A summary: Before more finding
1. There is no beginning and no ending.
2. There is no boundary and no limit.
3. Life is same with the universe. There is no beginning and no ending in life.
4. Mind and material is together.
5. There is a relation between all units in this universe. Relation is natural.
6. Life is essential in this universe. There might be no meaning in this universe if life is not there.
7. Wisdom is the product of life.
8. Life could be going on forever internally and externally.
9. Wisdom is a form of life.
10. Wisdom can develop into an unimaginably higher stage without end.
11. It is not necessary to name the wisdom as god.
12. Concept of god keeps away future development of wisdom and other possibilities. If God is omnipotent and everything, then god cannot develope like wisdom.
13. There will be levels for the development of wisdom.
14. One important level of wisdom is to help the spirit away from a material body and grow on its own.
15. A separated spirit seems to be god or ghost, but it is not.
16. Ghosts cannot be seen. If they can be seen, it means that they are still in the lower level of transformation. When they are not completely spiritual, they could be seen in the form of some material.
17. Before higher wisdom prevails there will be war.
18. War is important to let humans see their own shortcomings and improve themselves.
19. If you cannot see your own shortcoming, you'll be ruined by your enemy.
20. Every culture needs to find out and eliminate their own shortcoming. It is important for survival. It is painful to see your own fault, but it is useful.
21. If there is no war, there will be a danger of inertia. Awareness is not for everyone, only a few can wake up from it.