Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


Why it is a wrong step for the chess player?


It was a wrong step.  The world has been woken up by this wrong step.   If not for this miscalculation,   the world will be sleeping until its end.

This miscalculation should be marked in history as a turning point.

How could that be a wrong step?  They were so smart and arrogant that it couldn't be wrong for them.

Not many people have met this kind of noble people. 

If you haven't had the chance to study in top business schools in the West,  you can see them in the Harry Potter series. There was a figure in the movies. His name is  Scorpius Malfoy.

Malfoy regards every female a whore and every man a bore.

He is reluctant to talk or even laugh.

If you ever had the chance to talk with them,  you'll notice they were never listening.  They have had something else in mind,  and they considered you a fool though they will never say it.  You can only feel it If you are smart enough.

Those are Malfoys.

They thought they were higher people. They thought they were smarter than you. They thought they were in the upper level. and you the lower.

They will never tell you what is in their mind.

They have had a detailed plan and a perfect plan in mind. 

They will just do it as planned.

And for some special reasons,  they had a step wrong in the chess game.

And it was an alarm for the whole world.

People have found that they were just sleeping in a nice dream.

People were always hoping to be a friend with them.

People thought that everything is solvable if they can sit down and talk together.

Yet people did not understand,  they have a different scenario in mind.

And people did not know that their plan in the scenario was almost completed.

People were always dreaming  a peaceful time ahead.

People were thinking that they were winning,  as the Malfoys were declining.

They thought they were going up, when you thought they were going down.

That is why they consider you a fool.

Sometime they would talk with you with a sincere smile.  But that was part of their plot only.


You will not see the same smile when you were confronting in the near future.

They have a detailed plan,  and they were doing everything step by step,  and you didn't notice anything.

Thanks for the chess miscalculation.

It was such a huge sound like a  thunder, and the world was woken up to see it.

Now the other scenario is so vivid  like movies. 

Good luck,  friends.

