Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese



 Let us think......it is important

(machine translated)

The story of Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre (1823-1915) is shocking, the mystery he posed is  amazing, however,  a hundred years has lapsed,  mankind still seems to have not found the answer.  And people began to forget the issue. We shouldn't have forgotten it. 

 Fabre is a self-taught entomologist.  His research started with a tiny wasp.  He discovered a puzzling chain of facts.  Wasps themselves do not eat meat, only the sap of flowers.  However, wasp larvae eat meat.  How do wasps feed their larvae?  In fact, wasps have never seen their own larvae.  Wasps will find a small hole to lay their eggs, and then put some undead crickets, unicorns, or spiders in the hole.  Although these insects were not dead, all of them had their ganglia stinged by wasps and could not move.  Just can't move, but the body function is normal, so it can keep fresh and let the newly hatched wasp larvae eat happily.  

 It was once thought that the sting of the wasp has an antiseptic effect, so that the stinged insects can keep fresh.  However, Fabre discovered that these undead insects were only stinged by the wasps in the ganglia of the joints of the limbs, just like the acupuncture points in the martial arts novels, only the limbs could not move, but all other functions were normal.

 The question is, how can the wasp's acupuncture skills be so powerful?  

 One of the wasps' favorite foods is the kangaroo spider.  This marsupial has two important ganglia.  One directs the movement of the limbs, and the other directs the opening and closing of the fangs.  Both of them were stabbed.  As for the cricket, there are three important ganglia, and all three are hit.  The cricket could only stare blankly at itself being eaten.  

 A bit like parents who are going away.  Say to your children, "Mom and dad are going out for a few months. A cow has been reserved for you, and you can eat fresh beef every day. Don't be afraid, this cow's nervous system has been stabbed with anesthesia and won't move , your beef will be fresh and will not be rotten.....”

 What is even more strange is that the larvae of the wasp actually keep the most important part of the insect, eating only the edges of the internal organs, and save the heart part for the last to eat.  In this way, the insects may stay alive, keep the meat fresh, and keep the wasp larvae from eating to adulthood.

 In the end, where did the wasp's growth equation come from?  Where did the wasps get their secret tricks for burrowing?  Is it "evolutionary"?  Or "learning"?  If this is a gift, then why is "talent" so weird?  What is the purpose?

法布爾是否比達爾文更重要? ………………………………………………*李察 (問到底 No.7895    2010 0927        Monday)   

    法布爾(Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre, 1823-1915)的故 事,是這樣的震撼,他所提出的謎團是這樣驚人,但 是,差不多一百年過去了,人類似乎仍未找到答案。 不但沒有答案,而且,漸漸的人們開始忘記他了。 

    法布爾是自學成功的昆蟲學家。他的研究,從一 隻小小的胡蜂開始。他發現了一連串使人大惑不解的 事實。胡蜂本身是不吃肉的,只吃花朵的汁液。但是, 胡蜂的幼蟲,卻要吃肉。胡蜂怎樣餵養自己的幼蟲呢? 其實,胡蜂是從未見過自己的幼蟲的。胡蜂會找一個 小洞產卵,然後在洞裡放進一些未死的蟋蟀、獨角仙、 或者蜘蛛。這些昆蟲雖然未死,但全部都是被胡蜂刺 了神經節,動彈不得的。只是不能動,但身體機能正 常,所以,能夠保持新鮮,讓剛剛孵化的胡蜂幼蟲, 吃過痛快。 

    曾經有人以為,胡蜂的刺裡,有防腐作用,使被 刺的昆蟲,能夠保持新鮮。但是,法布爾發現了,這 些未死的昆蟲,只是肢體關節部位的神經節被胡蜂刺 中了,就好像武俠小說裡的點穴那樣,純只是肢體不 能動,但其他機能全部正常。


     胡蜂喜歡的食物之一是袋蜘蛛。這種袋蜘蛛有兩 處重要的神經節。一處指揮肢體運動,一處指揮獠牙 開合。而這兩處,全部被刺中了。至於蟋蟀,則共有 三處重要的神經節,也是三節全中了。蟋蟀只能眼白 白看著自己被吃掉。 

    有點好像要出遠門的父母。對子女說,「爸爸媽媽 要出門幾個月了。已經為你們預留了一頭牛,你們可 以天天吃新鮮牛肉了。不要怕,這牛的神經系統已經 被刺了麻醉藥,不會動,也不會腐爛的、、、」 

     而更奇怪是胡蜂的幼蟲,竟然曉會保留昆蟲的最 重要部份,只吃內臟的邊緣,把心臟部份,留到最後 才吃。這樣,昆蟲就可能保持活著,保持肉質新鮮, 讓胡蜂的幼蟲,一直從小吃到大。

     到底胡蜂這一條成長方程式,是從那裡來的?胡 蜂從何處得來點穴的神秘技巧?是「進化」得來的嗎? 還是「學習」得來?如果說,這是天賦的,那麼,為 甚麼「天賦」得如此古怪?有何用意?

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