
Will there be good news in the next few months?

 9321 Will there be good news in the next few months? 20211123

There is a concern among the US investors these days that the interest rates will not be very useful to fight against the coming stagflation.  

Figures are frightening. Inflation seems uncontrollable. 

The total situation will be turning downwards in a couple of months if prices keep going up and no measure is taken to beat them. Stagflation seems obvious. 

However, the case should be seen from the other side. 

Global economy will be going up in the next few years, due to the peaceful encounter of the US and China. Can the markets wait for a few years more? When every one is expecting a change in a few months not a few years.  

The answers are positive. Its because, most of the prices are under influence from the Trump administration and it is the main reason of inflation. Once the tariffs are gone, prices will drop magically. It is not only a problem of prices. Its a matter of direction. If the direction is changed, moods will follow. When everyone is happy, there will be a bloom. 


What will happen in the next few years?

 9320 What will happen in the next few years?20211122

It will happen within months, if every thing is smooth.  Global economy will be up again. And it will not need a very long time, 3 years at most, US economy will be going up in a speed no one can expect. And of course, China economy will be same. 

The change is due to the peaceful encounter of US and China. When the two countries are in good mood working together, everything will be fine for all the world. 

And it is the only way out for the whole world. 

All the brains will be activated and numerous inventions will be helping the world people to get away from the virus threat and more importantly, every country can have a better chance to build their own economy. 

Fighters will not see the scenery in the boxing wing. Once they have stopped fighting, they will have a better view about future and the grand Universe. Co-ordination and true communication will be built only in a mood of trust. 

And mutual trust is not easy. It needs lots of hard work and patience. 

However, economy will be going up even if people do not trust each other. 

Good time will be here if they stop fighting. And better time will soon arrive if people can trust each other. This is the most difficult part and I am not sure if it will happen within the next one hundred years, however, we need to remain positive to be certain that humans are wise enough to have a resolution to learn to trust each other. 

Good days are coming very soon. 


I am happy yet worried

 I am happy yet worried with my two guitars.  One voice, two guitars. Can I have some good music?


How do we observe the planet?

 9319 How do we observe the planet 20211113

Some times you only need to see a little bird, and then you will see the whole planet.  Swallows are seen less in Hong Kong these years. This is the observation from the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. They count the birds and their nests from all over the island and had found the swallows are less in the previous several years. 

It seems to be not a good news, however, we need to have a faith about the planet and trust that the planet would have a healing and growing ability and the effort of one species like humans on earth cannot and will not be able to destroy the planet. 

Swallows come and go. And even the butterflies are also coming and going. Some of the butterflies can travel around the earth and seem to be more efficient fliers then the human airplanes. Can't you believe a butterfly can fly better then a huge plane? Yet it is true. And of course the swallows can fly better also. We are in a lower level of thinking ability, if compare with the planet. We have a name for such lower level situation: "unimaginable". Because it is out of our thinking ability and if one can admit it and the openning holes would always be there for such person. You cannot even to imagine it even in your dream.  However, we have the heart to prepare ourselves, just to observe and think more clearly. We can fly through the holes. 

What are we going to do then?

The most important thing is to stop fighting and start observing. The scenery is so beautiful not to be missed. 

Relax a little and discover a lot. 


What is the intention to release Meng Wang Zhou?

 9318 What is the intention to release Meng Wang Zhou 20211106

I do hope that the intention is not only to release a chaptured woman, but to release a kind of good will, which might be explained as the most important change in the American heart. One can expect that not all the policies are out of calculation, but the most important one must be coming through a heart. 

The serious question is how can humans deal with the coming difficulties. If the powers are all busy at fighting with each other, problems like global warming are but a small scale incident, and more serious one would be in the economic field. If one of the countries suddenly found unsolvable problems in their books then all of us will suffer.The problems might be in the finance books, not in the atmosphere. 

Fighters in the boxing wing would never have time to see the scenery outside. Only those with a heart can feel the difference. 

Problems would not be only carbon emissions or virus out-breaks. It came from the Industrial revolution hundreds of years ago. Humans have only one set of science to manage the whole world. Can we have another set of  science to march into the future? 

That need the total effort of all humans working together and helping each other. As long as people are fighting, there will be no improvement. Humans need to co-operate not to fight. 

Why is Meng released?  One can see the shadow of one American heart whose name is Beau Biden. And if that is true, the case could be the most significant change in American history.  



Why did Boris Johnson insist on the Doomsday concept?


Please refer to my older article as the following,  actually it was only posted recently:

9301  What is the basic attitude of life in Chinese civilization? 

(2021 .7 .28)

There is no such concept as a “Doomsday” or a “Last Judgement” in the thoughts of the Chinese Civilization. They have never thought of an end of all mankind. In the Chinese concept, to grow is the greatest virtue of the Universe.  Growing is an unending process which will carry on without end. 

Chinese civilization is different from the West. Most of the Western religions believe that there is an end of the world. Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim have similar concepts about the end and a final judgement.  The first concept was from the Zoroastrians. They were from the Persian empire when Zoroastrianism was first developed. And the thought about the end of the world spread around the world since. They all believed that the world and the human race was created by a God and will be destroyed by the same God. ( please note: a “God” is not the same as a “Creator” in Chinese culture.)

There is an unexpected result of this doomsday concept. That meant there was no future for human race. 

One of the most imminent and direct result is that humans will not have a sense of hope. They would seek material comfort instead. Money is the only shorter term of safety for them. 

And this thought is the basic problem of the Western minds. It is more than any other harm to the minds. 

Central problem of the West is that each and every people is a “self”. There will not be any guarantee for the single units in the society. And the world is going to nowhere.  There will be no comfort for anyone. The lucky ones will have a family, yet families will be broken sooner or later when the time is passed. Anyone will be a lonely self when the final destruction comes. Human race will not be a comfort for them as they believe humans will be destroyed soon. And it needs not a religious people to believe that. Even the non-religious people cannot avoid this common believe when the scientists keep warning of a global warming or other mishaps which is bound to happen. It is darkness over the heads of Western people.

One of the symbols will be the street sleepers in major United States cities. They have some money from the Government and they are not hungry yet they have no homes and have to sleep on the streets. There are no sense of safety or happiness for them. They are the grey clouds of the Western capitalism. 


Capitalism is a system of  “self”.  Capitalism is composed of single units.  A sense of individual self is basic mindset of the West.  Yet it is very satirical to see similar pictures in China.  One of the forums run by the Chinese science people name their forums “SELF”, just to promote a sense of “self-respect” like the Beijing University people. (please refer to the attached photos)

Basic attitude of life in Chinese civilization is to grow, they do not believe in doomsdays, and they are choosing a cooperative way to organize their society. Socialism is a form of mutual help and love. 

And to grow means to evolve. The course of evolution will be a long and unending process. Humans will have a bright future. It’s a picture beyond imagination. A new revelation will be ahead of our time and tell us what the future will be. And that meant hope. Hope is real when people started to give up selfish thoughts and started to think about working together and loving each other.  And we will get over the shadows of selfish “selfs”. 

* A note from the writer:

Humans are facing a problem of the warming weather, and we need to think.  We are pushed to work together and love each other. It is pointless to insist on the wrong concept of a "Doomsday", which is harmful. And evolution is not limited to the external build up of the bodies, but also our souls. We are growing very fast and  internal links do appear in human minds. We will have a bright and successful future. Any English thinkers could not have forgotten about Charles Darwin and his theory of Evolution, which is also in the process of evolving.  (2021.9.02)
