Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Tackle - How to tackle the problem of tilting?


Tackle -  How to tackle the problem of tilting?

The world is a wheel.   The culture is also a wheel.

Just you don't know how long will it be turning upward.

Major powers are mind and matter.   And you can translate these two words into a broader understanding: They are greed and love.

There are always matter and mind in this world.   No one is to deny them.  But you do have a preference.   You can choose to love,  or to grab.

How would love people to tackle with greed people?

They will swallow you if you are not strong enough.

You need to be strong, very strong to stand against them.

How can I be strong?

First, you have to master the meaning of complete lost or death in the meaning of life.

This is in the personal level.    But it is the same in International business or politics.

What if you are dead?

Some people can only understand the meaning of life when in dying.  The reality is breaking up suddenly. 

Thoughtful minds can see the meaning of life before that.

They have a decision to take nothing from the world for their hard work.

This is the very basic of the mind.

Why they can come up with such a decision?

Because they have an aim in life.   They knew that their life is in a purpose.

How to tackle all the problems?

Next is fearless.

You're fearless of hot fire, of extreme cold, of fighting the lion(Ancient Rome people did have that game), and, of losing all assets,  of becoming a begger and the worst of all:  of being laughed at!


"I'm not afraid of dying but of being poor,  I'm simply afraid of being laughed at!"

How am I to fight the lion?

I will not fear being laughed at!

