Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why - Why you want to ask why?


Why - Why you want to ask why?

That is because the Universe is releasing her secret bit by bit into the hands of human beings.

Maybe there are huge formulas and deep secrets in the Universe.

And it seems she is willing to release the secrets to us.

Perhaps it is a very early starting point now.

Knowledge could be accumulated.

And time is no end.

Why the Universe is willing to release something to Human beings?

And the answer could be  obvious:  if I am not too naive to believe it.

The Universe and human being will mix up into one,  I suppose.

The external universe is combining with the internal human spirit.

Actually, it is not happening in the future. 

Actually, it is happening now.

Whenever you ask a question,  there will be an answer for it.   The answer may not be for you to receive, but it will be received sooner or later by you or your follower.   It will be released to human beings.

Human beings are sons and daughters of the Universe.

You can ask.

Answers are there waiting.

And it is simple.

You can make some sense out of nothing by asking.

Humans with a sense will win.


Flying car: How to make it smaller?


Flying car:  How to make it smaller?


If the flying car is successfully replacing all the road-running cars, economies could be totally different.

You'll have a double or three-fold economy,  and a double or three-fold sized country. 

Flying made remote areas near,  far away places could be used like cities.

Problems will be solved suddenly because of the economy up going.

There is one key point in making the flying cars.

It is a little key point, but it's not to be neglected.

Flying cars must not be like helicopters. 

Helicopters are too big to crowd-in the streets.  Helicopters can only stay in  airports.

But flying cars can  "drive" side by side with the pedestrians.

A safe flying car can descend silently, landing one or two feet by your side.  You can get in like getting into a taxi.

The secret could be that it is bladeless. 

When it is bladeless, it could be smaller to enter into daily lives like an automobile.

How can a flying car be bladeless?

There are lots of ways to do it. 

You can fit in one bigger turbo fan,  or one hundred smaller electric turbo engines.

Different designs will come up when people are awared that it will turn the market up to the sky.

And it should be a huge project by the whole country.

Everything will change within a few years.....

Only that you remain  curious about nature and always ask why.


One day later...

Many are interested about the flying car.

Heated competition is expected.



A good new year 2025


A good new year 2025









Xīnnián xīn yuè chuàngxīn xīng

huányǔ huán zhòu shì rénqíng

dōngfāng xīfāng yàng yàng hǎo

nánhǎi běiyáng wàng tàipíng

zhànhuǒ rénjiān lěngmò xiāo

wúzhī wú jué xiàng hǎicháo

cǐqǐbǐfú rénjiān shì

tàiyáng shēng qǐ kàn jīnzhāo

It is a new year. It is  a new month.  And it is a new star.

What do we have in all this Universe?   We have love.

There are good signs in East and West

There will be peace in South and North

Indifference and cold  disappears among the flames of wars

What is left is ignorance retiring like tides

There will be ups and downs everywhere

But the sun is always rising like this morning



Why don't birds collide with each other in flying?



"Why don't birds collide with each other in flying?"

 There are lots of pigeons in Hong Kong streets.  They will fly suddenly if someone approaches.

 Hundreds of birds will cover the sky in seconds.

 But they will never collide with each other.

 If they were not birds,  if they were drones, you need to plan ahead to arrange for them each a route to fly.

 Do birds have a plan also?

 Will each of the birds fly with its own brain or they have a common network in flying?

 It is not easy to prove such network exists.

But it is not difficult for humans to "feel" the distance of others walking nearby.

 There must be some links between the brains.

 Humans are evolving not only individually.

 Humans will have a sense stronger and stronger to feel with each other.

 It is fun.  

 And sometimes it can save your life,  if you can be alerted a little earlier.
