
Can the teeth survive alone?

 Can the teeth survive alone?


*Tortoise and the Bird

When the bird saw the tortoise, the tortoise had just slipped into a stone pit accidentally. He tried very hard to climb out, but the stone fence was taller than his body,  he can only fell upside down each time. He tried desperately to turn over with his long neck to support the body. And he fell again. 

The bird said, "Sir, can I  help you?"

The tortoise said, "Oh please, can you bring me a stepping stone? If I can step a little higher, I am sure I can climb out."

The bird said, "Oh yes, I will."

She flew immediately away to search for a stepping stone. When she came back, she spitted out a piece of small pebble the size of a sand from her beak. That was all she could carry. 

The tortoise said, "Oh, I am sorry, I ought to know a stepping stone is too heavy for you."

The bird said, "Never mind, I will go again."

The bird had flew an unknown number of times. She carried back only a small amount of sand. The tortoise tried to pile up the sand, but it was futile. The bird wanted to go again though she was very tired. 

The tortoise said, "Oh, please don't . It is too much for you. I don't want to waste your life to save me. I will try some other means to do that. "

The bird said, "You just wait a little more. I will go again."

The tortoise said, "Oh no, I will dig sand from the ground. " The tortoise used his strong beak to dig on the stone ground, the stone did loose some sand for him. However, he was bleeding heavily after a few trials. 

The bird said, "Oh no, that won't work. Let me go to find some more sand for you. "

Without waiting answer from the tortoise, the bird flew quickly away. The tortoise could only shout, "Don't, it would kill you."

When the bird flew back, the tortoise pleaded with the bird in tears. He said, "You are an angel. But I don't want to exchange my life with yours. I will not go out even you bring back a ton of sand. I shall never step on your sand."

The bird said, "You are an angel too. I will stay here together with you. "

When they were looking at each other with tearful eyes, no one can tell whether they were sad or happy. They were both trembling like some electric had shocked their minds. 

And suddenly a sparkle sprang from their eyes almost at the same time. 

The bird said, may be we will try other things. 

The turtle said, "Yes."

The bird flew again. She brought back a piece of branch. And then another piece of branch. Then another. She was building a nest near the stone wall. She brought back a large piece of foam plastic finally. 

When the turtle was out of the trap of the stone pit, both of them were in a very special ecstasy. The bird danced on the back of the turtle. 

The wise pair had became very good friends forever. 

*  The old Confucius can never get out from his trap of mind:   The tortoise is not your lover,   the tortoise is not your brother,    why help him? Isn't it too naive to die for him?

We are more than brothers, we are lips and teeth. Teeth cannot survive without lips. Its so simple yet the fools can never understand.

屈原  《天問》


上古時代,天帝見人們經常犯錯,於是命水神 共工降下洪水警告百姓。天帝的孫子鯀看到凡間洪水滔天,不忍人們流離失所,於是決心拯救蒼生。他想:天帝有一樣寶貝──「息壤」,是一種能夠生長不息的土壤。只要用息壤吸乾洪水,並堆疊成堤壩,人們不就可以安居樂業了嗎?
  鯀到天帝那裏偷取了息壤,把洪水止住了。可是天帝發現寶貝被盜,他怒極了,就命令火神 祝融把鯀殺掉,奪回剩餘的息壤,結果洪水再次泛濫起來。
  誰料水神 共工卻與禹對抗,用洪水把大地都淹沒了。禹與天下眾神合作,命大黑神龜背起息壤,而他就把息壤投向大地,疊成了許多陸地和高山。他又用神龍的尾巴劃分地界,率領人民沿界綫開闢江河,把洪水引入大海。幾經艱辛,人們終於得以重建家園。



How to beat an upper level enemy?

 9613    How to beat an upper level enemy?

The worst situation is that when you were swimming happily in a clear fish bowl and did not realize that your enemy was one level upon you.  You are  completely naked in this fish bowl,  you are a fish.   And your enemy is watching every detail of your action,  with his low-flying  satellites and  powerful AI systems.

He can shoot anytime and you are nowhere to escape.

He seems to be your upper level and you are his lower level.

Can you turn over the levels and win?

The answer is definitely yes.


You are not a fish in a fish bowl.   You are a human being.   You and your enemy are in the same level.  The difference is just he's got some better spying weapons than you do.


Situations are more or less  same with the Opium War,  when the  British were using gunboats,  and the Ching rulers thought it is impossible to fight against  gunboats.

You'll be in the upper level once you quit this thought of weakness.

There are numerous ways to beat the gunboat,  on condition that you are in the upper level.

Chapter 5 of my little book "the art of war":

The answer is in one line only:
"Seek, and you shall have it."

The worst situation is that people got failure before the real game starts. 

They have no time to ask question.

Could any people be calm and  relaxed while the war is going  on?  

Then you can raise your own question:  How can I turn up the level and beat them?

Answers are numerous.  They are waiting.



poems: 無稽世界有荒山

I have almost forgotten my old poem written several years ago:














Why not love your enemy?


Plus:   a reminder to the following old article:


Why unity with enemy cannot be achieved through smiling?

It is important not to smile with your enemy. You need a preparation of war.  Everyone is happy with the war  preparation. As this is the only means to achieve peace with your enemy.

The question is why.

It is determined by the nature of your enemy.

If you know the nature of your enemy,  you will not smile.

You can observe this in the animal behavior.  A cat will not smile with an attacking dog.  This is what I learned from observation.  I saw a cat  with half of her body lost and she was still fighting  until the dog is gone.

Please remember  we are all animals.   Your enemies are animals.  You and me are also animals. We are not yet humans.

Why we are also animals?

Because we are weak.

We are not always awared that the enemies are devil like a fox.   Unseen enemy networks are everywhere within our body.

Preparation of war is a must.  It is the start to peace.

And inner operation  is extremely important as it is more than inner safety.

It is your own health.

Your soul dominates everything.   First is your sound  intelligence to  prepare for everything,  including the worst things to happen.

You will have a perfect health if you have a strong soul.

Always love your friends and folks.  Smile with  them.

Be alerted with your enemies.


A reminder:

Some people asked:   Can't we love our enemies?

Yes, it needs a much bigger and powerful mind-network to do this.  If mental power is lacking,  all one can do is to flee or to fight. 

Smiling in disguise to cover the inner weakness is useless.  It could lead to a complete failure and be devoured by the enemy.


"Focus on accuracy"

 "Focus on accuracy"

When Sun Yat-sen 孫中山criticized 知易行難"the difficulty of putting theory into practice", he was focusing accurately. He did not take a "relative" perspective, saying that although "knowledge" is important, "action" is also indispensable. He did not say that it is the unity of "knowledge" and "action."知行合一

 Chinese characters are very profound and precise. From a relative point of view, it may seem very "balanced," but in reality, it is just "muddling along,"和稀泥 it is "nonsense,"扯淡,  it is not seeing the point, it is not getting to the bottom of things, it is not scratching the itch.

Because the basic feature of Confucianism is to emphasize obedience, believing that knowledge is insignificant, as long as one follows the will of the elders. 

So Wang Yangming's 王陽明 Confucian ethics maintains that "knowledge is easy, action is difficult,"  his meaning is very clear: "knowledge is  easy,  it needs just memorize and practice." When all the "mud" has been "muddled," the truth will never be understood. And this is the meaning of "knowledge is easy but action is difficult." 知易行難

The relativist perspective was popular in the last century. It was believed to be "objective."  However, this kind of thinking blurs the truth and confuses right from wrong. Both parties end up being bound, each receiving thirty lashes. Who is true, who is false? There is no need to take it too seriously.

Furthermore, there is one more point. Some people are promoting  "integration of knowledge and action"知行合一. In fact, this is biased towards a moral perspective. It means "to obey and practice when you are told"

 Knowledge has always been integrated with practice. For example, when you create a blueprint and build a house, isn't the blueprint and the house integrated? Do you still need to promote it dramatically?

When you find the technology, clarify the plan, secure funding, find talent, the house will be built.

Knowledge comes first. Wisdom is even higher than knowledge. Knowledge can create a nuclear bomb, but wisdom is needed to control it.

Sun Yat-sen was a genius. He hit the nail on the head when he proposed that "knowledge is difficult, action is easy."知難行易

Please do not muddle along. It will harm yourself and be of no benefit.

Postscript (2024):

"Focusing on accuracy" is very important. The "absolute perspective" mentioned in the old text is flawed. It has been corrected as stated above.






此外,尚有一點: 有些人極力提倡「知行合一」,其實意思只是: 「知道了儒家教訓,就要遵從。」








(問到底 No.6789 2007 0915 Saturday)


The world is not free anymore


The most dangerous part about the AI is not that it can spy on every single human in the planet.

Numerous low-flying satellites are capturing  details of anyone.  The details could be a light wave or even sound wave.  Your lip movements can be translated instantly. They knew where you are going by calculation.

The most dangerous part is that it can detect  relations of humans.

A complete detail of the world is drawn.

What is the significant meaning of this?

It means the world is not free.

It means every country is vulnerable.

It means weakness.

It means who holds stronger AI is the stronger power.

Relations are more important than identifying photos.

They knew who is who,  they knew who is going together with who.

There is a structural detail of any country in the eyes of the AI holder.

They can listen to not only a few telephones but a lot,  may be all.  

No one can escape even he had threw away his mobile.

The satellites are like the bugs in your hair,  you can go nowhere without being detected by your own hair.

And they can detect your relation.

They knew how you are organized.

A single dominant power will be on the head of everyone.

What can the world people do?

That is why countries are chasing after the knowledge of AI.

But a stronger AI cannot help you avoid being watched.

Maybe the world can be united together.

Maybe the world will know that  the power of the mind is still there.

It is the only way for them to seek survival.

They need to share views on religions, philosophies and mind matters.

Those have been a taboo in all foreign affairs.


But now the situation have changed.

If they do not share their inner thoughts,  they cannot escape the fate of destruction....killed one by one.

Color revolutions have killed many leaders.

It is because they do not have friends.  

No one will help them.


Why the supernatural needs to be


Why the supernatural needs to be acknowledged?

Suppose you can fly. 

Suppose you can fly in unlimited speed. 

Suppose you can fly deep into the universe.  

Suppose you want to find the edge of the universe. 

Suppose you came to such a place so far that you thought it must be the edge of the universe and you look outside.

And then you realize that the universe has got no edge. 

 There is no end for your journey.  

You can fly into the outside of the universe, but there is no outside.  Because you're still in the universe.

It is an unimaginable feeling.

The universe has filled up all the spaces.  And there is no outside for the space.

Now you can sit down on the universe and think.

This is a space of no boundary.

There is no door in this imagine wall of the universe.

There is no limit, no wall, no nothing.  There is no outside.

It is all inside.

There is no upper floor above your head.

And there is no lower floor under your feet......

Maybe you will try to locate the center of the universe.

And there is no center in the universe.

You can travel as far as you can. But there is no end.

If there is no end, there must be no beginning. And there will not be any centre point in this universe.

You can only say we are "in" the universe.

And you can never locate your exact location in the universe.

Where are we?

We are in the planet earth.

Where are our planet earth?

We are in the  Galaxy of so and so.

Where's the Galaxy of so and so?

It is in the area of so and so....

And there is no end of this places, if humans are able to measure a few of them.

Therefore, the question "where are we" cannot be answered.

And you may wonder why I need to know where are we. 

If a correct location is given to you, are you satisfied?

No.   Because you know there will not be any correct location in this universe until you can locate the  boundary of this universe.

If I do not need to know my location and I am living very well,  then, what am I living for?

Now we are coming back to the same old questions:-

Where are we?

What are we?

Where are we going?

And,  more importantly,

What is our fate?

All questions are better related if you know that

1.  There is no outside of this universe.

2.   There is no ending of this universe.

3.   There is no beginning of this universe.

  (And life is the same:  )

4.   There is no beginning and ending of life.

5.    Life is forever.

What am I going to do? If life is never ending?

The answer is simple.

You can choose.

Although there is a fate for you.

But still you can choose anything under your fate.

And  we cannot forget about the supernatural.

Do I still have a free will under the supernatural?

And the answer must be  positively yes.

Yes, we are free.

On condition that we can think.


How would you deal with the Unknown?


How would you deal with the Unknown?

1. Continuity in Oneness

There is no beginning.

There is no ending.

There is no outside for our Universe.

There must be an inside for everything.

This is the idea of  "one".  

We are one.

Life has no ending. Life has no beginning.

Since there is no beginning,  therefore,  there must be no ending.

We will all be coming back because life is not ending.

No one knows how we come back.   We don't know the pattern and the form of our next life.

Dying is only a concept.  Actually it is transformation.


2. Unknown Intelligence

Our relation with the Unknown Super-Nature  is not clear.  But the relation is certain.

We can only guess that it must be a higher form of intelligence.

Humans build houses with bricks.

But we don't know how our bodies are built.

There must be some kind of computer or command center within or above our body. But we don't know what it is or where it is.

We don't know how wise is the Unknown Intelligence.

It is a comfort for everyone  that  AI can never beat the UI  (Unknown Intelligence).

AI can never bring an end to our Universe nor the life itself.

It might be more than one level upon us.  The levels upon us are not known.

We use numbers to build our world.

But the Supernatural Unknown never use numbers, nor straight lines.

3.  Mind Connection

We are not using our eyes to see.

We are not using our mouths to talk.

We are not using our ears to hear.

We are using our minds to communicate.

Not everyone can communicate with their minds,  but the honest ones.

Honest minds can communicate and foresee.

Minds can communicate with each other.

Its possible for minds to communicate with the Unknown.

Its possibe for the Unknown to listen or even help.

Miracles can be true sometimes.  

Miracles cannot be depended on always.

Miracles are not necessarily related with religious humans, nor dogmas.

4. Honest

We must be honest.

Ancient cultures used to lie.

Lying is an effective means to rule.

Ancient lies had created unsolvable problems in our planet.

And the hope for our future is honest.
