Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why is it important to ban a reading tool in Hong Kong?

 Why is it important to ban a reading tool in Hong Kong?

I had invented a little tool for people to read faster.  I named the tool a "reading ruler"

It is a simple design to cover the places you have read,  just to keep your mind go forward together with the ideas from the writer.   You link up your idea with the book.  Just like running side by side together with your good friend.   

Readers are easy to tend to going backwards in reading.  Because they are scared.  They are afraid to miss the point of the writer. If they can cover the places they have already read,  then their mind will not be going backwards. And the "route" of the mind will be formed. 作者寫作要一氣呵成,讀者也同樣要一氣呵成。the writer writes in a spirit non-stop, same is the reader to have the spirit going non-stop.

It was such a simple design banned by the secret underground party which was and is  controling  the publishing kingdom of Hong Kong.

I had designed such a simple tool and written a little booklet to explain the reading methods.  I had the promise of the publishing house to sell this "reading ruler"  in Hong Kong by then.

I made the plastic ruler through a local factory and printed 5000 booklets.  The publish house had already accepted them.

I was very happy by then,  expecting some change in the reading minds.

It was like a huge strike when some worker from the publishing house sent the booklets and the reading rulers back to my place. They refused to sell it in Hong Kong.

They had banned it forever.

What does it mean?

When they are painting all Hong Kong red,  they were actually taking away the guts  from Hong Kong.

Same is Hong Kong nowadays.

The external shell is red.  But they would not allow writers  to survive.  The had controlled all mind businesses in Hong Kong by taking away the inner contents from them.

It is the same group of people now promoting a kind of  life style using 金庸 or "Wei Xiaobao" as a model to fix the minds of young people in Hong Kong plus "the world", as mentioned by them.

The shells are red,

fakes fed.

the cells are red,

inner cancer grows.

This is the situation of Hong Kong.


how to improve reading and make it faster:

move the ruler down to cover the place you have read.  do not go back in reading.

Hope you enjoy reading,  if you can find one of my works in a Hong Kong book store.  Good luck to you.
