Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Can you see the fate of China in the fate of one book?

 9402  Can you see the fate of China in the fate of one book  2022 1101 

The book is “Dream of the Red Chamber”. It has been locked up since the early days before the liberation of China and the lock is still there and now, double locked. 

All publications of the book were under the spell of a United States agent whose name is Hu Shi(胡適). He had said that the first 80 chapters of the book is the story of a rich man and his rich family, and it bears no internal meaning in the book. As for the other 40 remaining chapters, he said it was the work of a publication merchant. And the intention of the make-up chapters was for selling purpose only.   There has been a heated debate for this. One major opponent was Pan Zhong Gui (潘重規). He was my teacher. 

However, all debates had been useless, because Hu Shi was offered many Honorary Doctor Degrees suddenly at the same time. He was raised up to the Heaven and there seemed all argues were subsided. All publication of the book carried the author names as decided by Hu Shi. And the real intention of the book and its meaning cannot be found and people seemed to have no interest about that book since. 

It is strange enough for simple minds. Why were the 35 Western Universities offered Honorary Degrees to Hu Shi suddenly? One could not have avoided the thought that the 35 Western Universities must had received the same order to do that. It could not have been a coincidence. It is a plan. 

The question is how. 

How can the United States do that. 

And the question is the extend. How strong were their arms to reach to the Universities and what was the internal function to do such a job?  

And the outcome is more than the lost of one book in China. It harms the spirit of the Chinese. 

The book is locked up by the United States, and it is double locked. 

The second lock was from the Chinese Government. It seemed they had decided to keep the situation as it is. And the book was covered with dust in the libraries. The fake names of authors were the same and never changed. Though the book has the same position as War and Peace in Russia, Les Miserables in France, Shakespeare in United Kingdom, and Don Quixote in Spain; however, it is a pity that the fate of the book in China is not the same. Chinese people cannot understand the inner meaning of the book from the dust.   

People could only guess that why and how could the Chinese Government had such determination? Was it from the leadership or, was it from the secret agents working in and outside the Government? 

It must be the most serious threat against the Chinese. The agents were not only a few people but a complete network. If any links of the network was broken, they could use other channels to make up. One link is broken and it could be mended easily. It is an open secret in Hong Kong. People just understand the situation and many are having their own fate linked up with the network. 

It could explain why the low taste interest in the internet are so strong. People in Hong Kong can easily see the internal minds of young people during the November 1st festival of foreign ghosts. It is same in Hong Kong and Korea where ignorant  people dress up in costumes have nowhere to go to except wine bars and places of drugs. It is a mind-lost for the young generation. And Hong Kong is busy copying all the things including the low culture and rock music from Korea. It must be the same order received like the 35 Western Universities. 

What could the fate of China be in the future if all young people are rotten?    

A reference:


                           2010. 11.29












        如果你還要提及甚麼甚麼的「愛」和「博愛」,他會教訓你,要提倡多些 sustainable value。如果你對他講,西方文化是外在的,而外在傾向不可能解決文化的衝突。他也不會口啞無言。因為,他以為,這就是「務實」。而且,好像胡適所講:「多談些問題,少提些主義。」大約是,照抄了西方的全部政治架構,問題就不存在了。









