
What is the inner meaning of the Yugoslavia bombing by the US?



What is the inner meaning?

The first  Communist country USSR was dissolved in 1991.

The next Communist country Yugoslavia was defeated in 1999.

The Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed at the same time. 

It is the result of the East and West conflict since the  Opium war in 1840 when the East was badly robbed and injured  by the West.

The conflict has been started.

USSR, Yogoslavia,  and in the  psychological hopes of some people:  China,  will be eliminated to protect the sole interest of the US.

That's why they send a special plane to bomb the Embassy of China at the height of their bombing excitement.

This inner conflict has not been stopped since.

Seen and unseen powers were pushing towards this end without stopping.

The external result of the bombing was academic.

Some people thought that an unmanned war was possible. 

They could win the war without sending land soldiers.

But the inner meaning of the academic result was never disclosed:

That a soft and unseen war was also possible.  

They could win the war without sending soldiers to have a "regime change".


Yugoslavia was bombed for 78 days. Any one with a feeling will be shocked by such barbaric action.

There is a strange reason for bombing if you search AI.

 AI engine would tell you that NATO are helping Kosovo to split from Yugoslavia as there was ethnic cleansing going on.

And you will wonder why they are not helping the Gaza people when the ethnic cleansing was real.



