
"Focus on accuracy"

 "Focus on accuracy"

When Sun Yat-sen 孫中山criticized 知易行難"the difficulty of putting theory into practice", he was focusing accurately. He did not take a "relative" perspective, saying that although "knowledge" is important, "action" is also indispensable. He did not say that it is the unity of "knowledge" and "action."知行合一

 Chinese characters are very profound and precise. From a relative point of view, it may seem very "balanced," but in reality, it is just "muddling along,"和稀泥 it is "nonsense,"扯淡,  it is not seeing the point, it is not getting to the bottom of things, it is not scratching the itch.

Because the basic feature of Confucianism is to emphasize obedience, believing that knowledge is insignificant, as long as one follows the will of the elders. 

So Wang Yangming's 王陽明 Confucian ethics maintains that "knowledge is easy, action is difficult,"  his meaning is very clear: "knowledge is  easy,  it needs just memorize and practice." When all the "mud" has been "muddled," the truth will never be understood. And this is the meaning of "knowledge is easy but action is difficult." 知易行難

The relativist perspective was popular in the last century. It was believed to be "objective."  However, this kind of thinking blurs the truth and confuses right from wrong. Both parties end up being bound, each receiving thirty lashes. Who is true, who is false? There is no need to take it too seriously.

Furthermore, there is one more point. Some people are promoting  "integration of knowledge and action"知行合一. In fact, this is biased towards a moral perspective. It means "to obey and practice when you are told"

 Knowledge has always been integrated with practice. For example, when you create a blueprint and build a house, isn't the blueprint and the house integrated? Do you still need to promote it dramatically?

When you find the technology, clarify the plan, secure funding, find talent, the house will be built.

Knowledge comes first. Wisdom is even higher than knowledge. Knowledge can create a nuclear bomb, but wisdom is needed to control it.

Sun Yat-sen was a genius. He hit the nail on the head when he proposed that "knowledge is difficult, action is easy."知難行易

Please do not muddle along. It will harm yourself and be of no benefit.

Postscript (2024):

"Focusing on accuracy" is very important. The "absolute perspective" mentioned in the old text is flawed. It has been corrected as stated above.






此外,尚有一點: 有些人極力提倡「知行合一」,其實意思只是: 「知道了儒家教訓,就要遵從。」








(問到底 No.6789 2007 0915 Saturday)

