Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


What is the real success of the Chinese people?

 9388  What is the real success of the Chinese people?   20220815

Hard working is not the only success reason of the Chinese people. 


The success of the Chinese people is from their own thinking pattern.  And the pattern is from the language design. They have a perfect language system which uses the right sphere of the brain.

The Chinese uses a very special method to help thinking with  their language which is not like the spelling language which limits the thinking process inside the left hemisphere of the brain.   Chinese people are right-side-oriented thinking people.   Their thinking process is holistic.  People who can write Chinese poems understand it more.  The thoughts and images are flowing around and not limited by simple logics.  Sometimes it seems not logical, but reaches to the inner reality of facts. 

It is this language which is the core feeling of ALL Chinese including both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

To use language as a tactic is the best way to unite people from the two sides.

It’s not necessary to use blood and weapons to unite the people.  

The central core interests of the thinking pattern will do the job.

It needs no blood to return to the traditional way of Chinese writing.


The Chinese people  can type and read with the Chinese language faster than most of the spelling languages.  And this is not the only advantage of the Chinese language.  The thinking pattern can bring them to the future science revolution and achieve much more,  if they are smart enough not to fall into the traps of the modern political turmoils.

P.S.  to talk with Biden is helpless in solving the Strait problems. It could be more helpful if the Chinese can talk with Russians  instead.


1  人類未來是被智慧驅動的,不是被金錢驅動的。 faith

2  人類進化,以內在靈性的進化為主。 reality

3   生命是被心驅動的。生命就是心。 fact

4   人類正在進入合作的時代。


5   心不會死。有心人是不會死的。


6   未來的人,沒有一個自私。          vision
