Letters in Chinese

李察通訊 Letters in Chinese


What is the origin of the hatred between the West and the Jews?


What is the origin of the hatred between the West and the Jews?  

 ( First published 2009.6.16.)

I believe that the grievances between the West and the Jews may be due to the inner conflict between the Old and New Testaments.

This inner conflict may reflect two completely different cultural direction. 

 The Old Testament is one cultural direction, and the New Testament is another
cultural direction.

If this conjecture is correct, 
Western culture will always return to the direction of the New Testament in future .  they will give up their anti-intellectual materialistic tendencies, and they will  return to the way of love of  Jesus.

If so, the West will be in a new perspective to 
renew their  conflict with Jewish culture.  Although, this conflict may not necessarily be the source  of the Second World War, but the conflict is bound to happen.

President Obama, recently(2009) proposed a plan to renew Jews policy.  He called upon the Jews to exercise restraint.  It might be a beginning of a larger-scale cultural conflict in the future.  Those who are interested in the evolution of international culture will be watching.

From a cultural perspective, rather than a political perspective, the inherent differences of the two cultures are  worthy of study.

Some authors believe that the conflict between the two cultures began in the Middle Ages.  Samuel W. Mitcham, Jr. in "Why Hitler?"--The Genesis of the Nazi Reich pointed out that the Middle Ages was a time when witchcraft was prevalent.  Westerners at that time had a special  view of all cultures that were different from their own.
There were  great caution in  different clothes, different cultures as  a suspicious monster. And,  the Jews were  completely different from them.

Shakespeare once in the play "The Merchant of Venice",
denounces the Jews by the words  of a character: "Certainly the Jew is the very devil incarnal" 

The leader of the Protestant Church, Martin Luther,  published a pamphlet article: "Against the Jews
and their Lies” in 1543. He said: "Jews are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which
they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury....
(Jews) are our plague, our pestilence, and
our misfortune."
(Quoted from Randall L. Bytwerk, Julius Streicher (Briarcliff Manor, New York:
1983), P. 68, citing Martin H. Bertram, ed., Luther's Works (Philadelphia:1971),
Volume 47, P.275.

However,  the conflict might be from an even earlier history.

Money and interests are both external conflicts.  Are all people greedy loan sharks?  This is not intrinsic  culture
question.  Inherent problems in culture  may have occurred thousands of years ago in Old Testament times.

If we could really discern the inherent differences between the Old and New Testaments,
there will be more awareness about future cultural conflicts.


(問到底 No.7428 2009 0616 Tuesday)






  有作者以為,兩種文化的衝突,始於中世紀。Samuel W. Mitcham, Jr. 在 "Why Hitler?"-- The Genesis of the Nazi Reich 中指出,中世紀是巫術盛行的時代。那
時的西方人,對於一切與己不同的文化,都懷有極大的戒心, 不同的服飾,不同的文化,都是可疑的妖魔。而猶太人就是完全不同的。

  莎士比亞就曾在「威尼斯商人」一劇中,借一角色之口斥責猶太人:"Certainly the Jew is the very devil incarnal" (當然,猶太人就是魔鬼的化身。)

而基督新教的領袖馬丁路德也曾在一五四二年發表小冊子文章:「Against the Jewsand their Lies」(反對猶太人和他們的謊
言)又在一五四三年說過:”Jews are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no
morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us
by means of their accursed usury....(Jews)are our plague, our pestilence, and
our misfortune."
(轉引自 Randall L. Bytwerk,
Julius Streicher(Briarcliff Manor, New York: 1983), P. 68, citing Martin H. Bertram, ed., Luther's Works (Philadelphia:1971),
Volume 47, P.275.



