Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Can Jesus be satisfied?

 Can Jesus be satisfied?  

 When I was very young,  when I was very, very young and I was naive,  I used to think that why Jesus is not  coming, since 2000 or more years had lapsed and he must have seen the situation on earth is in such a worse condition.

I even doubted that whether he is a true divine.

 If he is true, why can't he handle his pupils? 

 His followers had put the message against his will of love into the "bible" and the world had been even worst since lots of the people thought love is not important and love is secondary,  because they have only  money in their mind.

 I have the question that whether Jesus was successful.   And I cannot deny his success.   He had brought love into this world.

 Most of the people in the world now believes in love. 

 Although the plight is still going on. 

 In the Old Testament,  some writer  had brought the message against love into this world by making a story of  Abraham who was willing to kill his son to please the created "god".

 You can read from the lines of Jesus that what he meant by "god" is not the same with this created "god"  in the Old Testament.

Wars have never be stopping and its from a message that "love is not important".

 This message had turned minds into stones.

 When minds were hardened,  the world is hopless.

 What kind of a war is ahead of us? 

 Can people fight against the stone minds?

 There is a silence from Jesus for 2,000 or more years.

 I feel sorry for that. 



A quiet voice


 My cat was gone the day before. He used to sit here to enjoy the sunshine.   The towel was his sitting place.

 Cats never watch scenery.  Only me and my wife watching.


I was singing high for the cloud, but the cloud weren't there.


 The shadows of the hills pasted on the southern sky when the air was green.


A scaly dragon was deep in the quiet waters.


My voice was a fishing line reaching down the chamber afar.







Gāo chàng rù yúnyún bùjiàn


nánhǎi bìkōng shānyǐng xiàn 


jìng shuǐshēn chù yǒu qián jiāo


chuán yīn rù mì shēng yīxiàn


American wealth: Why the American wealth is not from science?

 Why the American wealth is not from science?

 American wealth is from its politics. 

 Actually it is from its secret side of  politics.

 Secret side means secret control. 

 Secret control helps the politics running smoothly without interference from anyone except the real boss of the wealth.

 No one is strong enough to fight against the secret boss,  even you are richest like Elon Musk.

 The world has entered another era aside from the  British colonialism.  

 We might be too late to realize this.  Actually it happened 100 years ago. 

 The United States can secretly controlled 35 university heads to support Hu Shih by giving him  honorary degrees to win the battles in Chinese culture in the last  century.   Any one with a clear mind will know that was a secret control.  According to Hu's memory, sometimes he earned two honorary degrees in one day.


 What era is the era after the British colonialism? 

 It is the era of American secret politics.

 The secret politics has two ways to control the world and its wealth.

 One is to siege foreign  government powers as well as foreign minds in the name of "Democracy".

Two is the internal control of the American government with a complete set of elections which are running under huge sources of money no ordinary people can afford.

 And control is more than government positions.   The control is for minds and value.

 America is a country without love.   A  comment by mother Theresa. 

"Love is not important",  this is the lesson of  Abraham in the  Old Testament,  adapted and accepted by all religion leaders in the West.

 Then what is important? 

 You don't need to ask and they won't tell you:  Money is everything in the era of  American secret politics, sometimes it is in the name of a  "God" who had asked  Abraham to kill his son to prove obedience.

 Money is important and love is not important.

  United States is a rich nation.    Its wealth is from many sources.   But the secret politics is a strong arm to grab everything, including wealth and secret powers.

 To compare United States with Germany or France,    these older European countries with a sound knowledge of Western culture but less or no secret arms can never be as rich as the United States. 

 Europeans are falling behind,  this is important factor.

 Secret controllers can  create wealth.   They can give away doctorates,  or even  Nobel Prizes,  but it is fatal for themselves.  It might be the  final destruction factor for an era of secret politics:  They have no concern, no love,  and a weak emotion for literature and music.

 There will be no Beethoven,  no Shakespeare, no Hugo,  no Tolstoy in the United States.

 Lack of balance is  fatal for a giant.


**List of Honorary Doctorates Received by Hu Shih:

(a temporary reseach, need to be confirmed)**

- **1935**: University of Hong Kong - Doctor of Laws

- **1936**: Harvard University, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          University of Southern California, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1939**: Columbia University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Chicago, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1940**: Wesleyan University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Duke University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Clark University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Bowdoin College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Yale University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Union College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Bryn Mawr College, USA - Honorary Doctorate 

          University of Pennsylvania, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1941**: University of California, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          McGill University, Canada - Doctor of Letters  

          Forest Lake College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Dickinson College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Midwestern University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Toronto, Canada - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Vermont, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1942**: Dartmouth College, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          Denison University, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          State University of New York, USA - Doctor of Letters  

          Ohio State University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Rutgers University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Oberlin College, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          University of Wisconsin, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Tulane University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Northeastern University, USA - Doctor of Laws  

          Princeton University, USA - Doctor of Laws

- **1943**: Brooklyn College, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1945**: University of Oxford, UK - Doctor of Laws

- **1949**: Kurokote University, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1950**: Claremont Graduate University, USA - Doctor of Letters

- **1959**: University of Hawaii, USA - Doctor of Humanities

       1935年    香港大学                        法学博士
       1936年    美国哈佛大学                    文学博士
                 美国南加洲大学                  文学博士
       1939年    美国哥伦比亚大学                法学博士
                 美国芝加哥大学                  法学博士
       1940年    美国韦斯尔阳大学                法学博士
                 美国杜史大学                    法学博士
                 美国克拉大学                    法学博士
                 美国卜隆大学                    法学博士
                 美国耶鲁大学                    法学博士
                 美国联合学院                    法学博士
                 美国柏令马学院                 栄譽博士(?)
                 美国宾州大学                    法学博士
       1941年    美国加州大学                    法学博士
                 加拿大麦吉尔大学                文学博士
                 美国森林湖学院                  法学博士
                 美国狄克森学院                  法学博士
                 美国密达瑞学院                  法学博士
                 加拿大多朗多大学                法学博士
                 美国佛蒙特州大学                法学博士
        1942年   美国达脱茅斯学院                文学博士
                 美国第纳逊大学                  文学博士
                 美国纽约州立大学                文学博士
                 美国俄亥俄州立大学              法学博士
                 美国罗却斯德大学                法学博士
                 美国奥白林学院                  法学博士
                 美国威斯康辛大学                法学博士
                 美国妥尔陀大学                  法学博士
                 美国东北大学                    法学博士
                 美国普林斯顿大学                法学博士
       1943年    美国伯克纳尔大学                文学博士
       1945年    英国牛津大学                    法学博士
       1949年    美国柯鲁开特大学                文学博士
       1950年    美国克莱蒙研究院                文学博士
       1959年    美国夏威夷大学                  人文博士


American Balance: Can the American people remain rich forever?

 Can the American people remain rich forever? 

 Culture is important for national wealth.  Other factors like resources or individual talents would help.   But it needs a complete set of culture to support a long term wealth for a nation.

United States will not remain rich forever.

Because they are lacking some element in their culture. What are they lacking?  

The Americans have inherited a  philosophical mind from the ancient Greek culture. They have the skill in reasoning power. However their culture is not well balanced.

 Early Americans might have suffered from the bitter memory of puritanism that they choose to go the other end from austerity. They are seeking personal happiness more than anything else.  

 It is a mixture of individualism plus self- indulgence with the supporting mindset of a reasoning power that produces  freedom for creativity.

 From Thomas Edison to the early auto industry tycoon  Henry Ford, and from the iPhone developer Steve Jobs to the  time of AI scientist  now,  United States geniuses are always leading the way.

 The question is how long could they lead the world and can the United States be rich forever? 

 Opposite is the Chinese collectivism. They are thinking more for the fate of mankind than individual well-being.  They would  care more about the feeling of others. It is not so free like individuals who cares for nothing except his own aim.

  Will the care for others reduce your creativity?  Its an important question.

Self-less or self-forgotten pattern of mind is a different approach towards a goal. 

And now is a  competition time between the self-indulged individualism and the selfless mind of concern.

Will China or America be the next winner in pursuiting wealth for not a single country but the globe? 

The next bigger issue of modern warfare had suddenly appeared.

 It is a new kind of secret warfare to replace the old style  colonialism.   It has been developing almost 100 years.  Yet, few of the political talents all around the world have an awareness towards this secret war.

The Chinese are seeking friends  all around the world.  But  American  tycoons  are not looking for friends. They are looking for "allies",  this is a name for subordinates, or  servants, or slaves. 

 They had developed a whole set of secret warfare tactics, techniques, and well trained personnels to capture the minds as well as positions of the target governments.   The targeted government will turn overnight to be the useful tool of the United States in the name of "democracy."

 It is this secret warfare keeping the Americans rich. 

 Source of wealth is not in scientific innovations,  but the absolute loyalty of the supporting "allies".

 You'll find another scenery if you go higher to see the future of the American culture.

 It is in two main streams.

 The first main stream is the reasoning power of the American culture:   they are using the left brain more. 

They tend to be analytical and external.  They are reluctan to feel the whole picture from within.

It is inherited from the Greek culture. 

Other mainstream is the stream of emotion.   

Emotion is more than the feeling of love.   It has been a hot fight between Jesus and the Jewish culture.  One said love is important while the  other insisted that love is not important.  

 When love is regarded as not important,  the evil side of human nature will be  dominant.

 Love is more than a feeling.  Love can help to see the ultimate goal of life.

 Sometimes you need to know what you like, what you want,  but you need a higher emotion to guide you to the other shore.

You need to have a purpose of your culture. 

The American culture is running with one stream stronger than the other.

 The emotional stream is weaker than their reasoning stream. They cannot balance themselves well enough.

 With the successes in secret wars, the Americans have built up an empire  which could be lasting longer than expected.

 The funny side is happening all round the world.

 Most of the world leaders have been working hard to promote science,  which is only a branch of the reasoning power.  yet not fewer of the leaders have been working hard for  religion,  which is related more to emotion.

 And it is extremely dangerous for them to overlook the existence of a secret warfare. 

 They knew it, but they don't know how to do it. 

 The motto is only in two lines.

 Ask, and you will receive. 

 Love, and you will be loved.




Rainbow:- Why the Chinese didn't write a script like the Genesis

 Why the Chinese didn't write a script like the Genesis?

 The Chinese has a different approach to the understanding of the universe and history.

Ancient Chinese wisdom was hidden in many old stories and songs or poems.

 Some of the songs  were willfully deleted by Confucius,  yet there was no writer to complete a lengethy script like the Genesis.  

 Ancient  philosophers like Zhuang Zi did write books and was willfully rewritten by  Confucius scholars.

 To reach the ancient wisdom is not an easy matter in Chinese literature.

 Now you can have only a simple outline of the ancient wisdom,  and that was really striking:

 There might be no beginning of the universe,   and the universe is not balanced. 

 It needs human effort to the balance.

 Yet humans are not balanced also.

 It was only until very late that a concept of "rainbow" existence of all creatures were discovered.   Humans exist in all forms of life.

 Humans came in different colors and sizes and inner- abilities.

 However it was a very old concept that Humans came in as a whole,  and a whole is more than individuals.

 The concept of a whole is the basic of love.

 It was really dramatic to see how the wisdom of Jesus had come in to the Western world which is simple and could be understand in one line:

 "Love is important" which is completely against the teaching of  Abraham:

 "Love is not important".

 And the not-important idea was more than a script.  It was written in every penis of  male babies with a scar eight days after the baby was born and he was expected to remember that love is not important every time when he uses his pensis and that is the origin of wars.   It was backup  in the form of a script but the tradition of  circumcision is much stronger a reminder.


When and how was the  Genesis written (AI research)

The authorship of the Book of Genesis, as well as the entire Torah (the first five books of the Bible), is traditionally attributed to Moses in Jewish and Christian traditions. However, modern scholarship suggests that Genesis and other parts of the Torah were likely written by multiple authors over a long period of time, with various sources and traditions being woven together.

Abraham is a key figure in Genesis, particularly in the narratives about the patriarchs, but there is no evidence to suggest that he wrote any part of the text. Instead, the stories about Abraham and others were likely passed down through oral traditions before being written down by later authors. The documentary hypothesis is one scholarly approach that proposes that the Torah is a compilation of different sources, often referred to as J (Jawist), E (Elohist), P (Priestly), and D (Deuteronomist).

The Book of Genesis is believed to have been written over a long period, with its final form likely completed during the 6th to 5th centuries BCE. However, the stories and traditions contained within Genesis are much older and may have been passed down orally for generations before being recorded in written form.

The process of compiling and editing the texts that would become the Torah, including Genesis, likely involved multiple authors and editors across centuries. Therefore, while we can estimate the time of its final composition, the origins of the narratives themselves can be traced back to much earlier periods, possibly as far back as the second millennium BCE.












A chance meeting with a beauty,  

Her phone number leaves me spellbound.  

Boldly pursuing, a true endeavor,  

In the hall of marriage, sincerity is profound.  

Three lives of fortune, not misfortune,  

Success through struggle has its roots.  

The road ahead is tough, with courage and heart,  

Morning glow blooms, a new smile shoots.  

Jùhuì wúduān yù měirén


diànhuà hàomǎ lìng shī hún


rèliè zhuīqiú zhēn dàdǎn


hūnyīn diàntáng chéngyì zhēn


sān shēng yǒuxìng fēi bùxìng


fèndòu chénggōng yǒu yuǎnyīn


jiānxīn qián lù gān yǔ dǎn


zhāoxiá wàn duǒ xiàoróng xīn



Define God: right definition of God?


an older (2018) article for reference:

9161   What is the right definition of God   20180308

If we agree that the purpose of God may be same as the purpose of life in all this universe, then, we might have a chance to know the definition of God, or to know what God is.  

God may not be singular,  God may not be many, God may not be non-exist, and God may not be heaven. God may not be the creator, because even if God is really our creator, there might be an ultimate creator, who had created God. And the ultimate creator may not be ultimate, as the so-called ultimate may be only an upper layer of creators. 

 We can only guess that God must have a purpose. And God’s purpose must be same with us. It is because our inner ability to growth is inborn, is embedded within us before we were born, that means someone must have planted it in our beings, then, we could be led to the believe that God is same with us, and God’s purpose is our purpose.

 Before we come to the idea of what is God, we may discuss “what is fate” first. Because if we know what fate is, we may discover what God is.

 And fate is undeniable. People can deny God, but no one can deny fate. We all comes with a “situation”. We were born in special places and special time, we were born to be with some kinds of people, we were born as we were. And we can say that is a particular willed or unwilled arrangement. And if people denied the term “arrangement”, they will think that things were just scattered, things were all coinstantaneously happened and were all random event.

 Were they willed or unwilled events? That is not the question. The question is: events do happen. If you find the events acceptable, that is good. If you find the events unacceptable, that is possibly also good as you are supposed to straighten them.

 You can be the one to arrange things. And why would you like to arrange them? No matter they are acceptable or unacceptable, we need someone to take it and arrange it or swallow it.

 And that is the essence of fate.

 In the long run of life, we all hope things could come up better.  And we cannot deny the suddenness or unexpectedness of things. Something happened suddenly. And you may not have time to arrange it. And it is very difficult to predict things. You never know what next.

 You are expecting something, but you will never know what will come next.

 People can deny fate, but they can never deny events. And seldom do people missing a slight wish to have something better arranged.

 We all have the sincere hope of a better future.

 And some of us do welcome  intervention from an unknown place to have  things better arranged.

 If you do not believe in interventions, you still wish to change the course of something sometimes. And no one can deny change. It did happen.  

 For the clear minded people, now is the time to think:  Will the Gods intervene us sometimes?

 Are there interventions?

 If you have read history, you may know that there were times of darkness in history. There were no tomorrow for hundred and even thousands of years for some countries. Why did interventions not happen then?

 Change come sometimes one thousand years later. It did come. You might say it is a “grand fate”

As for the personal fate, people who had witnessed miracles, would tell you what is intervention. And many of such people did exist.

 You need to have time to experience them. And time slots were also fate.

 And now shall we return to the problem of God.

 We would say, God is a kind of internal and external force, which is partly our creator and arrangement producer, as God or whatever name you gave him, is cooperative and is working with us together. Therefore, fate is not fate alone. Fate is a wonderful made-up from two sources, the inner self and the external universe. We would never know the percentage of the made-up, we would never know how big is our personal effort, but we can be sure that some of our efforts are effective. We would say it proudly that we are working with him together. 


Non-Beginning:-Why the concept of "no beginning" is so important?

 Why the concept of "no beginning" is so important?

 Is there a "beginning" in the universe?

or,  there is "no beginning" of the universe?

 This is the most important point in all  religions and all philosophies.

 Because this question leads to hope.

 If there is no hope for human beings,  terrible things will happen. 

 If the end is a final destruction for all, then what is the point of living?

 If there is no beginning of the universe,  that means  there is no ending of the universe. 

 If there's no ending,  there will be no final destruction.

 There will be hope in the future.

 The Jewish idea about the end of the universe is  pessimistic.

 To write a story about  beginning and ending is easy. 

 You need only to design a plot:  in the very beginning, there were only one man and one woman, and they have no clothes, what happen next is simple imagination. the plot could go on easily.

 But this story is a killer of  "hope".

 The story cannot kill the future of the universe,  but the story can take away your hope.

 That is the source of modern wars and unhappiness.

 Philosophy is important.

 Politics with the right philosophy can lead to success.  But  politics with  wrong philosophy will lead to  war and failure.

 That is why the Genesis is leading a wrong way for all Western religions.

 And that is strange why the follower of Jesus would put the Genesis into the Bible 300 years after the death of Jesus.

 There was no "Bible" in the time of Jesus.

 Those Bible editors were nails on the cross. 





A scar:- What is the meaning of a scar in the penis?

  What is the meaning of a scar in the penis?

 Circumcision is one of the important heritage of the Jews.

 Confucius would have found it embarrassing that the Jews were more advanced than him.

 Both Confucius and the Jews have the same idea to give their people a strong reminder of the doctrines.

 Confucius made his student  memorize books.

 Yet the Jews have designed a far more efficient method.

 To make the descendants remember the Abraham story  that to honor god is more important than to love,   Abraham would kill his son as a sacrifice for god.

 The story was quite probably written 500 years BC,  according to an author Ska, Jean Louis.

 The Jewish method to make the students remember this lesson is to cut a scar in every penis of their male babies.

 When they see the scar they will remember the lesson for their whole life: that love is not important.

 And you will find it unbelievable to see that the  circumcision tradition was also  an important rite for the Muslims who is  supposed to be the opposite of the Israelis. 

They are doing the same thing.

 They have the same circumcision practice.

 They both refuse to eat some kinds of food,  for example, pork.

 They were the same monotheism.

 I hope they will not share the same idea about love.




Essence of War: What is the inner essence of war?

What is the inner essence of war?

Essence of war is not in money nor science.

 We will witness another big war ahead of us.

 The war will last for a long time,  the weaker side will be ruined.  

 It is a war between the Palestinians and Israel.

 All other bigger powers will be involved.

Who is winning and who is losing is obvious now.

 The important essence is in the culture. 

 And the culture needs to have a single mind to push it.

 You need a culture and a talent to win the war.

 There are two wars in history worth to study deeply.

 One is the war happened long ago between Persia and Greek.  The other is the Opium war between China and Britain.

 The Persian didn't know even logic by that time. They are sure to lose to a talent who was  Alessandra the Great.

 First you need to have a better culture,  then you need to have someone who can handle it.

 If you don't have a better culture,  all will be in vain even your whole team of leaders were  highly talented.

 The Palestinians are weak in culture.  If some smart people from the Palestinians can wake up and see,   he might have found  the Israelis are extremely weak in culture too.  The Genesis is a false statement and they are building a country on  floating sand.

 The Opium war is the same. Culture is the real essence behind the war.

And,  sometimes you can imagine an Alien war between Alien people and humans in the near future.

Suppose the Alien people has got some science a million times more advance than human  technology and they want to take over the globe and kill us all. 

 It won't be funny if the advice is to study some culture matters before it is too late.  May be it helps.





Genesis: What is the message of Genesis?

What is the message of  Genesis?

  Strange is people seldom doubt about the messages from the Genesis for the last few thousand of years.   I am one of the senseless crowd until an idea come up from the Gospel of John.   Why is Jesus so angry about Abraham?  And why is Jesus being persecuted by the Pherisees?

The world has been dominated by such a  message for too long.  

Several main religions  had never doubt about the Genesis and it is absurd to keep it in the Bible for those who claimed they are followers of Jesus.

It seems that they have never had any sense of love in their mind.

They will not hesitate to kill just to please their "god".  

I wonder even that their "god" is real and should one obey him?

Will you do anything evil  against your own mind  if the order is from a real "god”, though sometimes you will doubt whether its not real?

The messages from the Genesis are simple:

First is that you should not seek wisdom.  This is the first important order from "god". 

You'll be a sinner if the order is violated.

Only those who is completely obedient like Abraham  will be blessed.

The reward will be material:  Its money and a large piece of land,  although its the source of modern time wars.

One cannot imagine such a message is from an advanced culture.

And senior church people had never doubt about this.

They will not hesitate to kill even when they were preaching the Gospel of love.

Peaceful church services will go on like before, though the minds were absent long ago.



How Jesus Objected to Genesis

How Jesus Objected to Genesis

The case is very clear.  

If a guy agrees to kill his own son to please someone else,  no matter the order is from a king or an evil or from someone who said he is "god",  and if the guy have agreed and prepared to execute that order, the guy is a murderer.

The fictional "god" in Genesis likes obedience and promises  material reward including land for the guy.

And this is totally contrary to Jesus teaching.

 That is why Jesus said that love is more important than "sacrifice". 

 In the book of Genesis, its in the opposite that  "sacrifice" is more important than love.

 And this is not only a simple story.

 This is the major influence to the western world.  All major religions in the western world are in inner conflict if they are to put Jesus and the Genesis together.

 And that's why there is 
no peace in the Western world.

 To give up the soul to exchange for material reward is the main problem for the West.

 That means  hard working is not important,  only that one is willing to give up his soul and he will be rich.

 The next 300 years from now will be a time of no peace if  The Genesis is still honored in the Bibles of the major western religions.


The following is from Chapter 8, The Gospel of John, New Testament.

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

33 They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.[b]

39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”


Slave: How not to be a slave?


  Important is not to take orders without your own consent.

 Humans are slaves to no one.

 Sometimes there are huge pressure.

 You can crash my bones. You can crash my body.  You can kill me. 

 But you can never take away my soul.

 This is the best of human design.

 Those who created humans are genius.

 My soul is forever mine.

 It's called wisdom.

 Humans are created with wisdom.

 I don't know how humans were created.

 Is it possible that humans created human themselves?

 You are a son of Man and you are a son of God.

 It might be strange. Humans will understand it later.

 You can leave this question for future exploration.

 But the genius design is to be admired.

 That we have a soul.  

The soul is eternally yours.

 No one can give you order and take away your soul.

 Sometimes the orders are ridiculous.  But you can always refuse.

 The only faith is that after life do exist.

 My soul is mine. If no one can take away my soul, that means my soul will exist.

 I will have a future if I insist to keep the soul as mine.

 And you might ask me why.

 You are blessed because you can ask.

 Why is my soul so important?

 Because I have a quest in my mind.

  Humans can quest for anything they wish.

 You can quest  for beauty, truth, goodness and more with a free will.

 No one can give me order without my own consent.

 No one can order me to kill and to do evil.

 No one can order me not to learn.

 No one can order me not to chase after wisdom.

 No one can order me not to love.

 This is the basic theory of an ancient  philosopher Zhuang Zi, and Jesus.

 Jesus had inspired that the Genesis is a lie.

Please refer to the Gospel of John:   Chapter 8,  Section 44.

 How can Abraham took the order of a fictional "god" to kill his son when the same "god" had said "Thou shall not kill?"

 It is ridiculous and evil.

 Only an evil would like to eat the blood and flesh of your son.

 How can the early  church people accept this fictional story?

 It is totally contradictory to the teaching of Jesus.

 Now is the  turning  point of humans.

 That you must remember you are free not to take orders without your own consent.

 You are free.

 You are not a slave.

a question:

an everlasting soul may be possible if the soul has not been given up.
