How to help a clueless guy?
It could be a very bad situation if a writer found he was clueless in his drama.
This was the feeling when I was watching the Ne Zha film.
It was quite long and lengthy at the end. It seems the writer could not provide more clues for the fighting and the actors could only put on more strength to beat the enemy.
Nothing is new in the fighting.
It is same in car racing. If the guy wants to speed up his car, he can only push the pedal more, more, and more.
It was the only action he could take if he was clueless.
Life is same with drama.
There are different stages for the story to go on.
First, you need to have a feeling. You felt something important that you need to produce the total of it.
Then you have a theme.
The theme is your spirit or your "message". You want to deliver your message in a spirit of importance. It is so important that you feel you need to use your blood as ink to write it down; you will not regret if your blood is all used up. You are putting your life in your message.
Well, now you're not a writer. You are only a CEO of something. And the situation is the same. You will always wish to use your own blood to do things.
Other CEOs might think otherwise, but they are nothing in your concern.
You just felt you are your product that your theme or your spirit is so important now you need to release them all. It is the same as a flower struggling against the shells of the seed. She wants to break outside. No matter what, she wants to come out.
Now she is eligible for a real CEO.
But still it is not enough.
She needs a plot.
She needs a plot to show her mind.
A lot of film directors wanted to employ a higher paid screenwriter to write down his own plot.
Or to use a storyline to show his own mind.
He was too busy to do it himself. He wants to buy some help.
Can it be brought?
Well, it depends on your luck.
If you are given some kind of luck, if you're the guy who deserves to have such a gift, you might employ a better screenwriter.
Or else you have to do it yourself.
This is the importance of a plot.
And a plot is an outline. A really detailed outline.
And now it comes to the stage of clues.
If the secret agent is to pull out a gun, where would he get the gun from?
Will he need to get it from the shoes? The ceiling? Or the water tank in the toilet?
It is really not important for a skillful dramatist.
Important is how to avoid a situation of being clueless.
If they know only how to "add oil" or push the fuel pedal, they will fail the test and die.
Why is it so important for a better clue?
Actually, it is not important at all.
If the actor lost a button in his dress, he can forgive the tailor.
If he lost all buttons from his dress, he can only blame himself.
The actor might be soulless.
The actor might have no theme or no message at all.
Its all about a simplified choice of the clue, the plot and the theme.
It could be more interesting if we change a way to study them.
It is not the clue, the plot, and the theme.
It is the Jing, the Qi and the Spirit.
These are terms in Chinese medicine and Chinese classic.
It is so difficult for Western people to know them.
And it is the same at the level of international politics.
If you find someone lost in a clueless situation, if you find someone is having no "Jing" at all, if he can only point his tariff at everything like a cowboy with his toy gun.....
It is the best chance to beat him.