Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


How many more years is needed?


Melamine (三聚氰胺) is a pain few can avoid in their memory.   It happened in the year 2008 or earlier,   when milk farmers  put melamine into daily products including baby milk. 

And now 16 years had lapsed and another similar tragedy happened. People are using same container tankers to transport cooking oil, without cleaning the previous coal oil, or other industrial chemical waste.

The following is an article I wrote 16 years ago.  It is a theory.

But a theory is only a theory.

Important is action.

Otherwise, the issue could  never be settled.

All it need is action with a plan, not only to keep foods safe,  but to build a new soul.

No more Ah Q again.

Date: 11/27/2008

What are the potential problems with the theory of "Innate Goodness of Human Nature"?


(From the Question No.7227 on 2008/11/27)

The debate over whether human nature is inherently good or evil has been a question that Chinese people have discussed for two thousand years. This question may continue to be debated for hundreds more years. Even though statistics are advanced nowadays, studying whether a baby has an innate tendency towards goodness is still extremely difficult.

Perhaps, the Confucian scholars who originally proposed the idea of "innate goodness" had good intentions. Regardless, when you tell your audience that they are inherently good, most people would agree with that statement.

However, the theory of "innate goodness" hides a much larger question: the issue is not whether human nature is inherently good or evil. The question is: do humans have the freedom to choose?

If human nature is inherently good, it implies that humans do not have the freedom to choose. Since human nature is good, then human choices can only be good. If someone chooses evil, it is simply because they made the wrong choice. If they repent and correct their ways, they will choose good again.

Therefore, some traditional Chinese scholars like to say: "There is nowhere to escape between heaven and earth." This means that within the realm of heaven and earth, one can only make one choice, which is the choice of "good" such as loyalty, filial piety, and so on.

The question is: if there is no choice, and if everyone's only choice is "good," then what's the problem? Isn't that good?

As for what constitutes "goodness," although Western scholars have written countless books trying to figure out what "good" means, Confucian scholars have no issues with it. This is because Confucianism has long established a perfect ideological framework: the system of virtues such as loyalty, filial piety, brotherhood, and righteousness is considered good. This is the only choice for Chinese people.

If there is no choice, what's the problem?

Confucian scholars believe that there is no problem at all. The "Doctrine of the Mean" has made it clear: "The mandate of Heaven is called one's nature; following one's nature is called the Way; cultivating the Way is called education." Confucianism believes that as long as the next generation is educated well, as long as they are instilled with Confucian ethical values, there will be no problems.

The prerequisite for the theory of "innate goodness" is education. As long as ethical values are instilled, anyone can be a good person.

However, China is still filled with characters like Ah Q. Various problems keep arising. Even if one puts in a lot of effort, they cannot solve these issues.

Would it work to reintroduce this ethical framework many times, even hundreds of times? It would only worsen the problems.

Because, human nature involves choice. When a person realizes they have autonomy, they gain confidence, maturity, the ability to think, and the ability to care. This brain is truly their own. This heart is truly their own. They can properly utilize them and take responsibility for their choices. Regardless of the choice, the one responsible is themselves.

This is human autonomy.

The ability to choose for oneself is the sole criterion for being human. Zhuangzi's main theoretical foundation is the belief in human's ability to choose. If this ability to choose is taken away, the person will feel deflated and inferior, unable to stand up for themselves. Confucian Chinese culture loves to make choices for others, to be a ruler, to be a teacher. However, Confucianism fails to realize that making choices for others is like trying to prop up rotten wood against a wall – it will never stand.

A person who cannot choose has only one path: obedience. Their only thought is to act like a dog. They do not need to take responsibility, as their superiors will do so for them. They don't care about what happens in the world.

A dog will never think about things like melamine. For the sake of their humble survival, they only have one path: to steal.

This is the root of the Chinese national character. And to solve problems like melamine, the root cause must be addressed here. 



(問到底 No.7227 2008 1127 )





















