Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why definitely Palestinians will lose to Israel?

 Why definitely Palestinians will lose to Israel?

 There is a forbidden place in the mind.  People will never go into that place.

 And the area of the forbidden place is unknown actually.

 You never know how large the forbidden area is. 

 Until one day,  the forbidden area is so big that it will dominate everything in your life as well as all your country and all your culture.

 It is by this time you will  find your own demise.

 The case of Palestinians is just the same.

 If you dare not to think into that forbidden area, your action will follow.  You will never succeed in doing things you actually wish to do.

  Strange is the forbidden area of the Palestinians is not from themselves.

 The forbidden area of the Palestinians was from Israel.

 They eat the same thing like the Israelis eat.

 They are thinking the same thing like the Israel think.

 Their holy book was from the Israel holy book.

 They are destined to lose. 

 What is the consequence?

 The consequenc is a complete failure for them all.

 Israelis will win all the battles.

 Even the outsiders dare not to think about these consequences.

 Although the forbidden area in the outsiders mind is not the same with the Palestinians.

 It is a very simple thing. 

  Some people just dare not to think more.

 People will think that they are so big that they will never lose until the day comes,  things will happen and they will have no time and no space to escape.

 Israel is not Israel alone.  It is a mixture of two big powers. It is an ally of Israel and United States.   The future will be dominated by the country honored as the IUSA.

 Many countries will be defeated and disappeared.

 Even the biggest Palestinian country will not escape this fate.

It was determined not now, but in the very beginning.  When they were sharing the holy book with the Israel, the final result was established.

 There were one time history had noted down the situation.  Please refer to the Gospel of John, Chapter 8 section 44. Please read carefully the whole book.

 When you are fighting with the devil but you have allowed the devil entering your mind to set up a forbidden area.  You will lose definitely as an outcome.

 And there will not be easy day for outsiders.

 Strong fortress will be pulled down one by one.

 Maybe China is the last strong fortress to stand.

 But China will have no friends by then.   When their friends are fighting badly, China is not involved.   China is watching their friends leaving one by one.

 And by then China will have no friends.

The advise for you is not to worry too much about these simple things.

 Because cultures are coming as a circle.

 Even China will be defeated. 

 And that is a forbidden area too. Chinese people will never dare to think about an unhappy future and stay in the peaceful comfort zone.

 But from the prospect of a much longer cycle, there will still be a bright future for  human beings and China.

 What are the shorter cycle and the longer cycle?

 The shorter cycle is counted in four figures of years.

 Things will change in thousands of years.

 But there is always a bigger cycle behind. The bigger cycle is counted in five figures of years.

 Things will definitely brighter in 10,000 years to 99,000 years.

 There is one reason for people not going into the five figures of years area.

 They dare not to think something will happen after life.

 Life is only a two-figure-year period  for them. 

 Some people thought they will never live over 99. And why bother to think longer?

 They never know that they are building a bitter life for their own future.


 They dare not think that life is still there 10,000 or 99,000 years later......

 Dare you not to enter the forbidden area to play for a while?

 It is fun in there.
