
What makes China?


Why China is growing so fast?

Even the Europeans themselves cannot deny that China is growing quicker than many other Western countries.

It seems China has mastered using Western science and technology.

Yes they have mastered the usage of Western technology, though they have not mastered the Western science itself.

I hope the difference is not to be neglected.

They can use Western technology, yet they have not totally melted into the science.

They have not been following the paths of  Galileo, Newton and Einstein. 

However,  the ability in mastering Western technology is enough to make them rich.

They will be great if they can also master the science itself in the future.

And the question remains:

Why other countries cannot be so fast as the Chinese?

That is because they are mostly right-brainers.

They can leap over the complicated left-brain logic steps and quickly know how to do it via their right-brains.

And the right brain is better handled through the Chinese language.

That's why they can make better electronic vehicles, and even hydrogen powered buses.

And the next question is: how can the Chinese be failed?

Yes, they are good in making cars,  but they are weak in handling their own mind.

They are weak in handling internal affairs.

The war is fighting from within.

It is an unseen political war.

Western politicians are shouting loudly that they need regime change in Russia and Iran.

Will they kindly spare China?

Or,  the internal powers are already in the hands of the West?


