Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


The world is not free anymore


The most dangerous part about the AI is not that it can spy on every single human in the planet.

Numerous low-flying satellites are capturing  details of anyone.  The details could be a light wave or even sound wave.  Your lip movements can be translated instantly. They knew where you are going by calculation.

The most dangerous part is that it can detect  relations of humans.

A complete detail of the world is drawn.

What is the significant meaning of this?

It means the world is not free.

It means every country is vulnerable.

It means weakness.

It means who holds stronger AI is the stronger power.

Relations are more important than identifying photos.

They knew who is who,  they knew who is going together with who.

There is a structural detail of any country in the eyes of the AI holder.

They can listen to not only a few telephones but a lot,  may be all.  

No one can escape even he had threw away his mobile.

The satellites are like the bugs in your hair,  you can go nowhere without being detected by your own hair.

And they can detect your relation.

They knew how you are organized.

A single dominant power will be on the head of everyone.

What can the world people do?

That is why countries are chasing after the knowledge of AI.

But a stronger AI cannot help you avoid being watched.

Maybe the world can be united together.

Maybe the world will know that  the power of the mind is still there.

It is the only way for them to seek survival.

They need to share views on religions, philosophies and mind matters.

Those have been a taboo in all foreign affairs.


But now the situation have changed.

If they do not share their inner thoughts,  they cannot escape the fate of destruction....killed one by one.

Color revolutions have killed many leaders.

It is because they do not have friends.  

No one will help them.
