Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese



 9407 夢往何處  20221124




 那是老太婆丈夫的車。 似乎是一輛黑色的大眾汽車。 但它更要大一些。


 這輛車很舊,似乎很脆弱, 然而非常乾淨。 以前的駕駛人似乎很愛這輛車,我相信他從前一定是位出色的車手。

 這輛車的前面儀表板上,有多一個特殊的鑰匙孔。 鑰匙是紅色的,好像是塑料,是一根複雜的方形鑰匙。 我試圖將紅色鑰匙插入孔中。 但是老太婆阻止了我。

 她告訴我這是有其他用途的,她向我解釋了幾句。 但我聽不懂她的意思。 後來我用另一把鑰匙,在另外的鎖匙孔啟動了汽車。


 我聽到一個男人在我的座位後面尖叫。 當時我記得駕駛座在左邊。 我是不慣開這樣的左撇子車的。

 那人尖叫著說是車夾著了他。 其實他的意思是説,汽車㚒著了他的銀行支票。 我說,你為什麼把銀行支票放在窗外? 銀行支票似乎被夾在附近牆上的某條縫裡了。

 那男子費了一點功夫,從牆上取回銀行支票。 然後我才意識到,這條街很窄。

 我問乘客:你們要去哪裡? 我要送你們去哪裡? 沒有人回答。 他們似乎扺達就會示意下車的。 他們不願意説明目的地。


 我對自己說,那我們就去羅便臣道好了。 但我還是發現了奇怪的事情。

 我們好像在澳門,絕不是在香港。 澳門沒有羅便臣道的。

 然而,車子已經啟動了。 雖然我沒有意識到,其實是沒有這條路的。

 車似乎在某個陡峭的山坡上走。 我使勁踩剎車,讓下坡的車慢一點。 車離牆壁只有幾寸。

 我在街上轉了又轉。 我努力從記憶中尋找羅便臣道的方向。

 汽車有時在上坡行駛。 我用力踏加速器,根本不像是汽車的踏板,像是自行車的踏板。 我試了又試,突然奏效了。 汽車獲得動力再次上坡。

 就在這時候,我突然醒了過來。 我意識到這是一個夢。 但我無法離開這個夢, 只能躺在床上讓它在腦子裡一遍又一遍地轉。

 我不斷地問自己:我們要去哪裡? 為什麼沒有人會告訴我目的地? 我該如何將這些人帶到那個地方?


 我要用這個紅色塑料鑰匙做什麼? 如果我將鑰匙插入那個孔會怎樣? 額外的鑰匙可以幫到我嗎?

 我從任何地方都沒有答案。 我只能記著那個夢境。 夢結束得如此突然,或者我需要多些時間才明白的。 



Robinsons Road

 9407   Dreaming to Somewhere  20221124

I thought I need to write down this dream to remember it.

Maybe I can get some meaning  from it later.

I brought an old car from an old woman in the dream. 

Actually, it was the old woman's husband's car.  It seemed to be a black Volkswagen.  But it was a little bigger. 

When I climbed into the drivers seat, there were already a few  passengers sitting behind me.

The car was very old.  It seemed to be flimsy.   Yet it was very clean. The  driver before managed  it so well  that I have to admit he must be an excellent driver. 

The car had got a special key hole in the front panel. The key was red. And it seemed to be plastic and complicated in a square shape. I tried to insert the red key into the hole. But the old woman stopped me. 

She told me that it was for some other purpose. She explained to me in a few words. But I couldn't get her meaning. So I used the other key to start the car.

The car moved a few inches forward. 

 I heard a man screamed behind my seat.  I remembered that the driver's seat was in the left side.  And it was not my habbit to drive in such a left handed car. 

The man screamed that the car had caught him.  Actually he meant the car had caught his bank cheque. And I said, why you put your bank cheque  outside the window?  It seemed the bank cheque had been  caught somewhere in holes at the nearby wall.  

The man tried  with some effort to retrieve the bank cheque from the wall.  Then I realized that the street was narrow.

And then I asked the passengers: Where are you going?   Where am I to take you  to? And no one  answered. It seemed that they would drop off  only by signals.  They were reluctant to tell me their destination.

Suddenly it occurred to me from somewhere that we were going to Robinsons Road. 

I said to myself,  very well then,  we should be going to  Robinsons Road.  And I found strange things later.  

That we seemed to be in Macau  and definitely not in Hong Kong.  There isn't any Robinson's Road in Macau.

However, the car had been started. And I didn't realize  that there was no Robinson's road by that time.

It seemed  to be in a steep hill somewhere. I pushed my brake hard to slow the car running downhill. It was only inches from the walls.

I turned and turned around the streets.  I tried hard from my memory  to search the directions of Robinson's Road. 

 The car was running uphill sometimes. And I pushed the fuel peddle so hard  that it was not to be a peddle from a car,  but a peddle from a  bicycle.   I tried and tried and suddenly the peddle worked.  The car gained momentum to move uphill again.

It was by this time I suddenly woke up.  I realized that it was a dream.  But I could not leave the dream. I could only let it  running in my brain again and again for a while when I was lying  in the bed.

I kept asking myself: Where are we going? Why no one would tell me destinations?  And how am I to drive these people to the place?

However I had found it really interesting that I had one more extra key hole in the  car.

What am I to use this plastic red  key for? What if I insert the key into that hole? Can the extra key help me? 

 I have no answer from anywhere. I just remembered the dream. The dream ended so abruptly  that I need to have some more time  to figure out the meaning of it.

The end.


Why should the war in Ukraine not be stopped?

 9406  Why should the war in Ukraine not be stopped? (plus more) 20221118-

Korea is a bad example for the Ukrainian conflict. 

The war in Korea peninsula had been stopped too early.  And now South Korea is a commanding height  for the US to  influence China.   I am using the word 
"influence" reluctantly.  Because some people do not regard mind capture as an attack from the enemy,  its only some kind of "influence" only.

South Korea is a bad example of  western materialism.  Their lifestyle reflects the bad side of materialism.  Now, Hong Kong is copying everything from  South Korea.   Facial makeup for boys,  and groups of young singers  as leaders of a social corruption front were prepared.   The Korean boys  were entertained into the White Palace by Biden recently.   And you can see such kind of Hong Kong young singers will be pushed up to stages  by  some people in China also. 

Those are shadows of selfish philosophy of Yang Jiang and the Nobel  crowned writers, etc.

To capture minds before land is the golden rule of war. 

And the lands will be used as military bases for the enemy.

If the Ukrainian conflict is settled  like Korea,  future difficult will be  unavoidable when a  permanent commanding height  was set up in the back of Russia and the front of the world.

With this background study of the Korean war, the death of the son of Chairman Mao Zedong  is  quite suspicious.  It could be a psychological attack to Chairman Mao to make him feel uncertain and  hesitate to fight the war to a better ending.


Chairman Mao had kept the clothes of his dead son for 26 years until his own death. People found the secret in 1990.


What is Avalokitesvara?

    "Era Avalokitesvara"*

*The name Avalokiteśvara means

 “the lord who gazes down upon the world.” 

Avalokiteśvara's half-closed eyes look down upon the suffering beings of the earth, his gentle smile expressing compassion for all beings.

 Avalokitesvara is a Female Goddess in China sometimes.

*(Its wonderful when I tried to check out the meaning of Avalokitesvara, I found the above meaning from the search engine, and to my surprise that it was similar to my Cantonese song: Era Maria)

*(And the look of the two words is similar.)

 Avalokitesvara ..... Ave Maria


Turtle and Lamb Soup

 9405  Turtle and Lamb Soup  2022 1109

The Creator put many ingredients in the pot, including turtle meat and mutton, and many Arabic spices, as well as onions, potatoes, ginger, and Huaishan, berries, licorice, and so on from China. He wants to cook the best pot of soup.

Turtle meat and mutton were originally unrelated to each other, but as soon as they entered the pot, they began to fight. Each of them wants to occupy territory, each wants to grab benefits, and they don't know who will win or lose. In the end, is it a lamb victory or a turtle victory? Everyone is very concerned about this type of war. The mutton elements and the turtle elements each have their own spheres of influence. Each of them found a owner. This is the consensus: with a master, you don't have to think for yourself, you are fed.

There are emotions in the soup: Why is it always floating and sinking? Many people say that they are living involuntarily and are obeying to others. They are sometimes submerged, sometimes floating. When floating, the bubbles on the surface of the boiling water burst, like Xiang Yu of the Chu Kingdom. He was proudly looking around, and believed he could not be beaten. When it sinks, it falls straight to the depths of the bottom layer, silently. Everyone does his best and wants to float. But floating and sinking are not certain. Because this is a pot of soup, there is a fire burning underneath.

Some people say that he needs to think more for himself, he needs to be selfish, he just needs to love himself. He said, "The world has nothing to do with me." This phrase is strongly promoted.

The Creator just smiled.

Soon, a pot of soup was cooked. The fragrance spread ten thousand of miles away, and the admiration was endless. To sing or to float?  It doesn't matter anymore. In short, this is a good pot of soup.

It is said that this is human culture. This is how culture progresses.

The world has turned over and evolved.

The general behavior of humans leads to evolution.

Some friends are smart. He said that I would be a freeist and ignore everything, and will not interfere anyone. Will they escape from the outside of this pot of soup? The answer is no. The only thing that can go out is the fragrance.

The fragrance wafts for thousands of miles.

Only the fragrance can get rid of bonds. the fragrance is free. The fragrance can fly as much as it wants.

The fragrance makes the meat luscious. The fragrance stays on forever. The fragrance is the eternal element of the universe, and it is the root of soup. Without the fragrance, the soup is worthless.

The getaway freeist may become soup dregs. They have nothing to do with any idea, no one wants it, and they are leftovers to be thrown away. Although the soup dregs are also important. Dregs are also indispensable, this is the principle of soup.

So, where does the fragrance come from? In the struggle between lamb and turtle meat, when killing is inextricable. The fragrance suddenly appeared.

What is fragrance?

Fragrance is an enlightenment.

If anyone could turn his head and looks back, he might see the truth. He would know what to do, knowing that life should be used. And that is fragrance. 

The elements of fragrance are selflessness and love.

Selflessness gives him an overall feel. His observational base transcends the extraordinary. The field of vision leaves the individual and he has got compound eyes. And there is love. Love is the key to solidifying all things, and all things are in harmony. Lamb meat and turtle meat and other elements embrace warmly. The fire is constantly heated, and they are not afraid. So the fragrance was born.

A good cook does not need to look at the pot or the clock. He only needs to use his nose: when the fragrance appears, he knows it perfectly.

People suddenly realized: it doesn't matter if you win or lose. Just hug each other warmly and make a good soup. Good soup has a fragrant.

The fragrance is sublimation.

The fragrance that sublimated out was very happy. Because he has left this pot of soup. The fragrance flew happily. Thinking that he is successful, he is detached.

This is probably the fragrance’s biggest mistake: the in and the out may not be demarcated. There must be other elements besides the mind and the matter.

The fragrance didn't know: when he left this pot of soup, he was in a larger pot of soup outside.

The fragrance has to work again, and he has to work harder in this high-level soup again. Does the fragrance still have to burn himself again? Is there a fragrance on top of the fragrance? There are so many turn of lives waiting ahead and each will be a new challenge. He will never be lazy. What exactly is the fragrance living for?

Bystanders will not understand. What is the attraction of such a hard work, this absolute sacrifice?

Is enlightenment so important? Can it take a person to the next level?

Only the fragrance can leave this pot of soup. Only the fragrance can fly, isn't this the highest realm, and the best reward?

Fragrance above fragrance is beauty.

The ingredients that struggle in the soup have never enjoyed this soup before. They never knew this soup was so luscious. They have almost owned the whole world, but they never enjoy it.

Only the fragrance can see all this from a higher place and enjoy it. The fragrance is free.

Soup dregs said: I don't need freedom. The fragrance exhausted his tongue, but failed to convince them.

What is freedom? It's too hard. It cannot be explained because enlightenment is needed before everything.

There is still the in and the out, and there are still levels. There's always a bigger pot of soup outside.

The fragrance is constantly flying, like a butterfly in the flowers.

The fragrance flew layers upon layers. The sublimation has been on and on, and he never regrets it. The fragrance does not care about his blood and sweat, he does not mind.


The Creator said, "What are you following me like this? Do you want to be my attendant?"

The fragrance said, "It's my honor."

The Creator said, "Then follow along and let people smell it."

The fragrance said: " Oh, I see, you are the fragrance."

The Creator said, "Don't be too premature to say anything, your journey has just begun."

(Machine translated from the Chinese version)

















































 深度修飾的文字…  意思其實祇有一句:  做又三十六,不做又三十六。











神州大地上,精神鴉片橫行霸道。為什麼可能 ?


Chinese Ave Maria (please read the notes)



  A song comforts you at all times

......try singing together with him in Chinese. Its a wonderful feeling. 

 The Chinese language fits perfectly with the melody.

It can be in Cantonese or Madarin.






天~~無限地遠  溫暖何在

仇恨   未見破解   循環



去那一方  總要明白

等候   許多年


 她知道  她知道

總~~想有日 天漸明

愛~~愛令人 心共鳴







She saw all kinds of sorrow,  when

She looks at the whole world

She gives you comfort silently

Where is the sky?  Its unreachably far,  where is warmth?

Hatred is not disolved, it comes round and round

what is the thing that could show some brightness

where,  where am I going?

I need to know where.

Waiting for so many years 

My mind

She knows,  she knows

I am always hoping for the sunshine

Love, love is the echo of mind

Change,  changed the view

Singing out loud

Its just like this

Going happily hand in hand

To afar

      "Era Avalokitesvara"*

*The name Avalokiteśvara means

 “the lord who gazes down upon the world.” 

Avalokiteśvara's half-closed eyes look down upon the suffering beings of the earth, his gentle smile expressing compassion for all beings.

 Avalokitesvara is a Female Goddess in China sometimes.

*(Its wonderful when I tried to check out the meaning of Avalokitesvara, I found the above meaning from the search engine, and to my surprise that it was similar to my song.)

*(And the look of the two words is similar, too.)

 Avalokitesvara ..... Ave Maria


Can you see the fate of China in the fate of one book?

 9402  Can you see the fate of China in the fate of one book  2022 1101 

The book is “Dream of the Red Chamber”. It has been locked up since the early days before the liberation of China and the lock is still there and now, double locked. 

All publications of the book were under the spell of a United States agent whose name is Hu Shi(胡適). He had said that the first 80 chapters of the book is the story of a rich man and his rich family, and it bears no internal meaning in the book. As for the other 40 remaining chapters, he said it was the work of a publication merchant. And the intention of the make-up chapters was for selling purpose only.   There has been a heated debate for this. One major opponent was Pan Zhong Gui (潘重規). He was my teacher. 

However, all debates had been useless, because Hu Shi was offered many Honorary Doctor Degrees suddenly at the same time. He was raised up to the Heaven and there seemed all argues were subsided. All publication of the book carried the author names as decided by Hu Shi. And the real intention of the book and its meaning cannot be found and people seemed to have no interest about that book since. 

It is strange enough for simple minds. Why were the 35 Western Universities offered Honorary Degrees to Hu Shi suddenly? One could not have avoided the thought that the 35 Western Universities must had received the same order to do that. It could not have been a coincidence. It is a plan. 

The question is how. 

How can the United States do that. 

And the question is the extend. How strong were their arms to reach to the Universities and what was the internal function to do such a job?  

And the outcome is more than the lost of one book in China. It harms the spirit of the Chinese. 

The book is locked up by the United States, and it is double locked. 

The second lock was from the Chinese Government. It seemed they had decided to keep the situation as it is. And the book was covered with dust in the libraries. The fake names of authors were the same and never changed. Though the book has the same position as War and Peace in Russia, Les Miserables in France, Shakespeare in United Kingdom, and Don Quixote in Spain; however, it is a pity that the fate of the book in China is not the same. Chinese people cannot understand the inner meaning of the book from the dust.   

People could only guess that why and how could the Chinese Government had such determination? Was it from the leadership or, was it from the secret agents working in and outside the Government? 

It must be the most serious threat against the Chinese. The agents were not only a few people but a complete network. If any links of the network was broken, they could use other channels to make up. One link is broken and it could be mended easily. It is an open secret in Hong Kong. People just understand the situation and many are having their own fate linked up with the network. 

It could explain why the low taste interest in the internet are so strong. People in Hong Kong can easily see the internal minds of young people during the November 1st festival of foreign ghosts. It is same in Hong Kong and Korea where ignorant  people dress up in costumes have nowhere to go to except wine bars and places of drugs. It is a mind-lost for the young generation. And Hong Kong is busy copying all the things including the low culture and rock music from Korea. It must be the same order received like the 35 Western Universities. 

What could the fate of China be in the future if all young people are rotten?    

A reference:


                           2010. 11.29












        如果你還要提及甚麼甚麼的「愛」和「博愛」,他會教訓你,要提倡多些 sustainable value。如果你對他講,西方文化是外在的,而外在傾向不可能解決文化的衝突。他也不會口啞無言。因為,他以為,這就是「務實」。而且,好像胡適所講:「多談些問題,少提些主義。」大約是,照抄了西方的全部政治架構,問題就不存在了。








