What is the meaning of individual death?
There are all kinds of death, countries will die, species will die, and even the planet will die.
The Chinese people are lucky, they can keep their country for a very long time. Some other countries are not so lucky, they can be perished due to war or weather or other circumstances.
There might be a history to study and there might be a future to explore. They are interesting and important.
Yet the question could be really simple and easy.
Put it in one line is like this:
What are we going to do?
It is important not to make it too simple.
As the question could be in another form: What am I going to do?
When you put all the burdens on the shoulders of one individual, the answer is difficult.
Yes, I can do something, and I can do more in the context of a bigger being.
The being could be your country or your species.
When you know what you're doing, you are certain to know what you're dying for.
The concept of death is easy to be confused.
It seems many deaths are individual.
It seems the life of a certain one is not important.
That is not true.
Individual dying is a phenomenon for the whole species.
If we put more concentration on the species rather than the individual, we could be much happier, because we are doing things as a whole and we are dying together.
Do not be fooled by the phenomenon of an individual death.
We are all living like a species and we are all dying like a species.
Individual deaths are like individual leaps.
Life is like a river flowing forward. And you are one of the fish swimming in the river. Sometimes you would like to leap up to the air to fly a few steps more than other fishes, and then you fall again.
It is what?
It is individual death.
You're just leaping forward.
It is a concept very easy to build up.
Please refer to my yesterday idea about leaping.
You'll be happy and scare of nothing.
please refer to my
Yesterday Article:
"Can anyone go to future to see?"