
Why should I be here?


This is a question of importance.

This is a question that can lead the Chinese from the usage of science into the science itself.

What is science?

Some would say science is money.

And they could never reach science.

Maybe they can earn some temporary money.  But the money will be gone sooner or later if they know only the using of science provided by textbooks.

Yet  science is simple.

You only need to know how to ask questions.

But many people refuse to ask questions like this.

" Why should I be here? "........ This is a dangerous question for them.  Lots of people consider this is a question for maniacs.

But this is the question of the beginning of science and it is too naive for experts and specialists and highly  qualified people.

They are all outsiders of science if they refuse to ask this question, maybe they have their own answers already.

They would never be the follower of Galileo or  Newton, not to mention Kua Fu 夸父.

" Why" is a simple word.

But it is never easy.

It is the direction of culture, and,  more importantly, the meaning.


