
Why not love your enemy?


Plus:   a reminder to the following old article:


Why unity with enemy cannot be achieved through smiling?

It is important not to smile with your enemy. You need a preparation of war.  Everyone is happy with the war  preparation. As this is the only means to achieve peace with your enemy.

The question is why.

It is determined by the nature of your enemy.

If you know the nature of your enemy,  you will not smile.

You can observe this in the animal behavior.  A cat will not smile with an attacking dog.  This is what I learned from observation.  I saw a cat  with half of her body lost and she was still fighting  until the dog is gone.

Please remember  we are all animals.   Your enemies are animals.  You and me are also animals. We are not yet humans.

Why we are also animals?

Because we are weak.

We are not always awared that the enemies are devil like a fox.   Unseen enemy networks are everywhere within our body.

Preparation of war is a must.  It is the start to peace.

And inner operation  is extremely important as it is more than inner safety.

It is your own health.

Your soul dominates everything.   First is your sound  intelligence to  prepare for everything,  including the worst things to happen.

You will have a perfect health if you have a strong soul.

Always love your friends and folks.  Smile with  them.

Be alerted with your enemies.


A reminder:

Some people asked:   Can't we love our enemies?

Yes, it needs a much bigger and powerful mind-network to do this.  If mental power is lacking,  all one can do is to flee or to fight. 

Smiling in disguise to cover the inner weakness is useless.  It could lead to a complete failure and be devoured by the enemy.

