Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


How to see it more clearly ?

 9387  How to see it more clearly  20220815 


No one can be absolutely clear about his own situation.  It was always like a fish tank he was in.

There are so many obstacles.  And so many unclear issues. And so many disguised persons. They are always trying to lead you astray. It is you yourself always need to see. You need to listen to your own mind. Rather, to the advisers.

How can I see clearly about the fish tank?


It is like the other guy  who is watching you outside the fish tank.

He is so clear about your own situation.  He knows where you’re going. He knows your intention.  He can beat you anytime, if he likes.

BECAUSE he is in an upper level. 

Things will be very clear from the view of an upper level.

It’s just like watching the lower level fish tank.

And now we have the six concepts here.

It seems it is more than one level upper.

It could be many levels other than your present one.

It could be a future goal of the human beings.

If you have such a goal in mind, you will go up one level easier. All because you are not  selfish,  and you’re not seeing with your own eyes.

This is the basic of the Zhuang-Zi Art of War.     


1  人類未來是被智慧驅動的,不是被金錢驅動的。faith

2  人類進化,以內在靈性的進化為主。reality

3   生命是被心驅動的。生命就是心。fact

4   人類正在進入合作的時代。


5   心不會死。有心人是不會死的。


6   未來的人,沒有一個自私。vision
