
How do paradigms shift?

How do paradigms shift?
(Quest No.8232e     2011 0831 Wednesday)    
  I wonder, how many people know paradigm. And, how many will care to “shift” their paradigm?

Actually, this is a rather old term, may be more then 20 years. And I have been using it many times. Some times, I would use another term to replace it, I would rather say, “Thinking network” instead of “paradigms”

However, people still do not understand. May be it is not a daily use term, so people are not accustomed to it.

Why the term is not in the daily usage stock?

It is because, people are not aware that by shifting the paradigms, problems of economics will be solved. The approach towards knowledge will be changed then, and new insights will appear.

The first problem for paradigm is: What is “thinking”?

The old understanding is that, thoughts are in a line. For example, you first invented the locomotive, then a few years later, you invented the motor car, then the air plane, then the telephone, then the phonograph, etc. Items would come up one by one.
We believe we will be smarter in the line’s end.

However, the paradigm is not a line, it is a whole set of concepts and other elements. People are using whole sets of concept to think. We need not only one concept, but a whole set of concepts, ideas, feelings, etc.

I would say, a paradigm is a thinking network. The network is composed with millions of “concepts” and other elements. People in the same concept will think in more or less the same pattern. They will not have the same ideas always, but their thinking pattern will be similar.

People will like to compare the concept sets of some scientists, like Aristotle, Newton, Einstein and Stephen Hawking. But viewing angles could be philosophical. I think more influential were Moses, Jesus, Friedrich Nietzsche and Albert Camus.

In the time of Moses, major mindsets were law and retaliation. In Jesus, love. Jesus had brought in love as a general accepted way of life. But later philosophers like Nietzsche refused to believe there is God, they think life is meaningless and absurd, and they had brought materialism back to the modern world.

Once people think life is meaningless, they would seek secular pleasure instead of the comfort of the soul. No one can deny love, but they can forget love. In seeking secular pleasure, sets of concept will be changed again. In fact, people had not only forgotten love, but truth also. Curiosity, or the general desire of seeking knowledge had been reduced to the minimum. In the times of Benjamin Franklin, people are so eager to learn, they not only read, but do experiments always. But in the modern times, especially in Asia and Hong Kong, you can feel the difference immediately.

Mindsets are gradually changed in time.

It could be seen on people’s actions. For example, the actions against another family member:
Will they love their spouse? Do they have a life time commitment towards their children and spouse? Will they promise to their children, they can have their parents with them always?

And this is rather obvious paradigm shift, People had changed their minds in a certain among of time. Every body will say, it was not like that in the “old times”.

To compare with some not so obvious matters, paradigm can be shifted towards ignorance.

When people do not think knowledge is important, every thing could be found in the internet, you only need to type your question and answers will appear, and curiosity, or the desire of knowledge itself is disappeared.

Secular pleasure, tabloids, sensational ads, sex movies, all this can lead to a completely closed paradigm.

It is this approach towards knowledge locked our paradigms. We can not see things in a new light. And economics downturn is coming soon.

To shift into a new paradigm, first, we need to unlock ourselves.

Enquiry 852- 2559-4690

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