Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Taboos about Left and Right Balance of the Brain


All other factors, such as emotional misuse and the bondage of desires, are unimportant.

The so-called six-dimensional thinking—up, down, left, right, forward, and backward—represents emotions and desires, the left brain and the right brain, progress and regression. Although it has significant research value and is critically important, it becomes secondary compared to this major taboo.

The major taboo is not knowing that the pursuit of knowledge requires using the right brain.

The general impression is that seeking knowledge is merely about studying, at most adding reconnaissance and measurement, and then synthesizing and arranging the data obtained from the left brain, believing that one has grasped the truth and every thing is ok.

There are indeed distinctions between low-level and high-level understanding.

A low-level understanding is like a pretty woman in love. The other party always tries to show her their strengths. Intentionally or unintentionally, they let her glimpse of their wallet, designer shoes, watches, and even book a helicopter to take her to an expensive restaurant in Macau. She has long forgotten her mother's lesson that "people may appear one way but feel another,"(知人口面不知心) and she is bound to suffer a great loss. Unfortunately, she lean towards the left brain too far, and she can only blame God. God has not activated her right brain, she cannot perceive well. She cannot know this man's inner thoughts. The data she gather through all her reconnaissance methods is merely superficial.

Because, in the cognitive process, the left brain only deals with surface data; it is impossible to reach the core without effort from the inner right.

At this point, the six-dimensional thinking of up, down, left, right, etc., comes into play. Although you may not have much passion, the underlying desires are always present. You do not realize that a gentle kiss can lead you to the abyss of desire. At the height of excitement, you think you have reached paradise, believing you know both the surface and the heart. This is a grave mistake; Hollywood star Marilyn Monroe died this way. And she was just one among countless low-level thinkers.

The term "knowledge" is overused. Is falling in love also a form of "seeking knowledge"? That seems a bit exaggerated.

Yes, this is the indicator of what it means to be human. Ignorance cannot make one to grow up as a person; both high-level and low-level knowledge are necessary. If low-level individuals can survive as a  human being; higher-level pursuits need a fully developped mind,  which is more than an ordinary being can do. It is a much higher state for human beings.

The major taboo regarding "knowledge" is knowing the left but not the right.

Higher-level right-brain reconnaissance can be represented by Zhuge Liang. He uses his right brain to enjoy the data obtained from the battlefield and the political arena. It is like a famous doctor taking a pulse; the internal fluctuations are known with just a touch. However, to deceive the enemy, he adds a bit of mysterious disguise, making the opponent think he is unfathomable, when in fact, he is using internal perception only. With the slightest movement, he knows everything—big or small, it is all clear.

A high-level right-brain person reads extensively, gathers information from all directions, and has countless data. The mediocre rely on quantum computers to give advice, while high-level individuals only need a glance; your movements are as obvious as a dog wagging its tail, whether it needs to urinate or defecate, it is all in a smile.

Data is external, chaotic, and relies on secretaries to organize. If a secretary can truly make sense of it, he would not be a secretary. He would be your major enemy without your knowledge. There are many historical lessons; He will not be satisfied by just kicking you aside; he will eliminate your entire lineage. Would he still be your secretary?

Therefore, you can only rely on yourself and most importantly, your own right brain to tell you the meaning of what you have from the left brain.  If you do not use your own resources, who else can you trust?

A few more words to elaborate:

The right brain is the ultimate tool for perception.

But this tool is shackled and locked. It cannot be moved at will. Do not think everyone is like Sun Wukong the most talented monkey( 孫悟空). Even Sun Wukong has a headband: it was a golden harness to limit him by God.

You cannot fly around aimlessly in all directions like the talented monkey. The golden band on your forehead dictates your direction. Thus, Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) ultimately could only become a baby caretaker.  Hidden among a million soldiers is A Dou (百萬軍中藏阿斗), The stuipid Prince is regarded and treated as the lifeblood of the nation by Zhuge Liang. Confucius's golden band seems to work every time, Zhuge Liang the wisest man in Chinese History can't excape this fate. The great river flows eastward, and everything is left to the currents. But this is inevitable and unimportant. Zhuge Liang is merely a passerby in the grand cycle; ten thousand years have passed, and there is still a day you say it is today! Every one will come back to witness history.  Do not think that ten thousand years cannot be reached. That is too small-minded. Ten thousand years is merely a low-level time; there will be hundreds of thousands of years to come. Nothing in this world is absolute; there is only one thing that is absolute: your mind is absolute. The mind can transcend billions of years; you and I will still be here, and you will still be you. This is the ultimate secret of the universe. We can all continue to play.

What is the lesson?

The lesson is: death does not exist. Life is like the waters of the Yangtze River, constantly flowing and returning; heroes and generals will always be present, only in the gentle breeze and flowing water!

However, most people are not afraid of death. Only a few fear death. Most people are just afraid of poverty. They fear not being able to survive.

It is truly incomprehensible.

In fact, the truth is not about fearing poverty. Once you are great, you have called the wind and summoned the rain, how can you bear the disdain of the mediocre?

Most people are not afraid of poverty; they are just afraid of losing face!

Even when they are poor, they want to hide their poverty!

Will kings and ministers be ridiculed by commoners?

Can you not see through this?

This is the headband that Confucius had given you two thousand years ago! You fear being laughed at! You are not afraid of death, you are not afraid of poverty; you are just afraid of being laughed at! How ridiculous! You can traverse mountains and rivers, yet it turns out that the difficulty is  you cannot survive being laughed at. Two thousand years of shame education ( 恥感教育)is in force. With thoughts shackled, do you dare to move? Are you smarter than Zhuge Liang?

Of course. Zhuge Liang has already turned his pain into lessons; the inescapable truth is that you have not seriously engaged your inner right brain. Those who have not contemplated are not true heroes; if you still do not understand, there is no need for regret.

Because: one million years is still just a small cycle; opportunities will definitely come again. Just wait a moment, and they will soon arrive.

The Chinese nation leans towards the right brain; occasionally turning left is not a big deal. What is unexpected is that the right brain is the key to cognition. Heroes have their struggles; beauty is not a crime. Beautiful women will not bind you. What binds you tightly is just a band.

Brave men fear poverty but not death. They  only want to hide their poverty!

Poverty cannot kill you; stand up, harden your mind, and laugh if you must!

Mind is absolute.  We will work together and fight again in ten thousand years!

Bless you!
