Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why is it not Easy to Shift a Paradigm?

 9329 Why is it not easy to shift a paradigm? 20211228

You might still remember the old story of paradigm. It was happened during or shortly after the 2nd World War. The captain of a big ship was steering around a peaceful sea and suddenly he had found a light spot was directly in front of his ship. And the spot did not move for a while, that meant they were colliding. The captain was nervous and send a signal telling the light spot to move aside. He thought his ship was big and the spot had to move away. Its the rule of the sea for smaller ships to make way for a bigger one. But the light spot returned a signal requesting him to move instead. He was a bit annoyed and send a signal again, "We are an aircraft carrier, please turn aside." The light spot quickly answered: "We are a lighthouse."

The scenario had changed suddenly in the captain's mind and he shifted his paradigm and moved away as fast as he could be. 

However, some paradigms are not so easy to shift. 

it is a kind of much stronger scenario. Some people can easily change their faith, but not able to shift away from a super wrong paradigm. 

For example, the concept of "enemy".  99% of the people from the Western civilization had heard about the teaching of "love your enemy", however, almost none of them can understand and love their enemies instead of hating them. It happened not in a short time, but lasted for two thousand years until now. It is absolutely rare for someone to love his enemy.   

People simply cannot shift from a hate mode to a love mode. It is not a short time.  It has been lasting for a long time of two thousand years.

It is same as the captain, he was steering his ship with his gun pointing at the light spot yet he will not believe the spot was not his enemy. 

And the spot was not his friend either. He was doing something unknown and was against his will.

Then what am I aiming at? If that was not an enemy nor a friend? 

People simply cannot and will not shift his scenario in such a case.

It was extremely difficult for anyone to realise the true scenario of the picture. 

What is my target? What am I fighting for? 

The most difficult part about the concept of "enemy" is not the "enemy" itself. There is a much bigger picture on top of the concept. None could understand the term "peace" since the early beginning of the Western culture. 

It was almost until the year 1945 when the two World Wars had ended and people had suddenly found that they were in peace.

A grand-peace is ahead of us humans since the world wars.

However, humans did not notice that they will be rich if a grand peace is achieved.

Peace is wealth. Only in a completely peaceful situation then the wisdoms could have a chance to achieve the next aim for human beings. Countries were still fighting. They did not see the wealth is coming with the peace. The concept of "enemy" will have become redundant only when the real peace-plus-wealth situation happens. 

May be in future  we would discover that our aim is not "wealth" but something more than money. And we need to shift our minds again by then. 

Now, it is important to get into the age of wealth. 

And it was not funny that the captain was aiming not at the lighthouse, but his own purse. He is doing things to make himself poor. He will shift into a higher paradigm to sail in the world of money as soon as he had discovered the truth.  


