
How would you deal with the Unknown?


How would you deal with the Unknown?

1. Continuity in Oneness

There is no beginning.

There is no ending.

There is no outside for our Universe.

There must be an inside for everything.

This is the idea of  "one".  

We are one.

Life has no ending. Life has no beginning.

Since there is no beginning,  therefore,  there must be no ending.

We will all be coming back because life is not ending.

No one knows how we come back.   We don't know the pattern and the form of our next life.

Dying is only a concept.  Actually it is transformation.


2. Unknown Intelligence

Our relation with the Unknown Super-Nature  is not clear.  But the relation is certain.

We can only guess that it must be a higher form of intelligence.

Humans build houses with bricks.

But we don't know how our bodies are built.

There must be some kind of computer or command center within or above our body. But we don't know what it is or where it is.

We don't know how wise is the Unknown Intelligence.

It is a comfort for everyone  that  AI can never beat the UI  (Unknown Intelligence).

AI can never bring an end to our Universe nor the life itself.

It might be more than one level upon us.  The levels upon us are not known.

We use numbers to build our world.

But the Supernatural Unknown never use numbers, nor straight lines.

3.  Mind Connection

We are not using our eyes to see.

We are not using our mouths to talk.

We are not using our ears to hear.

We are using our minds to communicate.

Not everyone can communicate with their minds,  but the honest ones.

Honest minds can communicate and foresee.

Minds can communicate with each other.

Its possible for minds to communicate with the Unknown.

Its possibe for the Unknown to listen or even help.

Miracles can be true sometimes.  

Miracles cannot be depended on always.

Miracles are not necessarily related with religious humans, nor dogmas.

4. Honest

We must be honest.

Ancient cultures used to lie.

Lying is an effective means to rule.

Ancient lies had created unsolvable problems in our planet.

And the hope for our future is honest.


