
Will there be good news in the next few months?

 9321 Will there be good news in the next few months? 20211123

There is a concern among the US investors these days that the interest rates will not be very useful to fight against the coming stagflation.  

Figures are frightening. Inflation seems uncontrollable. 

The total situation will be turning downwards in a couple of months if prices keep going up and no measure is taken to beat them. Stagflation seems obvious. 

However, the case should be seen from the other side. 

Global economy will be going up in the next few years, due to the peaceful encounter of the US and China. Can the markets wait for a few years more? When every one is expecting a change in a few months not a few years.  

The answers are positive. Its because, most of the prices are under influence from the Trump administration and it is the main reason of inflation. Once the tariffs are gone, prices will drop magically. It is not only a problem of prices. Its a matter of direction. If the direction is changed, moods will follow. When everyone is happy, there will be a bloom. 

