Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Subconscious - The major difficultty in a modern time


Subconscious -  The major difficulty in a modern time 

Ancient people are not to be trusted.   There were lots of liars both in the West and the East.

They made false bibles and made bad moral. 

There is a message from the   Old testament, the Genesis:

If you obey,  your god will give you wealth and land.  And of course, you can kill to take it.  But you must forget about love.   If god asks you to have your son killed,  do not say no.

Love is not important.  You'll be rich in no time.....

Few people take the ancients seriously.    Even though they know perhaps it is not right. 

But important is the moral has entered your subconscious through thousans of years:

You don't need to work hard,  You don't need to search  wisdom,  because wisdom is forbidden fruit you ought not  touch.  

The voice from within is leading the way.

Modern people are slaves to the subconscious.

If you are to fight a war to gain wisdom,   the first war is the war against your own  subconscious.  It is the war from within.

Problem is the undercurrent. Bad  people are pushing the undercurrent with the help of your own subconscious.

