Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why artificial religions are possible?


Why artificial religions are possible?


Humans are living under a condition of "unknown".

" Unknown " is  immense. 

Human and earth is so tiny a small place wrapped up by  immense and unfathomable powers.

Yet humans are lucky. 

Humans are free.

Humans are so free that they can also invent their own god.

They pray through their invented god,  and it is so amazing that different religions are allowed miracles.   Prayers are answered some of the times.

You invented a god.  You prayed for it. And you were answered some times.

Who is answering you?

Who is the ultimate power that gives miracles to human beings?

Some of the religions on earth worship devil.

And devil would answer prayers, too.

 Humans invent not only "god",   they also invent rules.

 Maybe some of the rules are necessary and useful,  but some of the rules are self imposed limitations for themselves.

 And some rules are for selfish  purpose only.

 Wars have been a major driving force for humans.

 Wars are unavoidable.

 Wars are necessary evil for humans.

 If there is no war in humans,  humans will be spoiled to die......

 We need to have a clear mind to see through all these absurdities.

