(Quest No.8258 - - 2011/10/28)
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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★ The Heavens are with me
and so does everything in
the Universe
(( Leechard Whatsapp: 852-91864286))
還有一點應該一提,儒家的哲學架構,構成了阿Q行為的主要方面。阿Q的行為,平時不怎樣,但遇到了經濟壓力,和政治壓力,都會暴長。無論是忽然暴富或者忽然股市低迷,又或者是遇到了錯誤政策,官僚統治,都會擴充極化。在某些地區、某些時刻,阿Q和孔乙己特別多些,是必定的。 就好像一顆惡瘡一樣。惡瘡在皮膚出現,其實病情是在裡面。
儒家之害,要從歷史事實看,亦要從基本哲學架構看,中國人的前路遙遠漫長,到底黑暗是在前面還是後面?新中國要不要走舊路?各位文化界前輩們,請不要讓儒學的片言隻語遮蔽了眼睛。 (Quest No.8257 - - 2011/10/23)
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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還有一點應該一提,儒家的哲學架構,構成了阿Q行為的主要方面。阿Q的行為,平時不怎樣,但遇到了經濟壓力,和政治壓力,都會暴長。無論是忽然暴富或者忽然股市低迷,又或者是遇到了錯誤政策,官僚統治,都會擴充極化。在某些地區、某些時刻,阿Q和孔乙己特別多些,是必定的。 就好像一顆惡瘡一樣。惡瘡在皮膚出現,其實病情是在裡面。
儒家之害,要從歷史事實看,亦要從基本哲學架構看,中國人的前路遙遠漫長,到底黑暗是在前面還是後面?新中國要不要走舊路?各位文化界前輩們,請不要讓儒學的片言隻語遮蔽了眼睛。 (Quest No.8257 - - 2011/10/23)
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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幾年來,世界經濟風雨飄搖,但香港人仍有安定生活,在平穩中前進。但部份人仕竭力攻擊,無事生事。本來,這是偏私的政黨政治常態。但是,無限攻擊卻會造成無端端的緊張,阻礙真理追求。經濟和各種困難,目前是迫在眉睫,極需積極探尋,為未來找出可行路徑。但攻擊者卻絕無半點寬容之心。不問是非,倡言孔孟,製造混亂,四處點火。傳媒跟風,搖旗吶喊,多方呼應,已失公正。這一批人仕,根本心中從未有過求知心態,更不知香港人的前途在那裡。唯望特首本著大局為重,沈著應戰,不會跟他們一般見識。這才是未來的希望。(李察 Quest No.8255 - - 2011/10/18)
幾年來,世界經濟風雨飄搖,但香港人仍有安定生活,在平穩中前進。但部份人仕竭力攻擊,無事生事。本來,這是偏私的政黨政治常態。但是,無限攻擊卻會造成無端端的緊張,阻礙真理追求。經濟和各種困難,目前是迫在眉睫,極需積極探尋,為未來找出可行路徑。但攻擊者卻絕無半點寬容之心。不問是非,倡言孔孟,製造混亂,四處點火。傳媒跟風,搖旗吶喊,多方呼應,已失公正。這一批人仕,根本心中從未有過求知心態,更不知香港人的前途在那裡。唯望特首本著大局為重,沈著應戰,不會跟他們一般見識。這才是未來的希望。(李察 Quest No.8255 - - 2011/10/18)
Are the Chinese soul sick, or dead?
A surveillance camera recorded a tragic event in China last Thursday(2011/10/13). A two-year-old girl was knocked down by a van. The van paused and drove away. The girl was lying on the street, while 18 passers-by ignored her, not one of them offered any help, later on, a truck ran over the child the second time, also left and without stopping. It was an old woman that was a rag collector came to her aid finally.
And this is not the first time. Similar events happened again and again. Only this time, a surveillance camera recorded the scene.
The soul of the Chinese was sick, though not dead. Eighteen passers-by were healthy in their bodies, but only the rag collector had a soul. She was responding with a normal human reaction.
We have 18 non-human reactions and one human reaction here. And it is a little proving that the Chinese soul is not dead, but in deep trouble.
Is it the simple result of a high-pressured dictatorship? Or is it the result of a long forgotten struggle of the Cultural Revolution? Or a sudden change into richness?
But the problem happened long before all these.
It might be the outcome of the special Chinese philosophy, which was designed and carried out through the ages by Confucian scholars and the authorities.
That man is alone and separated from the Heavens and it is not necessary to pray or worship them as it is more practical to tend to the material side of all matters.
That Heavenly Orders are in the hands of a selected emperor.
That one should obey the authorities, as they are the final judgement of every thing including knowledge.
That one should not try to quest for knowledge but memorize the teachings from the authorities is enough.
That if there is love, love should not be the same between inner circles and outsiders. One should love the authorities, parents and relatives more.
That women are subordinate to men.
It is this special philosophy that constituted the basic believe and behavior in Chinese history. That the little girl lying on the street was but a stranger, not relative, not kinship. It would not be the same attitude if the girl was their next of kin, though baby girls are always not welcomed. Boys are more welcomed to the world then girls. It is more practical not to care the trivial matters of the non-relatives.
The question is whether the philosophy had changed in the present day situation.
Would it be more tolerant or more severe under economic stresses as well as authoritarian manipulation policies? (No.8256e - - 2011/10/21)
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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A surveillance camera recorded a tragic event in China last Thursday(2011/10/13). A two-year-old girl was knocked down by a van. The van paused and drove away. The girl was lying on the street, while 18 passers-by ignored her, not one of them offered any help, later on, a truck ran over the child the second time, also left and without stopping. It was an old woman that was a rag collector came to her aid finally.
And this is not the first time. Similar events happened again and again. Only this time, a surveillance camera recorded the scene.
The soul of the Chinese was sick, though not dead. Eighteen passers-by were healthy in their bodies, but only the rag collector had a soul. She was responding with a normal human reaction.
We have 18 non-human reactions and one human reaction here. And it is a little proving that the Chinese soul is not dead, but in deep trouble.
Is it the simple result of a high-pressured dictatorship? Or is it the result of a long forgotten struggle of the Cultural Revolution? Or a sudden change into richness?
But the problem happened long before all these.
It might be the outcome of the special Chinese philosophy, which was designed and carried out through the ages by Confucian scholars and the authorities.
That man is alone and separated from the Heavens and it is not necessary to pray or worship them as it is more practical to tend to the material side of all matters.
That Heavenly Orders are in the hands of a selected emperor.
That one should obey the authorities, as they are the final judgement of every thing including knowledge.
That one should not try to quest for knowledge but memorize the teachings from the authorities is enough.
That if there is love, love should not be the same between inner circles and outsiders. One should love the authorities, parents and relatives more.
That women are subordinate to men.
It is this special philosophy that constituted the basic believe and behavior in Chinese history. That the little girl lying on the street was but a stranger, not relative, not kinship. It would not be the same attitude if the girl was their next of kin, though baby girls are always not welcomed. Boys are more welcomed to the world then girls. It is more practical not to care the trivial matters of the non-relatives.
The question is whether the philosophy had changed in the present day situation.
Would it be more tolerant or more severe under economic stresses as well as authoritarian manipulation policies? (No.8256e - - 2011/10/21)
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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Will there be an easy answer to the global problem?
Will there be an easy answer to the global problem?
(Quest No.8254e 2011/10/16)
To find fault is easy. To find the real answer need lots of patience and effort.
The global economy has come to such a situation, that it is not only the problem of who is getting more, but it is deteriorating so quickly that things are getting real worse and it needs an urgent study to find out the causes.
To find fault only stops the mind. When we are facing a difficult situation in searching a better path for the country, we need patience not force.
Blaming some one is useless.
We need to reset our minds to prepare for some totally new concepts that has never had a place in our minds before.
We have the concepts of Capitalism, Socialism, etc.
No matter which one was in force, the “Practice” was the same. Some rules, some laws, some constitutions were changed, and election methods changed, but the basic “Practice” remained unchanged: We “treat” things the same way. We “treat” people the same way.
Concept No.1,
We have the same practice on “Treating Things”:
Humans were using the same kinds of electricity. They are burning the same kinds of fuel. The Newtonian method was the only method available. The Indians had tried to abandon machine, but soon failed. They had to come back to Newton. What is the difference between Einstein and Newton? It seems confused. But in every field of human practice, it is always the same old method. We are still using the Arabic number and the same kinds of adding and subtracting arithmetic, etc.
Will there be a completely “NEW” practice that we need not do any kinds of “counting” and abandon electricity?
In a sense, electricity can not be “stored” effectively. We can not stored electricity for another city, or the next decade to use. We should try some better thing.
We had been thinking that we are not making things big enough, fast enough. But actually we were making things too big we cannot handle. A container tanker recently collided into a reef near New Zealand, and there is no way to remove the containers from the sinking ship. The same thing happens in the nuclear science. We are making something we cannot handle.
We are making nuclear wastes as well as carbon monoxide; those are the things we cannot handle. Some one has asked, if God is all-powerful, can God make something He cannot lift up? Here comes God’s answer, if humans are so powerful, can humans made something humans cannot handle? And here is the tragic answer of “yes”.
What is the next “practice” for us? Probably no answer. But it is time we must try to reset our mind into a new mold of thinking. And it is not easy. We need a completely open mind to do this.
And the new commandment for the new age is:
Thou shall not kill new ideas.
This is a big problem, but we can say only this much here. It is too big a story to tell in a short time.
Concept No.2
The second problem: We have the same practice on “Treating People”.
Families break up as quick as in Capitalism or Socialism. Self-interest is the same every where, with only very little difference in each places. We have parents to resort to in the old ages. But now we have nothing to resort to except money. How do we treat our fellow human beings?
And the new concept of love has been new for the last two thousand years. Love has no important place in the human mind. Courts judge in law, but not love. Countries fought in self-interests but not love. Businessman deals with others in exchange of materials, but not love. Love is not respected in the modern society. To change this concept need more than an old mind. We need to re-format ourselves to achieve this.
There is no easy answer to our problems. Blaming anyone is to stop thinking.
Don’t blame others. Quest for the truth.
Thou shall not kill new ideas.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8254e 2011/10/16)
To find fault is easy. To find the real answer need lots of patience and effort.
The global economy has come to such a situation, that it is not only the problem of who is getting more, but it is deteriorating so quickly that things are getting real worse and it needs an urgent study to find out the causes.
To find fault only stops the mind. When we are facing a difficult situation in searching a better path for the country, we need patience not force.
Blaming some one is useless.
We need to reset our minds to prepare for some totally new concepts that has never had a place in our minds before.
We have the concepts of Capitalism, Socialism, etc.
No matter which one was in force, the “Practice” was the same. Some rules, some laws, some constitutions were changed, and election methods changed, but the basic “Practice” remained unchanged: We “treat” things the same way. We “treat” people the same way.
Concept No.1,
We have the same practice on “Treating Things”:
Humans were using the same kinds of electricity. They are burning the same kinds of fuel. The Newtonian method was the only method available. The Indians had tried to abandon machine, but soon failed. They had to come back to Newton. What is the difference between Einstein and Newton? It seems confused. But in every field of human practice, it is always the same old method. We are still using the Arabic number and the same kinds of adding and subtracting arithmetic, etc.
Will there be a completely “NEW” practice that we need not do any kinds of “counting” and abandon electricity?
In a sense, electricity can not be “stored” effectively. We can not stored electricity for another city, or the next decade to use. We should try some better thing.
We had been thinking that we are not making things big enough, fast enough. But actually we were making things too big we cannot handle. A container tanker recently collided into a reef near New Zealand, and there is no way to remove the containers from the sinking ship. The same thing happens in the nuclear science. We are making something we cannot handle.
We are making nuclear wastes as well as carbon monoxide; those are the things we cannot handle. Some one has asked, if God is all-powerful, can God make something He cannot lift up? Here comes God’s answer, if humans are so powerful, can humans made something humans cannot handle? And here is the tragic answer of “yes”.
What is the next “practice” for us? Probably no answer. But it is time we must try to reset our mind into a new mold of thinking. And it is not easy. We need a completely open mind to do this.
And the new commandment for the new age is:
Thou shall not kill new ideas.
This is a big problem, but we can say only this much here. It is too big a story to tell in a short time.
Concept No.2
The second problem: We have the same practice on “Treating People”.
Families break up as quick as in Capitalism or Socialism. Self-interest is the same every where, with only very little difference in each places. We have parents to resort to in the old ages. But now we have nothing to resort to except money. How do we treat our fellow human beings?
And the new concept of love has been new for the last two thousand years. Love has no important place in the human mind. Courts judge in law, but not love. Countries fought in self-interests but not love. Businessman deals with others in exchange of materials, but not love. Love is not respected in the modern society. To change this concept need more than an old mind. We need to re-format ourselves to achieve this.
There is no easy answer to our problems. Blaming anyone is to stop thinking.
Don’t blame others. Quest for the truth.
Thou shall not kill new ideas.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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What is “Growth”?
What is “Growth”?
(Quest No.8253e 2011/10/14)
It depends.
In the fields of economics or politics, “growth” is not something happening in a tree. It is only a numeric increase rate.
Economists were working feverishly to find out the possible reason of the EU problems recently. Shawn Tully wrote in the Fortune Magazine in September 5, 2011: ”…Growth in Europe is already slowing sharply and will probably keep weakening. The reason: Interest rates will be far higher then predicted….”
What is “growth”? It is a number shown in computers. When the figures increase, things are growing.
People are trying to solve the life and death problems of the globe in a mathematical way. Increase some figures here, decrease some figures there. If the interest rates are low enough, then people will have money to buy, to spend, to invest, and problems solved.
But growth itself is more than a figure.
Financial manipulation can not help the growth. Extra-effort is essential.
What extra-effort?
The extra-effort must be so powerful that it could have the power and authority to re-format the old thinking system, to change the way humans think.
We are not talking about re-formatting the economic system or social system or class system. Because, All the external structures are the reflection of the internal thinking system.
When humans have a clear insight to see into the present situation, real growth will emerge.
A real growth is not making more i-phones or selling more Fords. We have been making the same thing and selling the same thing for too long a time.
What is growth?
Growth is the total development of mankind. We are growing from Stone Age to electronic age. We are growing from a tree-shape national economy to a globalize economy. And the globalize economy is not balanced, is shattered.
Hopefully, we are growing from unbalance to balance.
And it is idealistic. It is against pragmatism. If we do need a change, this is the real change.
In the future, we need a very good cooperation of idealism and pragmatism. Pragmatism without ideal is just like a diligent worker, he never reads, but works and works. And he will never change.
And the question is how. Where do we start? How can we humans have a better thinking system and re-format our minds? Should we take off our skins like a snake changing herself?
Yes. You are right.
Lets start here. Lets scratch here. Drop a few lines into the Internet, to irritate people and ourselves think. That is all we needed right now.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8253e 2011/10/14)
It depends.
In the fields of economics or politics, “growth” is not something happening in a tree. It is only a numeric increase rate.
Economists were working feverishly to find out the possible reason of the EU problems recently. Shawn Tully wrote in the Fortune Magazine in September 5, 2011: ”…Growth in Europe is already slowing sharply and will probably keep weakening. The reason: Interest rates will be far higher then predicted….”
What is “growth”? It is a number shown in computers. When the figures increase, things are growing.
People are trying to solve the life and death problems of the globe in a mathematical way. Increase some figures here, decrease some figures there. If the interest rates are low enough, then people will have money to buy, to spend, to invest, and problems solved.
But growth itself is more than a figure.
Financial manipulation can not help the growth. Extra-effort is essential.
What extra-effort?
The extra-effort must be so powerful that it could have the power and authority to re-format the old thinking system, to change the way humans think.
We are not talking about re-formatting the economic system or social system or class system. Because, All the external structures are the reflection of the internal thinking system.
When humans have a clear insight to see into the present situation, real growth will emerge.
A real growth is not making more i-phones or selling more Fords. We have been making the same thing and selling the same thing for too long a time.
What is growth?
Growth is the total development of mankind. We are growing from Stone Age to electronic age. We are growing from a tree-shape national economy to a globalize economy. And the globalize economy is not balanced, is shattered.
Hopefully, we are growing from unbalance to balance.
And it is idealistic. It is against pragmatism. If we do need a change, this is the real change.
In the future, we need a very good cooperation of idealism and pragmatism. Pragmatism without ideal is just like a diligent worker, he never reads, but works and works. And he will never change.
And the question is how. Where do we start? How can we humans have a better thinking system and re-format our minds? Should we take off our skins like a snake changing herself?
Yes. You are right.
Lets start here. Lets scratch here. Drop a few lines into the Internet, to irritate people and ourselves think. That is all we needed right now.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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Who is accountable, Wall Street, or China?
Who is accountable, Wall Street, or China?
(Quest No.8252e 2011/10/10)
Now people are gathering around Wall Street, protesting the plutocrats of hurting their livelihood. Days before, politicians were still debating who is accountable for all the difficulties of America. It is an obvious game, once the accountable were found, then things will be immediately settled, at least, in the minds of those who do not know globalization.
Globalization has broken the tree.
In the good old days, economy was just like a tree. With roots on the ground, leaves under the sun, and fruits on the branches. On my library desk, there is still a very old Kodak photo-slide viewer, which was made in USA, probably in the late seventies. American designers designed it, American workers assembled the body. And it was sold to the Far East.
Now the tree is amputated.
If the machine is still marketable, it will be assembled somewhere in Asia, not in the States.
At first, there are some barriers between the countries, different laws, taxes, and customs, resisting the tree. Trees cannot grow so easily around the world.
But the barriers are fragile.
The European Union has taken away the barriers of money exchange, thus making the tree separated more easily. Southern countries like Greece exported their vegetables and fish to the North, and buy French TVs and German cars from them.
The EU is a small-scale globalization. Much bigger scale globalization happened elsewhere.
At first, this is a funny game of merry-go-round. Advanced countries pushed their dirty industries and labor-intensive industries to other countries. Business was an exquisite magic. Fashion patterns designed in the morning in France, stitched up somewhere in Asia in the afternoon, by nighttime, ladies were wearing them in New York.
If business was like a tree, now the tree had been broken into different parts all over the world.
What happen?
Humans were alienated from their roots. They lost their jobs.
And the question is not who is accountable.
The question is how can we deal with the tree-animal.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8252e 2011/10/10)
Now people are gathering around Wall Street, protesting the plutocrats of hurting their livelihood. Days before, politicians were still debating who is accountable for all the difficulties of America. It is an obvious game, once the accountable were found, then things will be immediately settled, at least, in the minds of those who do not know globalization.
Globalization has broken the tree.
In the good old days, economy was just like a tree. With roots on the ground, leaves under the sun, and fruits on the branches. On my library desk, there is still a very old Kodak photo-slide viewer, which was made in USA, probably in the late seventies. American designers designed it, American workers assembled the body. And it was sold to the Far East.
Now the tree is amputated.
If the machine is still marketable, it will be assembled somewhere in Asia, not in the States.
At first, there are some barriers between the countries, different laws, taxes, and customs, resisting the tree. Trees cannot grow so easily around the world.
But the barriers are fragile.
The European Union has taken away the barriers of money exchange, thus making the tree separated more easily. Southern countries like Greece exported their vegetables and fish to the North, and buy French TVs and German cars from them.
The EU is a small-scale globalization. Much bigger scale globalization happened elsewhere.
At first, this is a funny game of merry-go-round. Advanced countries pushed their dirty industries and labor-intensive industries to other countries. Business was an exquisite magic. Fashion patterns designed in the morning in France, stitched up somewhere in Asia in the afternoon, by nighttime, ladies were wearing them in New York.
If business was like a tree, now the tree had been broken into different parts all over the world.
What happen?
Humans were alienated from their roots. They lost their jobs.
And the question is not who is accountable.
The question is how can we deal with the tree-animal.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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Why is it so hard to resume full employment in the States?
Why is it so hard to resume full employment in the States?
(Quest No.8251e 2011/10/09)
In the old days, you could always go into the plantation and find a job. Or went into the construction site, if you were in Egypt, to help build the pyramid.
What is the difference between a plantation and a pyramid? Plantation is productive, and pyramids not.
For example, if pyramids are to be building in the States, tens of thousands of jobs could be easily created.
But it is not productive; it will soon consume all the resources and bring the country to an end.
Smart people will know immediately the problem.
Job creation is to create the whole practice. And the practice MUST bring in profit. The profit could push the practice into another round of practice, thus keeps its life, and the jobs.
I have used the term “practice” instead of “business”.
A business is self-motivated. Business will like to use machines to replace jobs. And they will remove the whole business into another country from time to time. Business is not job motivated.
A practice is human-motivated. The aim of the practice is to push the whole practice of globalization into a healthy way.
And the problem is nobody knows how. We do not know where we are going. We do not know how.
Thus, the practice itself should solve this problem first. We shall ask where we are going. We shall seek, what is our aim.
I had written something about the concept of “Labrary”
I shall write again later.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8251e 2011/10/09)
In the old days, you could always go into the plantation and find a job. Or went into the construction site, if you were in Egypt, to help build the pyramid.
What is the difference between a plantation and a pyramid? Plantation is productive, and pyramids not.
For example, if pyramids are to be building in the States, tens of thousands of jobs could be easily created.
But it is not productive; it will soon consume all the resources and bring the country to an end.
Smart people will know immediately the problem.
Job creation is to create the whole practice. And the practice MUST bring in profit. The profit could push the practice into another round of practice, thus keeps its life, and the jobs.
I have used the term “practice” instead of “business”.
A business is self-motivated. Business will like to use machines to replace jobs. And they will remove the whole business into another country from time to time. Business is not job motivated.
A practice is human-motivated. The aim of the practice is to push the whole practice of globalization into a healthy way.
And the problem is nobody knows how. We do not know where we are going. We do not know how.
Thus, the practice itself should solve this problem first. We shall ask where we are going. We shall seek, what is our aim.
I had written something about the concept of “Labrary”
I shall write again later.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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Why the American apple has turned sour?
Why the American apple has turned sour?
(Quest No.8250e 2011/10/05)
Parable is a very good tool. Tree is a parable. But it is too simple to compare to the human behavior. In this days of global economy, I would rather say, it is more like a tree-animal, then a tree.
Trees in good soil can produce good fruit. There is a strange relationship between the soil and the tree. Trees cannot be relocated. A good tree in America, if relocated to China, the fruit will turn bitter, if not sour.
The Asians can always hire American talent, and buy up the whole American company, in a while their economy seemed growing healthily, but sooner or later, they will have problem.
Culture is just like tree in the soil. Trees can be copied, imitated, or even relocated. But if the trees do not have the sources of the soil, they will simply turn out complicated sour fruits.
We saw different western trees were growing in the soils round the globe. They can turn out money for a short time.
And the real problem is in America itself. American apples have turned sour, too.
In the times of Henry Ford, the American tree was healthy. The apples are sweet. A few apples can support the whole tree. The apples good, the leaves green, the branches strong. No body complains job losing.
But in the times of Steve Jobs, the American apples were scarce, though still sweet, but the market result told us, the apple products plus other advanced products cannot make the whole market healthy, the fruits cannot support the whole tree. The leaves are not as green, the branches are not as strong. Then people like Paul Krugman started talking about American competitiveness. They doubt the American success. They wish to “lower the price”, so as to strengthen the “competitiveness”.
Why are the Americans not the same as before?
It is because, the soils did changed within the American boundary.
Every thing have changed but one. Only politics has not changed. There are the same old arguments every day. But education changed. Religion changed. Atmosphere changed. Minds changed.
It does not mean, the old times are better. Good old days are always but a dream. We are not in a dream, but in a stream. And the stream is running downwards.
Why can’t the sweet iphone support the whole tree?
Its because, one iphone is not powerful enough. And now we have the “globalization”.
What is that?
It is a tree-animal.
And it is very strange. Iphones are American product, but they are “Made in China”.
You cannot expect, a tree grows in the United States, but the fruits are picked up in China. (Though the American people still owns the tree and the fruit.)
We are forced to change concepts. What does “made in somewhere ” mean? And trees are no more trees. They are tree-animals. Trees have feet, they can walk. Trees are walking every where round the globe, and they are animals, because they can only think half-consciously. The economy beast is not human.
Americans are working hard. They are working hard to drive away new immigrants from the south, fighting crime gangs in the street, and not to mention the terrorists and wars. But they cannot handle the tree-animal.
What is “globalization”?
It is a separated tree. Roots in a country, leaves in another, fruits in the third, etc.
And the tree is trying to balance itself. It is not balanced now. And it is not a human. It has a brain, but it has no mind.
What are we fighting for now?
Are we fighting for a “lower price”? Or an unbalanced money system? Or change the status of US money? Should we build an exchange system to govern the whole world? Do we have enough power to do this?
What are we fighting for now?
I would say, we should be fighting for time. And time can give us enough mental power to clear the problems. We need a quiet mind to do this, if we do mean it.
The tree-animal is not coming. It has come. Lets sit down quietly under the tree, and figure out what to do.
(P.S. One more word: tree-animal is not a fire. If fires are burning, we should run for our life, giving up every thing. Why? It is because you know it. You know what is a fire. But we do not know, what is “globalization”. )
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8250e 2011/10/05)
Parable is a very good tool. Tree is a parable. But it is too simple to compare to the human behavior. In this days of global economy, I would rather say, it is more like a tree-animal, then a tree.
Trees in good soil can produce good fruit. There is a strange relationship between the soil and the tree. Trees cannot be relocated. A good tree in America, if relocated to China, the fruit will turn bitter, if not sour.
The Asians can always hire American talent, and buy up the whole American company, in a while their economy seemed growing healthily, but sooner or later, they will have problem.
Culture is just like tree in the soil. Trees can be copied, imitated, or even relocated. But if the trees do not have the sources of the soil, they will simply turn out complicated sour fruits.
We saw different western trees were growing in the soils round the globe. They can turn out money for a short time.
And the real problem is in America itself. American apples have turned sour, too.
In the times of Henry Ford, the American tree was healthy. The apples are sweet. A few apples can support the whole tree. The apples good, the leaves green, the branches strong. No body complains job losing.
But in the times of Steve Jobs, the American apples were scarce, though still sweet, but the market result told us, the apple products plus other advanced products cannot make the whole market healthy, the fruits cannot support the whole tree. The leaves are not as green, the branches are not as strong. Then people like Paul Krugman started talking about American competitiveness. They doubt the American success. They wish to “lower the price”, so as to strengthen the “competitiveness”.
Why are the Americans not the same as before?
It is because, the soils did changed within the American boundary.
Every thing have changed but one. Only politics has not changed. There are the same old arguments every day. But education changed. Religion changed. Atmosphere changed. Minds changed.
It does not mean, the old times are better. Good old days are always but a dream. We are not in a dream, but in a stream. And the stream is running downwards.
Why can’t the sweet iphone support the whole tree?
Its because, one iphone is not powerful enough. And now we have the “globalization”.
What is that?
It is a tree-animal.
And it is very strange. Iphones are American product, but they are “Made in China”.
You cannot expect, a tree grows in the United States, but the fruits are picked up in China. (Though the American people still owns the tree and the fruit.)
We are forced to change concepts. What does “made in somewhere ” mean? And trees are no more trees. They are tree-animals. Trees have feet, they can walk. Trees are walking every where round the globe, and they are animals, because they can only think half-consciously. The economy beast is not human.
Americans are working hard. They are working hard to drive away new immigrants from the south, fighting crime gangs in the street, and not to mention the terrorists and wars. But they cannot handle the tree-animal.
What is “globalization”?
It is a separated tree. Roots in a country, leaves in another, fruits in the third, etc.
And the tree is trying to balance itself. It is not balanced now. And it is not a human. It has a brain, but it has no mind.
What are we fighting for now?
Are we fighting for a “lower price”? Or an unbalanced money system? Or change the status of US money? Should we build an exchange system to govern the whole world? Do we have enough power to do this?
What are we fighting for now?
I would say, we should be fighting for time. And time can give us enough mental power to clear the problems. We need a quiet mind to do this, if we do mean it.
The tree-animal is not coming. It has come. Lets sit down quietly under the tree, and figure out what to do.
(P.S. One more word: tree-animal is not a fire. If fires are burning, we should run for our life, giving up every thing. Why? It is because you know it. You know what is a fire. But we do not know, what is “globalization”. )
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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What makes America products competitive in Paul Krugman's view?
What makes America products competitive in Paul Krugman’s view?
(Quest No.8249e 2011/10/05)
In my view, America products are competitive in their advanced culture. The American has been leading the way for the last two hundred years. They have the most advanced airplanes, space ships, computers, mobile phones, etc. These kinds of products are very competitive. Apple had opened two new stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai last week. They proved people like American products; people are willing to pay more for them; not a little more, but a lot more. People queue over night for new products coming from America.
Why the American people could have a better technology, while the others could not? Even the Europeans like the Nokia, or the Asians like the Sam Sung can hardly complete with them. Why?
In my view, this remains a culture secret.
An apple tree grew in the soils of America, if removed else where, like Japan or Korea or China, will never has the same good apples on the tree. The tree is but the tool of the soil. The apple is from the soil. The iphone 5 is from the soil. And the soil is the western culture itself. And the culture is in the minds of every American. Or we can say the iphone 5 is from Benjamin Franklin, from Abraham Lincoln, from Thomas Edison, from Martin Luther King, from John Lennon and etc.
The Japanese, the Korean, the Chinese all bought trees from America. They hired American scientists and engineers, but can they produce the same good apples? Obviously not. They can buy the tree, but they can never buy the soil. If hot competition is coming in the future, people should watch out for products from the other soil, not products from the relocated trees.
And more of the America competitive power is hidden, for they have not put all their products to the market. You can never buy a stealth plane, or other higher secret military product from the market. That means, the Americans have not shown all their might in competitiveness.
Competitive power is from the inner core of the culture itself, not from a lower price.
Now, from the Global edition of the New York Times yesterday (2011.10.4.), we saw comments from Paul Krugman. He said, “…we need to make American product more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar’s value to fall in terms of other currencies….”
May be he needs to reconsider the real inner power of the competitiveness of the American culture.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8249e 2011/10/05)
In my view, America products are competitive in their advanced culture. The American has been leading the way for the last two hundred years. They have the most advanced airplanes, space ships, computers, mobile phones, etc. These kinds of products are very competitive. Apple had opened two new stores in Hong Kong and Shanghai last week. They proved people like American products; people are willing to pay more for them; not a little more, but a lot more. People queue over night for new products coming from America.
Why the American people could have a better technology, while the others could not? Even the Europeans like the Nokia, or the Asians like the Sam Sung can hardly complete with them. Why?
In my view, this remains a culture secret.
An apple tree grew in the soils of America, if removed else where, like Japan or Korea or China, will never has the same good apples on the tree. The tree is but the tool of the soil. The apple is from the soil. The iphone 5 is from the soil. And the soil is the western culture itself. And the culture is in the minds of every American. Or we can say the iphone 5 is from Benjamin Franklin, from Abraham Lincoln, from Thomas Edison, from Martin Luther King, from John Lennon and etc.
The Japanese, the Korean, the Chinese all bought trees from America. They hired American scientists and engineers, but can they produce the same good apples? Obviously not. They can buy the tree, but they can never buy the soil. If hot competition is coming in the future, people should watch out for products from the other soil, not products from the relocated trees.
And more of the America competitive power is hidden, for they have not put all their products to the market. You can never buy a stealth plane, or other higher secret military product from the market. That means, the Americans have not shown all their might in competitiveness.
Competitive power is from the inner core of the culture itself, not from a lower price.
Now, from the Global edition of the New York Times yesterday (2011.10.4.), we saw comments from Paul Krugman. He said, “…we need to make American product more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar’s value to fall in terms of other currencies….”
May be he needs to reconsider the real inner power of the competitiveness of the American culture.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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What is “wind”?

What is “wind”?
(Quest No.8248e 2011/10/04 Tuesday)
Wind is air moving in a block. Wind has a body. And the body can move. Wind is more than a stream. Wind is a moving body. Streams were but part of our experiences. And this is important. If we cannot see the body, then wind is hardly harnessable.
We should try to measure how wide and how high are the wind blocks. Scientists were interested mainly on the “speed” of the wind stream. And that is not enough. If winds are moving, then the whole blocks are moving. What is the shape of the block? Is it like a belt? Or a cake? Or a river? When one block moves, will other blocks turn around? Its only when you could see the sizes and locations of the blocks, then you can know their relation.
And our problem is: How to harness the block?
Turbans could only harness the stream, not the block. And that is far more then not enough.
We should build “wind dam” to make use of the wind energy.
And more interestingly, the wind dams could be built by nylon materials, not stones and concrete.
I do hope, we could have cheaper energy created by wind dams in the very near future.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(問到底No.8247 2011/10/03 Monday)
當然這是可能的。但是,你只是生長得慢了。但你不是重返當年。今天我九十歲,到了外太空生活了十年, 或者我不會是一百歲,而只是九十二歲。更不會重新回到我的童年,不會變成只有十歲。我也不會打一通電報,給從前的我。(從前在另一時空中生活的「我」)(又或者,愛因斯坦如果到今天仍活著,他不會打電報了,發一封電郵就是。)
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What is “external time”?
What is “external time”?
(Quest No.8247e 2011/10/01 Saturday)
I hope this is the very basic understand that all people should know it in the near future. That all time from the clocks we know on earth are external time. You can use a clock, or any other means to measure the growth or development of something, then you are measuring the external time.
For example, if you measure my time from another galaxy, you will find I am only 10 years old, even actually I am now 90. Though these kinds of measuring of time are hot topics on science stories, some people predicted if you go to another galaxy and you “will” become 10 years old then.
However, this is but the external counting only.
I am 90 years old and that is the real time of my life. If you use a slower clock to count it, that is meaningless.
Am I challenging the formidable Einstein? I dare not.
I only tried to point out; things could have their own growth rate. In addition, external counting does not change the growth rate.
Some will argue with me. What if I have a slower heartbeat and metabolic rate in another galaxy?
Of course, that is possible. Then, You are growing slower, but you are not going back. I am 90 years old, ten years later perhaps I will be 92 only, but I will never come back as 10 years old. And I cannot send a telegraph to another “me” who is living in another “time”. (If Einstein lives today, he will send email instead of telegraph.)
Because, time cannot be separated from the things. Every “thing” has its own time. What is countable is external time only.
Even though the external time could change, but the internal time will not.
Am I challenging Einstein? I hope not. Because I do not understand his theory. I only tried to find out the very basic meaning of time. If he was wrong, he must be wrong from the very beginning.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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(Quest No.8247e 2011/10/01 Saturday)
I hope this is the very basic understand that all people should know it in the near future. That all time from the clocks we know on earth are external time. You can use a clock, or any other means to measure the growth or development of something, then you are measuring the external time.
For example, if you measure my time from another galaxy, you will find I am only 10 years old, even actually I am now 90. Though these kinds of measuring of time are hot topics on science stories, some people predicted if you go to another galaxy and you “will” become 10 years old then.
However, this is but the external counting only.
I am 90 years old and that is the real time of my life. If you use a slower clock to count it, that is meaningless.
Am I challenging the formidable Einstein? I dare not.
I only tried to point out; things could have their own growth rate. In addition, external counting does not change the growth rate.
Some will argue with me. What if I have a slower heartbeat and metabolic rate in another galaxy?
Of course, that is possible. Then, You are growing slower, but you are not going back. I am 90 years old, ten years later perhaps I will be 92 only, but I will never come back as 10 years old. And I cannot send a telegraph to another “me” who is living in another “time”. (If Einstein lives today, he will send email instead of telegraph.)
Because, time cannot be separated from the things. Every “thing” has its own time. What is countable is external time only.
Even though the external time could change, but the internal time will not.
Am I challenging Einstein? I hope not. Because I do not understand his theory. I only tried to find out the very basic meaning of time. If he was wrong, he must be wrong from the very beginning.
Inquiry 852- 2559-4690
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