Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


What if Jesus told you Genesis was a lie?

 What if Jesus told you Genesis was a lie? 

 Please refer to the Gospel of John:   Chapter eight,  Section 44.

 Actually anyone with a clear mind can know that. The Genesis was a lie. And the writers of that book was liars.

 And people did not know that God is not countable.  

God is spirit.   Spirit is light.  Humans are sons of light.  these are ideas of Jesus. 

And light is not countable.....

They are all parables,  even the word "son" or "God" or "spirit" are also parables. We need to be humble to know that we are all infants not able to know the secret of the Universe and infants better love each other and don't fight,  if they also like to seek some wisdom,  if they have eaten the fruits of wisdom,  its not sin.

To insist one God or one Trinity is meaningless.

 Sin is when people refuse to learn and refuse to grow up, and keep wisdom locked up not allowing others to search.

If people insist that God is countable and there is only one God and all others are evil,  that meant they want to take over the whole world. They want to be master of everyone.

That meant they are evil.

What if Jesue was right?

If Jesus was right, the Western world will be turned up side down.

They will have a new vision.

Every thing will be changed.

The road to serfdom will be the road to freedom.

We need Don Quixote to challenge the old mind.

