Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Is it urgent to build a secret army to protect the country?

  The following is an old article written seven years ago.   I didn't see much change since.   To kill you with a smile is the modern tactics of war.  People are not using open army,   they had  changed into the secrect side long long ago. How mighty are their secret army?   Do they have a huge secret division to control the secret army?  The answer is definitely yes.  They are using a secret army to run cultural matters which the average culture people can never understand.......


What would the powers do if they were not going to war?


If they are not going to be partners, they will fight each other. If they are not able to fight each other, what will they do?

Still they will fight, only in a cheaper and secret way.

But we might be wrong. Will it be really "cheaper"? We do not have any data here, but only judge it by history and culture behavior.

How much money the powers have used on medias and other secret channels to manipulate other countries?  

It is a new form of war since colonialism. They will kill with smiles.

They will build secret political units inside the other countries. Until one day, they will control their leaders or replace them or simply kill them.

The secret wars are based on only one thing.

Those who have stronger cultural power will win.

It is not a simple "moral high land". It's a complicated secret war.
