
What is the most important issue?

Almost all the information is contained in this article. Not only is the political atmosphere clear, but even the underlying issue has emerged vividly. Normally, this kind of issue is not spoken of and is rarely acknowledged. However, with the current atmosphere, it forces you to accept it.

What is the most important issue?

Is it that university presidents were forced to resign?(a total of five) Is it that private online chats among several deans were unexpectedly discovered? With just one phrase—"Amazing is what $$$$ can do"—these deans were caught, compelled to take leave, and ultimately dismissed.

There is also the power to summon anyone for hearings at any time, where the inquiry is not about any wrongdoing but solely about your thoughts. Not even your thoughts, but merely the "tendencies" of your thoughts.


Please note, the above is not the key point. The above is not important.

The key point is a matter of a thousand times greater importance.

This one monumental issue is far more significant than any other major international incident.

The entire global situation has already been turned upside down by this issue.

What issue?

That is: the secret powers controlled by Israeli consortiums have completely taken over the United States. Where the U.S. is heading has been clearly and definitively confirmed.

What direction?

To sever China's branches(Iran, Russia, etc.) piece by piece, stripping away its leaves(writers, artists,singers) and peeling off its soul(eating drinking playing and sex). Economic warfare comes first, with localized conflicts and wars running parallel, and the ultimate goal—

if you don’t believe it, that’s fine. 

Because you will no longer exist.

差不多所有的信息都在這篇文章裡面了。 不僅是政治氣氛,連潛在的真相都非常清楚的跳出來了。平常這種真相是沒有人說也不敢說的。但現在憑著這種氣氛的呈現,它會逼你接受的。




但是 - - - -





那就是: 以色列財團所控制的秘密力量,己經完全掌握了美國。美國所行的方向,己經明確鐵定了。




