
How do we observe the planet?

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Some times you only need to see a little bird, and then you will see the whole planet.  Swallows are seen less in Hong Kong these years. This is the observation from the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. They count the birds and their nests from all over the island and had found the swallows are less in the previous several years. 

It seems to be not a good news, however, we need to have a faith about the planet and trust that the planet would have a healing and growing ability and the effort of one species like humans on earth cannot and will not be able to destroy the planet. 

Swallows come and go. And even the butterflies are also coming and going. Some of the butterflies can travel around the earth and seem to be more efficient fliers then the human airplanes. Can't you believe a butterfly can fly better then a huge plane? Yet it is true. And of course the swallows can fly better also. We are in a lower level of thinking ability, if compare with the planet. We have a name for such lower level situation: "unimaginable". Because it is out of our thinking ability and if one can admit it and the openning holes would always be there for such person. You cannot even to imagine it even in your dream.  However, we have the heart to prepare ourselves, just to observe and think more clearly. We can fly through the holes. 

What are we going to do then?

The most important thing is to stop fighting and start observing. The scenery is so beautiful not to be missed. 

Relax a little and discover a lot. 

