Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


What is the lesson if Israel swallowed Palestine?(What can I do?)


Israel is a nation guided by  a fabricated religious doctrine.

This doctrine is simple, but  powerful.

You need only to obey.

The doctrine said that you need to obey god.

But the doctrines were  designed by humans.

The worst example was how that god ordered Abraham to kill his son  just to try out his obedience.

Killing is an act of hate.

In this example, a negative lesson was taught to the  people:

"Obedience is more important than love."

And this lesson has been prevailing for thousands of years around the world.

And then there was a second  fabrication:

That you will be rewarded through obedience.

You are rewarded a place of milk and honey.   You can drive away  other peoples by killing  them.

There is no love in this lesson.

Anyone could check it up in the Old Testament.

There was a hatred developed through the ages against Israelis.

People cannot accept this kind of extreme selfishness.

Yet it is useless to hate them.

The point is in the religious doctrine itself.

Now the doctrine has become important doctrine for three religions.

The Old testament has become the source of  three religions in this world.

And the doctrine was trusted  and not doubted.

It has become the major negative influence in the whole world.

This is an extremely important issue needed to study deeply.

It is vital to the human existence in this universe.

And I need to state it clearly  here.

The problem is not in the Creator himself.

We might all be sure that there must be some Creator creating us.

To deny God is to deny the soul.

And  any sensible super Intelligence will not issue doctrines to hate.

Humans need to have a sensible mind to survive under  the lies.


Humans need to have a serious conviction of love  within their inner self.   We need to stand firm against evils.   Evils  might promise materialistic reward for us.  We need to believe that material reward is useless. It will ruin everything and lead us to the final destination of hell.

No one will kill his own loving son.

Love is above everything.

And the question remains:

What can I do?


