram for him to kill to replace his own son. 

Will a god order his people to kill?  May be not. The orders were from the high priests.

It was an act of devil to take and accept killings as a sacrifice. It must be a lie from a liar. Devils want people to worship and obey more than loving.

And the last thing about the confrontation between Jesus and the Old Testament is that Jesus promotes wisdom while  the old story insisted that the fruits from the Wisdom tree is not allowed for humans.  It is a challenge by Jesus.  In that context, seeking truth is not a sin. The story is a lie.

 Jesus has said he is using a kind of figurative language to tell the truths.  It means he is using parables to explain every thing.  Human knowledge can only understand a little bid of the secrets of the Universe. So parable is the only way to delivery a subtle message.  It is like if you wish to explain science, history and literature to a three year old kid,  you need to tell stories in parables.

More importantly, it seems to be  a simple thing for people not in the mind-sets of the West.

However, the Western people had been living in the old teachings for thousands of years and they will find it difficult to against it.

For example,  "light" is a thing we cannot understand in our level of knowlwdge when Jesus said: "While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light"  And I  wish to say, the so-called "light" may be some kind of spirit or intuition.  However,  there is no prove of it.

The only comfort is a line from Jesus:  "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"

If future people can change their mind to escape the rulings of the old mind-set,  the world will be happier and free.

They will have a longer time of peace.
