
What will happen in the next few years?

 9320 What will happen in the next few years?20211122

It will happen within months, if every thing is smooth.  Global economy will be up again. And it will not need a very long time, 3 years at most, US economy will be going up in a speed no one can expect. And of course, China economy will be same. 

The change is due to the peaceful encounter of US and China. When the two countries are in good mood working together, everything will be fine for all the world. 

And it is the only way out for the whole world. 

All the brains will be activated and numerous inventions will be helping the world people to get away from the virus threat and more importantly, every country can have a better chance to build their own economy. 

Fighters will not see the scenery in the boxing wing. Once they have stopped fighting, they will have a better view about future and the grand Universe. Co-ordination and true communication will be built only in a mood of trust. 

And mutual trust is not easy. It needs lots of hard work and patience. 

However, economy will be going up even if people do not trust each other. 

Good time will be here if they stop fighting. And better time will soon arrive if people can trust each other. This is the most difficult part and I am not sure if it will happen within the next one hundred years, however, we need to remain positive to be certain that humans are wise enough to have a resolution to learn to trust each other. 

Good days are coming very soon. 

