Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


How nice is the rain in spring?


How nice is the rain in Spring?

Nice rain knows its time

It comes only in Spring

Sneaking into your place

Everything is noiselessly  humid





It is only a few lines,  but it lasts forever.

Actually, the rain in Spring changes everything.

Yet it is noiseless.

And it's not a revolution like a thunderstorm,  but it is welcomed by everyone.

The Chinese language  changing from simplifies to a finer shape.........could be in this way.

It needs not a revolution.

Beautiful Chinese will come up once in a while or two.

It will be welcomed by everyone.

Once the humidity is enough for the plants to  grow,  there will be flowers and fruits.

A new time is born.





Why winning is possible?


Why winning is possible?

If winning is impossible,  evolution will also be impossible.

The future is for those who fit to win.

The weak or the small can win.

Only that they are wise.

Wisdom is the first requirement for success.



What is the lesson from the Ukraine War?烏克蘭戰爭的教訓是什麼?


What is the lesson from the Ukraine War?


It seems obvious that it needs to know who is the enemy,  if the real enemy is not known,  the result will be very bad.

And this is the major teaching form Mao Tse Tong long ago.

He said it is utmost important to know who is your enemy.   At first, I didn't realize the importance of this point.  It could be funny if you're fighting, but yet you don't know who is the enemy. It seems to be an absurd situation that couldn't happen.

From the results of the Ukraine war,  everybody now knows who is the enemy of Russia.   They are having a talk between Russia and the United States to end the war.

Why they need to talk to the United States, but not the Ukrainian people?

It is not funny at all.

Because the enemy for Russia is the United States and  NATO the subordinate of  the United States.

Due to many reasons that the warheads are not pointing against the United States and NATO.

The real enemies were in the back.   What you're fighting is only a tool of them.

And this is the real essence of this war.

If the real enemy is protected and never touched,   how can anything be achieved?

If your own power is weak and you are not sure to win,  the only choice is to wait.  And always remember that the powerful one needs not to be winning.   The small can beat the large.

The phrase "以小勝大,以弱勝強"  means " The small can defeat the large, and the weak can overcome the strong."  Smaller or weaker entities can achieve victory over larger or stronger opponents through strategy, skill, or cleverness,  and most important of all is the mind.

It must be the mind of the people,  and the mind of yourself fighting.   Once you gain the minds,  you will win.


 Can the Russians win all the minds?

 Can the Russians know who is the enemy?

 It is important lesson to be learned,  again and again.

 Why is this so important?

 Because there is another war waiting ahead.

 The Taiwan issue can be settled peacefully,   but it must be backed up by a wining war.

And the enemy of China is the United States plus Japan.

If the Chinese is to launch a ballistic missile,   where should it fly to?

Should the aim be Taipei? or other real enemies?

If this question cannot be answered,  tragic results are sure.

The Taiwan issue is a war of minds.

It seems to be peaceful, and easy.

But it is not!

It's bloody and more difficult than sending armies.

If the war of mind cannot be won,  extremely bad things will be the result, and it includes the defeat of Mainland China, with the smiling faces of the Yankees and Japs.

The war of mind is serious and bloody.  It needs lots of blood in the mind, and soldiers of mind would be  sacrificed without mercy.

They are already dying.



Flying Car: Can my idea be spreading?我的構思能否略為傳播?

Flying car draws attention at 2025 Silicon Valley Auto Show: Here's a look



Flying Car:  Can my idea be spreading a little?

It is a big problem that my ideas cannot spread.

Only a few can reach it.

The idea of a flying car is written at the beginning of this year.  Major point about this flying car is that it must be bladeless.

Two months later,   the United States people have made it.   And it is bladeless.

Yet my idea still couldn't spread around.

I use Chinese to write before,  now I switch to English, hoping my ideas could be spread around a little more.

It's my pleasure and my sadness to read the news.    The United States people is much faster than the Chinese people.

They had made the flying car and it's on sale now. 

Interesting is that the flying car is also bladeless.

note:  the following was my idea--


Flying car:  How to make it smaller?


If the flying car is successfully replacing all the road-running cars, economies could be totally different.

You'll have a double or three-fold economy,  and a double or three-fold sized country. 

Flying made remote areas near,  far away places could be used like cities.

Problems will be solved suddenly because of the economy up going.

There is one key point in making the flying cars.

It is a little key point, but it's not to be neglected.

Flying cars must not be like helicopters. 

Helicopters are too big to crowd-in the streets.  Helicopters can only stay in  airports.

But flying cars can  "drive" side by side with the pedestrians.

A safe flying car can descend silently, landing one or two feet by your side.  You can get in like getting into a taxi.

The secret could be that it is bladeless. 

When it is bladeless, it could be smaller to enter into daily lives like an automobile.

How can a flying car be bladeless?

There are lots of ways to do it. 

You can fit in one bigger turbo fan,  or one hundred smaller electric turbo engines.

Different designs will come up when people are awared that it will turn the market up to the sky.

And it should be a huge project by the whole country.

Everything will change within a few years.....

Only that you remain  curious about nature and always ask why.








製飛車有一關鍵點: 好像只是小問題,但決不可忽視。飛車不可以像直升機。直升機過大,難以擁擠於街道。直升機僅能停留於機場。然飛車可與行人並行。安全之飛車可靜靜降落,停於你身畔一兩尺處。你可如乘計程車般進入。其秘訣或為無槳葉bladeless。無槳葉,則可更小,如汽車般融入日常生活。飛車如何去除槳葉?方法多矣。可裝一大渦輪風扇,或百小電動渦輪引擎。




What is the use to link up the Ren mai and Du mai?打通任督二脈,有何用處?


What is the use to link up the Ren mai  and Du mai? 打通任督二脈,有何用處?

It is because they are the major tunnels of qi in the body.   If these two major tunnels are flowing easily and healthily,  than the other tunnels  will have no obstruction in flowing.

Qi flow is different from blood flow.   Because blood is liquid,  if there are any objections,  it could be found and healed.

But there is no way to find the flowing of qi.

Blood flow can be improved by exercise.

Qi can be improved by massage or self control:  not all people can control qi-flow,  but it could be taught and learned.

Once the major tunnel of Ren and Du are connected,  there will be a huge benefit to the health:   Because the other  twelve meridians will be activated.

Qi is an energy.   The energy is shared by the flowing blood and all other functions of the body.

It is an extremely important chapter in Chinese medicine. 

However, when the proper direction of Ren mai is wrongly  interpreted, results will be deducted,  if not opposite.

Many health problems can be solved by connecting the meridians.

If there is no problem in  health,  then one higher level of energy will be reached.

One will be more alerted  and energetic.













打通了任督二脈的人, 將會更為警覺而且能量充沛。




Why the postive is longer than the negative?為什麼陽比陰長


Why the postive is longer than the negative?為什麼陽比陰長?

  What I meant are the positive meridian and the negative meridian here.

The more proper name for them are Du mai 督脈& Ren mai任脈.

It is interesting to ask why the positive meridian is longer than the negative meridian?

Why the Du mai is longer than the Ren mai?

I hope interested people would tell the world why.

It should be more than the length of the meridians, but the strengh of them.

Why a man is stronger than a woman?

If you do not like the term "stronger",   you can use "heavier" instead.

A man is heavier than a woman.

The Du mai is longer than the Ren mai.  Why?

It might be helpful to improve health,   if the theory is known.






我希望有興趣的人能告訴世界, 這是何原因。











How to link up the meridians? 怎樣把任脈和督脈連結起來?


How to link up the Ren & Du meridians?  怎樣把任脈和督脈連結起來?


    Most important point is the direction of the Ren Mai.

I thought it should be going upwards,  linking with the Du Mai in the teeth.

Both of the Meridians are going upwards.    When they are linked up,  they will enter the brain,   stay a while and then going downwards,  until they reach the Dantian丹田, which is the most important place of energy,  then the meridian will exit from the center point of the lower body,  then go up again.

There will be a huge benefit of health when these two maridianes are linked up.

Clicking teeth would help them join together.  A little massage on the center point of the lower body is useful, would bring the meridians out.

If you're doing nothing but only clicking  the teeth叩齒.  it also works.

If you have no experience in Chinese medicine, just imagination will help.

You just think in the mind that they are going to a certain place,  they will follow your mind.

And you can massage it by your own hand, following the upward directions.

Don't worry if the hands couldn't reach certain places in the back.   You can change hands by then.

It is extremely helpful if do it every day.

Many books insist that the Ren Mai is not going upwards, but downwards.

I thought they are wrong.  This is the reason why they can never link up the two.

Try and you will get what you want.



















How did Julius Caesar die from assassination?凱撒大帝.怎樣被暗殺?


The following is a famous speech by Anthony from a play by  William Shakespeare: Julius Caesar.

Julius Caesar is a honest man.  His mind is open.  He believes everyone is like him. Although there were some warnings before the event. Someone listed the conspirators name for him. And a soothsayer  also warned him.  And he ignores them all.  Of all the conspirators, he loves Brutus most.  And Brutus was the last one to stab him with a dagger.

Here is a speech by Anthony the loyalist.

He showed the corpse of Julius Caesar to the crowd.  And he guided them to inspect all the wounds from the body.

Brutus stabbed Caesar and pulled out his dagger.

Julius Caesar's blood bursted  out following  the dagger.

It comes the famous line from  Julius Caesar:

Et tu,  Brute?  (And you,  Brutus?)

Brutus was the most trusted follower of him.

Julius Caesar did not know,  He is the fate of the time of Rome.   Rome will be ruined without him.  He is the target of all these conspirators. 

The following is a famous speech in the play.  It shows the detail of the scene. 

It is not history. It is a literature work.  It is more true than history.


Here is the full text of Mark Antony’s famous funeral speech  from Act 3, Scene 2 of *Julius Caesar* by William Shakespeare


Mark Antony’s Speech


Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;  

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.  

The evil that men do lives after them;  

The good is oft interrèd with their bones.  

So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus  

Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.  

If it were so, it was a grievous fault,  

And grievously hath Caesar answered it.  

Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest—  

For Brutus is an honourable man;  

So are they all, all honourable men—  

Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.  

He was my friend, faithful and just to me;   

But Brutus says he was ambitious,  

And Brutus is an honourable man.  

He hath brought many captives home to Rome,  

Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill.  

Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?  

When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept;  

Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.  

Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,  

And Brutus is an honourable man.  

You all did see that on the Lupercal  

I thrice presented him a kingly crown,  

Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition?  

Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,  

And sure he is an honourable man.  

I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,  

But here I am to speak what I do know.  

You all did love him once, not without cause;  

What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?  

O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts,  

And men have lost their reason! Bear with me;  

My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,  

And I must pause till it come back to me.  

*(He pauses to weep, and the crowd begins to sympathize with him.)*


### **The Crowd Reacts**

The citizens start to question Brutus’s claims, saying, “Methinks there is much reason in his sayings,” and “Poor soul, his eyes are red as fire with weeping.”


### **Antony Continues**


But yesterday the word of Caesar might  

Have stood against the world. Now lies he there,  

And none so poor to do him reverence.  

O masters, if I were disposed to stir  

Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage,  

I should do Brutus wrong and Cassius wrong,  

Who, you all know, are honourable men.  

I will not do them wrong; I rather choose  

To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you,  

Than I will wrong such honourable men.  

But here’s a parchment with the seal of Caesar;  

I found it in his closet; ’tis his will.  

Let but the commons hear this testament—  

Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—  

And they would go and kiss dead Caesar’s wounds  

And dip their napkins in his sacred blood,  

Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,  

And, dying, mention it within their wills,  

Bequeathing it as a rich legacy  

Unto their issue.  


### **The Crowd Demands the Will**

The citizens beg Antony to read the will, but he refuses at first, heightening their curiosity and anger. He then descends from the podium to stand beside Caesar’s body, further stirring the crowd’s emotions.


### **Antony Reveals Caesar’s Wounds**


If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.  

You all do know this mantle. I remember  

The first time ever Caesar put it on;  

’Twas on a summer’s evening, in his tent,  

That day he overcame the Nervii.  

Look, in this place ran Cassius’ dagger through;  

See what a rent the envious Casca made;  

Through this the well-belovèd Brutus stabbed;  

And as he plucked his cursèd steel away,  

Mark how the blood of Caesar followed it,  

As rushing out of doors to be resolved  

If Brutus so unkindly knocked or no;  

For Brutus, as you know, was Caesar’s angel.  

Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar loved him!  

This was the most unkindest cut of all;  

For when the noble Caesar saw him stab,  

Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms,  

Quite vanquished him. Then burst his mighty heart;  

And in his mantle muffling up his face,  

Even at the base of Pompey’s statue  

(Which all the while ran blood) great Caesar fell.  

O, what a fall was there, my countrymen!  

Then I, and you, and all of us fell down,  

Whilst bloody treason flourished over us.  

O, now you weep, and I perceive you feel  

The dint of pity. These are gracious drops.  

Kind souls, what, weep you when you but behold  

Our Caesar’s vesture wounded? Look you here!  

Here is himself, marred, as you see, with traitors.  

*(He shows Caesar’s body to the crowd.)*


### **The Crowd Turns**

The citizens are now enraged, crying, “Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let not a traitor live!”


### **Antony Concludes**


Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up  

To such a sudden flood of mutiny.  

They that have done this deed are honourable.  

What private griefs they have, alas, I know not,  

That made them do it. They are wise and honourable,  

And will, no doubt, with reasons answer you.  

I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts.  

I am no orator, as Brutus is,  

But, as you know me all, a plain blunt man  

That love my friend; and that they know full well  

That gave me public leave to speak of him.  

For I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth,  

Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech  

To stir men’s blood. I only speak right on.  

I tell you that which you yourselves do know,  

Show you sweet Caesar’s wounds, poor poor dumb mouths,  

And bid them speak for me. But were I Brutus,  

And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony  

Would ruffle up your spirits and put a tongue  

In every wound of Caesar that should move  

The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny.  


### **The Crowd’s Reaction**

The crowd is now fully incited and vows to burn the houses of the conspirators. Antony has achieved his goal of turning public opinion against Brutus and Cassius.










「還有你嗎,布魯圖斯?」(Et tu, Brute?)

























































































































人群現在完全被激起,誓言要燒掉 conspirators 的房子。安東尼成功地轉變了公眾對布魯圖斯和卡西烏斯的看法。


Basic strategy regarding the Taiwan issue is what?


Basic strategy regarding the Taiwan issue is what?

  In the minds of some higher officers in China,  the basic strategy in Taiwan issue is nothing.  

下筆縱有千言,胸中實無一策。"Even if a thousand words are flowing from the brush, there is not a single strategy in their heart. "  

This was how  Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮 criticize the  Confucian high officers.

There might be some military plans,  some economy arrangements,  some sporadic measures in politics,  but there is no strategy in culture.

If the problem last for the next thirty years,   Taiwan will have a very sad future.








How do Taiwanese people view simplified characters?臺灣人怎樣看簡體字?


How do Taiwanese people view simplified characters?


 They can get the meaning but they will not like it. 

Especially when the simplified Chinese character were lined up horizontality.

It's a strange feeling,   officers in mainland will not understand.

When mainland Chinese come to Hong Kong,  they have no objection to the traditional Chinese in Hong Kong.   They are happy to buy Hong Kong products in traditional Chinese wrapping.

The feeling is the same in internet.

There are lots of  obstruction  in the internet of the two places.   But language issue is the main issue.

They don't like the simplified Chinese characters.   They are not happy with it.

The Taiwan issue is a complicated one.   The United States and Japan are trying desperately to  separate  Taiwan from China.

There are military problems,   political problems, economy problems and cultural problems.

Culture is the most important of all.

There is no reason for the  high ranking officers  to insist on using the simplified Chinese characters.

There is no reason at all.

The simplified Chinese is not effective for reading and writing and...... everything.

It is easy for mainlanders to familiar with the traditional Chinese as the first step.

The only reason for refusing traditional Chinese is a political bias.

The Taiwan issue is in four domains:   Military, Politics,  Economy,  Culture.

Culture is the most important  of the four.

Because culture is the basic of the mind.

Thirty years is a dead end limit.

After that, things will become impossible.

It will be the victory of the United States and Japan:  that means the failure of China.

If there are no measure in  cultural steps,  everything will become futile.

It is unimaginable.
























What is the difference of 30 & 3000? 三十和三千,有什麼分別?


What is the difference of 30 & 3000? 


I used to think in terms of thirty years.    I  will guess what will happen in thirty years.

And this is a very practical subject.   It is because,   although some people are always trying to do away me, still I believe,  not only me, but my friends will have thirty years more to  fight on.   

What can you do in thirty years?

It is such a very short period in history.

You only need to create a turning point,  and that is far more than enough.

I feel weak sometimes.   I can handle only a few things.   My time is always not enough.

Why am I feeling weak?  Because my faith is not strong.

What I saw is only the number of 30.

Why can't you see into the 3000 future?

Don't you see that humans will have a very bright future?

Don't you see all earthly  problems will have been solved by then?

Don't you trust the sun, the moon and the heavens?

It happened almost in a morning.

I feel strong suddenly.   I need to trust my heaven and my friends.

All I need is not only a smiling face but a smiling heart.

Yes, relax and not to squeeze yourself.

I will laugh.

Thank you.

note:   The Taiwan issue must be settled within thirty years.  It will be the block for China and the world in the next 300 years...  Although three hundred is a small number of three thousand.

























What is two dimensional thinking?


What is two dimensional thinking?

Two dimensional thinking is a very old concept.   I was teaching it long ago.

And I have almost forgotten about that.   I could never have imagined this kind of thinking could be present in  very high position personnel.

On the behavior of Donald Trump and  Elon Musk,  I feel shocked to see how could such a habbit  happened in really talented people?

And this is not an individual case.   It must be a common thinking habbit in the  United States.   Some of the previous presidents have got the same problem.  But their cases have not been so severe.

They have no feelings among people.   They treat every woman as a whore and their wives are not  excluded.

What is the third dimension of thoughts?

There are feelings, emotions,  and a  complete feeling of outcomes  and consequences.

If you do things according to  calculated result,  it is two dimensional.   

It needs a deep feeling to leave the sphere of two dimensional calculating.

And it's a problem not their own.

The problem is a money oriented thinking pattern.

It is a global phenomenon.   It happened in many places.  But the most severe case  is in the United States.

The following is a translation by an AI











Why music is important for diplomacy ?


Why music is important for  diplomacy ?

Because music is the best tool to reach the soul.

Although the experience is for only a few,  but it could be a good tool for all.

Western classical music is a good source for the soul.

The religious background of music is not a problem for the souls to communicate with each other

It is not a technical problem for music learners.

It is a soul approach for music players.

This soul  could be a cooperative mind for all human beings,  and I believe Chinese can handle this approach well.

Sometimes you don't need to talk,  you need only to show your soul.

The soul is in the music  and also in your mind.

Many young musicians can reach technical height of music.

But they are too young without experience in life,  the taste of  soul is offen not powerful enough to reach minds.

People will applause for a good technical performance, but more people would bring home a sweet dream with a mind-reaching music.

It is not an easy thing.

It needs time to prepare the minds for that.

Maybe the first step is to search and enjoy the Western older classical music.   That was the work of numerous noble souls in the West.

And good musicians need also a good philosophy to support them.

Most of the time the technical height is backup  by money.

There will not be any soul left with the money oriented people.


It's a huge job for the future generations.

And it is a huge job for world peace.

It might need ten or twenty years for a generation of music lovers to prepare their soul.

But in such time of urgency in world peace,  the time should be shortened.

You need a good music to back you up.


What is important for a child to learn?


What is important for a child to learn?

There's a lot of questions any adults should have known.

For example, what's the meaning of life? What is future?  What is a soul?  Why materials cannot last?

It could be a complete set of philosophy that the modern young people should aware of.   It will not take much time if teachers can help.

If there are no teachers to help,   then the only outcome would be one word only. 

The only aim of their lives will be only one word:  money.

If this word  dominates in life,  life would be useless.  People cannot even keep their family if they measure everything in money.

Money is a tool.   Tools could help,   tools could be useful.

But tool is not your aim of life.

It should be taught to the child in an earlier time.



What is the thinking pattern of Elon Musk?


What is the thinking pattern of Elon Musk?

He is almost perfect or extremely well in thinking in a certain way.

He can calculate better than most of the people.

And he is fast, very fast. 

From the way of his talking,  You can feel his left brain is turning very fast.  

And he is more than fast. 

He can judge and he can make a conclusion immediately. 

He doesn't need to hesitate for a long time and then decide something.

He is quick to act.

He is the kind of an extreme left brainer.

His grounds and his data are calculable.

He will not allow his calculator emotions or feelings.

If a million people are being fired,  if a million people are to face uncertainty in their life afterwards;   it is not his concern.

It is OK in a certain kind of thinking pattern.

But he will not see the whole scenario.

Because the whole scenario is not two dimensional.

Because the whole scenario could not be the outcome of left brain calculation.

It needs a lot of other elements to consider,  which are absent in his mind.

Can a left brainer reduce using his calculation and start using his emotion and feeling and even intuition?

He might save the United States.



What's the taste of death?


What's the taste of death?

I have tried it.   I believe I know the taste of death.

Maybe you cannot say that is a "taste".   It is only a "feeling",  or,  a kind of "non-feeling".  

When I was poisoned on December13, 2024 with a kind of  neurological drugs, I simply lost conscious at the time.

It happened so quickly, that in a split second I felt down on the floor, with my whole body convuling.

There was no feeling of weakness or dizziness or a darkened eyesight before that.

When I opened my eyes again, I was on the floor.   And I saw some people were standing before me,  but I saw their feet only.

I felt nothing about the convulsion.

I asked myself,   is it the feeling of death? If death is really like that simple, then it is nothing to worry about., there was no pain and no nothing at the time.

All the worries happened before death.

It is contrary to my knowledge. 

The Russian writer Dostoyevskiy had wrote about his feeling about  epilepsy.   He did not lose conscious when he convultsed.  He said it was his best moment of life at the time.  It was like in heaven. He would not trade that experience for anything. He wanted to keep it.

 But I was not like him. I was being drugged.

 And the feeling of death is a reflection afterwards.

 Will there be heaven or hell after the period?

 I do not know.  

 When I opened my eyes again, I was on the floor.   And I experienced a short period of confusion when I was in the  ambulance. The rescuer asked to see my i.d. but I cannot remember it was in my wallet.  A few minutes later the memory returned........




A Song: Donald & Elon


A Song:  Donald & Elon

       <Jingle Bell>

1. Donald Trump,  Donald Trump,  Are you on the way?

Where you go?  Where you go?  Are you going China town?

Better hurry up,   Better hurry up,  Money waiting there,  You can take them all!

Better hurry up,  Better hurry up,  Money lying on the street,  You can take them all.......Heeei

2. Elon Musk,   Elon Musk, Are you on the way?

Where you go?  Where you go?  Are you going to the Mars?

Better hurry up,  Better hurry up,   There will be money,   Keep it in your safe!

Better hurry up,  Better hurry up,  Money will drop from the sky,  Keep it in your safe!.......Heeeeei

3. Elon Musk, Elon Musk, Are you on the way?

Where you go?  Where you go?   Are you going: -GOVERNMENT!

You can fire them all!  You can fire them all!  You can kick them out!   There will be no one!

You can fire them all!  You can fire them all!  You can send them to the sky! There will be no one! 


What is the two branches of cheap war?


What is the two branches of cheap war?

The other name of  cheap war is secret war.

A secret war needs not to declare.  It is easy to start and cheap to maintain.  And it is more useful than the actual war.   It needs not a bullet to win.

A cheap war has two branches.

One is ideological side,

Two is the secret network in your country.

Let's start from the number two:  Secret network.

At first it is only one or two  friends coming together talking secretly about politics. Later they would form groups and have leaders. Leaders would  deliver orders from "above".

The groups would develop into networks and can mobilize hundreds and thousands of people. 

Joining a group is a secret wish of many people. They can secure a job or even marriage from the group.

When the connection is bigger and bigger,  foreign country can manipulate everything and even politics in the country.

They have a wireless network to spy on the politics of your country, and now they can obtain information from the groups.

It is a mouth and ear network.

It is more powerful than a satellite.

One thing needs to study is the group population  which outsiders can only speculate.

Groups are not necessary in Universities or campuses.

They are everywhere,  including very high offices  and even police.

Sometimes you wonder why some people is promoted so easily.... Because they have the secret network on their back.

Anyone can start a group like this.   The negative side can start a group,  and the positive side can start a group too.

However, the groups will be inter-connected.   The members of group positive and group negative can mix up.  You never know who is the loyal one and who is the enemy in the same group.

Sometimes a loyal group can be controlled by the enemy and important messages were leaked.

This is the situation in Hong Kong, Macau, China,  and many places around the world.   When you saw governments can be pulled down so easily, there were secret groups working.

The other branch is the branch of ideology.

Actually they seldom care about ideology or philosophy.

What they care most is  hatred.

Members will not hesitate to kill or murder.  Because they were filled with hatred for years.   Hatred can balance their dirty mind.  They knew  what they were doing is not right,  hatred help them to close their eyes.

When the underground party need to kill someone,  they don't need to hire special agent.  Most of the secret members can do the job in the name of their ideology, and hatred.

They were gunpowder or fireworks,  they can explode by order. 

And this is modern politics your teacher or books would never tell.




A Street Drawing in Hong Kong










A Street Drawing in Hong Kong

If you tour around Hong kong, you'll be amazed to see a very good street drawing.

The drawing was really long,   I could not cover it with my camera.   You need to come and see and feel the shocking on the spot.

A man was sleeping in the sidewalk of the street.  No one accompanied him, but his dog.

Dogs will not know who is rich and who is poor.  Although the man is poor, and without a place to sleep, the dog follows him.

I could not find a better drawing in Hong Kong like this.

Who is the painter of this drawing?

I saw his name was covered with black ink by someone else.   Maybe someone is jealous about his drawing.

I would say this is a masterpiece.  And I do hope more people could come and see:   Before it vanishes  in the street.

The Top photo here is his name, covered with dirt.

The second and third  photo is the location.

The fourth photo is his dog.

A really dirty poor dog.

The fifth photo is his feet. lying straight.

The sixth photos shows how his dog lying besides him.

The seventh photo shows his hat and his head:   Street sleepers in Hong Kong seldom wear a hat like this.  This is a Charles Chaplin hat. By this hat,  you feel a little sorrow and would return to the old days.

The eighth photo was the whole picture.  I'm sorry. I cannot make it clearer for you.

And I haven't shown you the details of the drawing.

He is lying down. But his finger is pointing upwards.

His face is strange. He must be thinking something.





Is there a choice for Canadians to refuse annexation by the USA?


Is there a choice for Canadians to refuse annexation by the USA?

When people say you have no choice,   it means you are under threat.

But this term is only a political term.

Humans do have a choice to do anything,  and it is a built-in possibility for humans.

You can always refuse something and do something as you wish,  only that if you can bear the consequences.

This is the highest freedom granted by the heavens,  or if you do not like to use the term heavens,  then it is an inner feature of humans.

You have a heart, a brain, two hands and a free will.

Those are the built-in features for you.

Do Canadians have a choice?

It is interesting if you say they don't.

Because living Canadians do not have a "right" to decide things for future Canadians.

And it is more interesting,  if you say they still have a choice to decide things for "future Canadians",   because there will be no "future Canadians",  if they have made a decision to delete them all......

Yes, Canadians do have a choice., no matter the threat is from whom.

Will the Canadians be happy to follow a downhill going United States, if they are not sure the United States will be rich forever?

Can the  Canadians foresee the future economy of the United States?

If the downward going United States were poor in the next 30 years,  will the Canadians be happy to share the poverty of the United States?

Yes, the Canadians do have a choice:

to think, and to make decision.



What if you're forced to kill your love?


What if you're forced to kill your love?

It needs a mind to catch the meaning of this topic.

Actually, this is the major theme in the best poem of China: 

"The unending grief" 長恨歌

The king is deeply in love with a woman.   That he forgets everything including his country.

Enemies took the chance to invade his country.

The king tried to mobilize his army to fight back.

However, the army refused to move.

They put all the blame on the king's love affair.

They said if you do not kill your love, we will not move.

The king has no choice, but to kill his love.

Then he went to a war with his army.

They have been fighting  years.  It must be thirty years or more.

The poem tells you how the king returned to his palace and found everyone were old,  except that the palace is the same.  And the eunuchs are still serving him like before.

Everything is the same yet his love was gone.

The poem will stay in your mind if you are one of the kind.

It will stay there very long.

Until one day you are old,  and you'll find that the poem is still there in your mind.

By the time, you can instil the poem and found a hidden meaning in it.

Actually, it is not a love story.  It is a soul story.

Many people are forced to give up his soul before going into the battle field of war(what war?).

When he came back, he found that he has become old and  everything had left him,  although everything seems unchanged.

He had killed his soul in exchange for something.

It is his everlasting sorrow...

If you still have time,  and if you are interested,  please read the following.  You will fall deeply into the beauty of the poem.

You will be shocked to review the meaning of "thirty years"

please click the following:



Clicking Teeth - what is the use?


Clicking Teeth - what is the use?

There are so many important issues I need to explore.

However, I choose this topic as my first priority today.

Because I found, teeth is the only connection of the  positive and negative links in the human body. 

The Du meridian 督脈 is positive 陽 and  the Ren meridian任脈 is negative 陰.

To link up the two is the dream of many serious masters.

It was said that to link up the two meridians is of extreme importance in reaching inner balance.

No one had found the secret. 

I dare not say I have found it.

What I can offer is a hint.

The upper teeth is the end of the positive link.

The lower teeth is the end of the negative link.

Each time clicking the upper and lower teeth would bring the positive qi and negative qi together.

By clicking them continuously for a time could strengthen the qi flow.  

Every one could do that and the result is obvious.   It is not necessary to pratice a long time like the qi masters.

No matter you are in pain or other weakness, it could bring up your natural qi 天然氣 to help.

I will reveal the other secrets in a suitable time.


The phrase "打通任督二脈" can be translated as "open up the Ren and Du meridians." In traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts, this refers to the process of unblocking these two important energy pathways in the body.


Elon Musk is a two dimensional thinker


Elon Musk is a two dimensional thinker  

Elon Musk is a two dimensional thinker.   His thought is like a logic map or PowerPoint map.

He cannot go higher level and turn his two dimensional mindset into  three dimension to think.

A common excuse for such mindset is busy.   They are too busy handling the matters in the business.  They don't have time to go home,   they don't have time to see their daughters and sons.  They don't have time to care for the neighbors.

But busy is not the point.

The point is focusing.

Their focus is on the map.

They cannot see things happening outside the map. Therefore, they are two dimensional.

The following is an example of the older Chinese mindset of eunuchs in one dimension.  It happened  many times in the Chinese history,  it is only recently the mindset is clearer.

Eunuchs are one dimensional. It is in a curved straight line.  And it is same as a two dimensional mindset. They cannot see from a higher level.

And eunuchs are special.  Because they are powered.  Their thoughts are like a powered car.  It can go anywhere without  hindrance.  They will not care about any other factors.  The country was in a battle,  and the battle was going to lose.   But they will not care.   They just let their one dimensional thoughts go astray.  They can kill even the messenger of war news.  They are no concern people.   The two dimensional no concern is different from the one dimension no concern.

The following is only history.  But sometimes histories can become reality.

note:  the following are two older articles about the mindset of one eunach:


This is a major issue. Zhao Gao 趙高was a eunuch serving Emperor Qin Shi Huang秦始皇. After the Emperor's death, a power struggle erupted between Li Si 李斯and Zhao Gao趙高, and the loser was the exceptionally intelligent Li Si李斯. A master of strategy and a remarkable talent, Li Si李斯, the chancellor who governed all of China, was defeated by the eunuch Zhao Gao趙高. How exactly did Zhao Gao趙高 outmaneuver him? What allowed Zhao Gao 趙高to emerge victorious?

This is a chilling question. A bit of reflection sends a shiver down the spine. What theories, what politics, what strategies are of no use? Scholars study for a lifetime, only to find that when a eunuch makes a move, the scholars are bound to be completely defeated. Shi Kefa's史可法 mentor, Zuo Zhongyi左忠毅, was defeated by the eunuch Wei Zhongxian魏忠賢 and subsequently imprisoned and tortured. Confucius’s admired strategist Guan Zhong管仲, originally the advisor to Duke Huan齊桓公 of Qi, was ultimately bested by the eunuch Shu Diao豎刁, who served Duke Huan齊桓公. The power of Duke Huan齊桓公 eventually fell into the hands of the petty men Yi Ya易牙 and Shu Diao豎刁, leading to a tragic end. But this is something the Confucian system cannot address.

Among the many eunuchs, Zhao Gao趙高 is the most renowned for his cunning. His infamous tactic of "pointing at a deer and calling it a horse" successfully captured the ruling elites of the Qin dynasty. After the Emperor's death, Zhao Gao's趙高 methods became even more ruthless and absolute. He did not hold a funeral for Qin Shi Huang秦始皇, treating the Emperor's death as a top secret, and even fabricated an imperial edict to execute the Emperor’s eldest son, Fusu扶蘇.

How exactly did Zhao Gao趙高 think? If wisdom is like a chess game, how brilliant is Zhao Gao's趙高 chess skill?

Another small question is: do eunuchs still exist in today’s world? Is there still this kind of ruthless and absolute mindset? Naturally, the wise know how to answer this.


"That was during the late Qin Dynasty. At that time, the First Emperor始皇 had already passed away. Zhao Gao 趙高was in power. What could such a person do with the chariot of Qin Shi Huang秦始皇? There were constant uprisings across the land, and Xiang Yu's項羽 army was strong. Zhao Gao's趙高 general was Zhang Han章邯, but Zhang Han章邯 suffered repeated defeats in battle. He sent a special envoy to Zhao Gao趙高 to report on the military situation. The situation was critical and should have warranted an immediate audience. However, Zhao Gao 趙高made the envoy wait, not seeing him for three days. The envoy, in panic, took a detour and fled back to Zhang Han's 章邯military camp at night. Zhao Gao趙高 indeed sent people to pursue him, but fortunately, the envoy took a different route and was not caught.

Zhang Han章邯 pondered deeply and realized that all the great generals of the Qin Dynasty had met with bad ends. Those who achieved merit were executed, and those who did not achieve merit were also executed. In the end, Zhang Han章邯 had no choice but to seek refuge with Xiang Yu項羽, weeping bitterly before him.

Today, we can still imagine that those three days were exceptionally terrifying. Zhao Gao 趙高could make a military envoy wait without response for three full days. Anyone who has read a bit of history knows that whether a president or a general, upon receiving military intelligence in the middle of the night, would immediately get dressed and address the matter. Yet, Zhao Gao趙高 did not respond for three days.

The wisdom of that envoy is commendable as well. He knew that Zhao Gao 趙高would not let him off, that he would definitely send someone to pursue him, so he took a detour to escape. He was merely reporting on the military situation and was not guilty of any wrongdoing. But he understood the temperament of the eunuch, and his choice was correct. 'Those who achieve merit are executed, and those who do not achieve merit are also executed.' This is truly one of the most terrifying nightmares in Chinese culture. Under such a nightmare, any constructive endeavor is impossible to achieve.

However, this is still not the most important thing. What matters is whether we can dissect Zhao Gao's趙高 mindset. If we can clarify this negative, cancerous intellectual factor, there may be hope for Chinese culture."


(問到底 No.7434   2009 0622     Monday)
「章邯的出路在那裡?」(問到底 No.6903  2008
0107    Monday)


What is the fatal flaw of Elon Musk?


 Logics - What is the fatal flaw of Elon Musk?

Most of the points are from Elon Musk.   Donald Trump is an executioner,  or follower of Musk.

Musk is a nearly perfect "Logic manipulator". 

And logic is like a chess game.  When you're in the game,  you have to look for the path  precisely without a second of stopping.   You will have no time to look out the window and enjoy the scenery outside.  And you will not try to  look at even your sons and daughters.  Because you are  too busy on the logic.

People call that "no concern".

"No concern"  means no love.

And it is more than no love.

People like Musk will have no concern about his country, nor his people, and please don't mention his  neighbor.

He will never love his neighbor.

It is not a problem of Musk,  but a problem of a thinking  formula.

And this is the extreme case of left-brainers.

He is fast to find a path in the logic map.   But his will never able to see outside the map.

He will win the logic game,  but he will lose in the whole field.

What remain is the problem of time.

You wonder, how long can he last?



After Leechard - What will happen if Leechard is dead suddenly?


After Leechard -  What will happen if Leechard is dead suddenly?

I need not to consider this case,  though there were so many attempts to my life.

What will happen on the aftermath of my death?

There will be no voice to report anything happened in Hong Kong and China by the secret underground party.

And please note that no voice does'nt mean no action taken.

There are and there will be measures taken.  It's nothing to worry about.

And this is the main point.

It is not important to have or not to have Leechard here.

When the old worries are gone, there will be a new sight.

People will be trying to take out the old messages of Leechard as I hope.

It's not completed, of course.

But I hope there might be some stimulation to the thoughts.  It could be useful.

There will be more peaceful reading if the author is dead.


Its not the same mood in reading a dead people or a living people.  You trust the dead people more.

It is funny, but it is true.

The trees of the future need some water.  Leechard was but a little drop on it. More will be coming.


Voices will not be dead by killing.

A door  angel from a Thai temple



And if I were a little cat


And if I were a little cat

(a song)

And if I were a little cat

Will you listen to my call?

I will call you and I say

Mel mel mel mel mel mel mel. 

And if you are a little cat

And if I were doggie bad

I will call you everyday

Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo

And if I were a little flower

I am waiting for the bee

In the sunshine I saw her

She is one of my lover

And if I were only me

And if I can only sing

Can you write me a good song? 

I will sing it everywhere

And if I am only you

And if I can reach your heart 

I'll show you my own mind

You'll know~ who am I



Why Communication is difficult for humans?

Why Communication is difficult for humans?

I was sleeping in the gardens in a Chiang Mai park.

A cat came to stay with me.

It seems to communicate with animals is much more easier than to communicate with humans.

And the reason is obvious.

Because there's no interest involved.

Once interest problem arises,   communication has become difficult at once.

No one can think properly if interest is involved.

Communication has become impossible for the same reason.

However, it is the only way to success:  think freely without the magnetic influence of interest.

What is the result?

The first result is honest.

You will be honest to yourself according to your true observation.

And that is enough for a good buildup of thoughts.




Negative thought - How Do People Engage in Negative Thinking?


How Do People Engage in Negative Thinking?(an old article) 

People constantly think, but they are also continuously engaging in negative thinking.

Thinking is like counting with an abacus. However, negative thinking can disrupt the beads, multiplying all the good things that come to mind by a negative number.

It turns out that often, thinking is swayed by interests.

Interests are like a huge magnet, overturning people's judgment.

Many people would rather accept fallacies.

"Interest clouds judgment".

Many refuse to believe what they know is true.

Because if they believe in the truth, they might lose their livelihood.

They would rather have their livelihood than the truth.   But they never know that the livelihood itself is false.

No one can gain a true livelihood through false truth.










